Blizzard Blue Post:
- Phial of Serenity (Kyrian Ability) and healing potions no longer reset the melee swing timer.
- Some area-of-effect abilities are no longer maximum target capped and instead deal reduced damage beyond 5 or 8 targets. Abilities affected are listed in their class sections.
Developers' note: With the launch of Shadowlands, we reduced the maximum number of targets that several abilities could hit specifically to address a few gameplay problems related to pulling a large number of enemies in dungeons. Our intention was to reduce the effectiveness of burst AOE buttons against large target counts (i.e. 15-20 enemies) while also increasing their effectiveness against fewer targets (e.g. 3-5 enemies) and communicating that strength clearly in the tooltips. The abilities that remained “uncapped” were generally ones that offered lower damage over a longer period of time (e.g. Blizzard or Consecration). Along with other changes, we set out to move away from “pull as many enemies as possible, use all your cooldowns and delete them” as the predominant strategy across various forms of content.
We’ve received a lot of feedback that these abilities not hitting enemies in their range in any way creates a feel problem for WoW combat but is also an issue for trivial encounters like farming legacy content. For many of the abilities that underwent the change from uncapped to a strict target cap in Shadowlands, we’re converting the damage to be reduced beyond 5 or 8 targets (e.g. the ability will deal full damage against 5 targets, then reduced damage to each additional target beyond 5). This means that while the overall damage done by the ability increases with the number of targets, the individual damage done to each target will decrease. This solution means these abilities and their relative classes will still have a very strong niche against small packs of enemies.
- The following area-of-effect abilities are no longer maximum target capped and now deal reduced damage beyond 5 targets:
- Abomination Limb (Necrolord Ability)
- Frostscythe (Frost)
- The following area-of-effect abilities are no longer maximum target capped and now deal reduced damage beyond 8 targets:
- Sacrificial Pact
- Consumption (Blood)
- Bonestorm (Blood)
- Bursting Sores (Unholy)
- Reanimated Shambler (Runecarving Power)
- Shackle the Unworthy (Kyrian Ability) damage reduced by 10%, but now has a 100% chance to spread to nearby enemies when triggered (was 50%).
- Fixed an issue that prevented Shackle the Unworthy (Kyrian Ability) from spreading to enemies behind the Death Knight.
- Abomination's Frenzy (Necrolord Runecarving Power) now applies its 10% damage increase to all enemies damaged by Abomination Limb (was enemies pulled by Abomination Limb).
- Withering Ground (Night Fae Conduit) effect increased by 50%.
- Impenetrable Gloom (Venthyr Conduit) damage effect increased by 50%.
- Consumption (Talent) now deals 60% more damage.
- Debilitating Malady (Conduit) effect increased by 600%.
- Unholy Assault’s (Talent) global cooldown (GCD) is now correctly reduced by Haste.
- The following area-of-effect abilities are no longer maximum target capped and now deal reduced damage beyond 5 targets:
- The following area-of-effect abilities are no longer maximum target capped and now deal reduced damage beyond 5 targets:
- Blade Dance (Havoc)
- Glaive Tempest (Havoc)
- Soul Cleave (Vengeance)
- Spirit Bomb (Vengeance) – previously was soft-capped at 20 targets.
- The following area-of-effect abilities are no longer maximum target capped and now deal reduced damage beyond 8 targets:
- Fel Barrage (Havoc)
- Sinful Brand (Venthyr Ability) cooldown has been reduced to 45 seconds (was 1 minute).
- The Hunt's (Night Fae Ability) effect can now be removed with player immunities.
- Blind Faith (Kyrian Runecarving Power) now grants 1% Versatility (was 1% Mastery) and 10 Fury when a Lesser Soul Fragment is consumed while Blind Faith is active.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Lost in Darkness (Conduit) from improving with higher conduit ranks.
- Dancing with Fate (Conduit) damage effect increased by 300%.
- Fixed an issue where the Dancing with Fate conduit did not increase the damage of the final slash from Death Sweep.
- The Demon summoned from Fodder to the Flame (Necrolord Ability) no longer scales off the 50% maximum health increase from Metamorphosis.
- The following area-of-effect abilities are no longer maximum target capped and now deal reduced damage beyond 5 targets:
- Discover 4 new Travel Form appearances with 2 color variations each.
- The following area-of-effect abilities are no longer maximum target capped and now deal reduced damage beyond 5 targets:
- Swipe
- Brutal Slash (Feral)
- The Well-Honed Instincts conduit is now categorized for all specs (was Guardian only).
- Adaptive Swarm (Necrolord Ability) jump range has been increased to 50 yards (was 25 yards) and will now jump to a friendly target if it expires on a friendly target and there are no valid hostile targets within 50 yards.
- Fixed an issue where the Well Fed effect from Born Anew (Conduit) was not increased with the Epicurean racial ability when casting Rebirth on a Pandaren.
- Adaptive Swarm (Necrolord Ability) will now gain a damage bonus for its initial duration when cast during Tiger’s Fury.
- Fixed an issue that prevented certain ranks of the Carnivorous Instinct conduit from improving auto-attack and periodic damage while Tiger's Fury's damage bonus is active.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Carnivorous Instinct conduit from affecting the damage over time of Thrash and Feral Frenzy.
- Efflorescence now has a new visual. For those who enjoy the previous visual, Glyph of the Wild Mushroom is available to return the spell to its fungi appearance.
- Aquilons, Corspeflies, and Gromits are now tameable as pets.
- The following area-of-effect abilities are no longer maximum target capped and now deal reduced damage beyond 5 targets:
- Beast Cleave (Beast Mastery)
- Multi-Shot (Beast Mastery and Marksmanship)
- Explosive Shot (Marksmanship)
- Carve (Survival)
- Butchery (Survival)
- Soulforge Embers (Runecarving Power)
- The following area-of-effect abilities are no longer maximum target capped and instead deal reduced damage beyond 8 targets:
- Barrage (Beast Mastery and Marksmanship)
- Freezing Trap now removes active Murder of Crows debuffs on the target when it is applied.
- Death Chakram (Necrolord Ability) now also increases all physical damage done by you and your pet to the targets damaged by 10% for 10 seconds.
- Flayed Shot (Venthyr Ability) now deals an additional hit of damage when cast. This damage also has 15% chance (increased with Empowered Release Conduit) to reset the cooldown of Kill Shot.
- Bestial Wrath’s tooltip has been updated to better match its functionality. No functional change has been made to Bestial Wrath.
- Fixed an issue that caused Marksman’s Advantage (Conduit) to remove stealth from targets when Hunter’s Mark was cast.
- Fixed an issue that caused a player’s Marksman’s Advantage (Conduit) to be removed from targets when another Hunter applied Hunter’s Mark with the Marksman’s Advantage conduit.
- Fixed an issue that caused Coordinated Assault to require line-of-sight to your Hunter pet.
- The following area-of-effect abilities are no longer maximum target capped and now deal reduced damage beyond 5 targets:
- Glacial Fragments (Runecarving Power)
- The following area-of-effect abilities are no longer maximum target capped and instead deal reduced damage beyond 8 targets:
- Arcane Echo (Arcane)
- Frozen Orb (Frost)
- Gift of the Lich (Necrolord Conduit) effect increased by 100%.
- Icicles damage increased by 12%.
- Frostbolt damage increased damage by 8%.
- Flurry damage increased damage by 10%.
- The following area-of-effect abilities are no longer maximum target capped and now deal reduced damage beyond 5 targets:
- The following area-of-effect abilities are no longer maximum target capped and now deal reduced damage beyond 5 targets:
- Spinning Crane Kick
- Rushing Jade Wind (Brewmaster)
- Fists of Fury (Windwalker)
- Rushing Jade Wind (Windwalker)
- Chi Burst (Talent) now deals reduced healing beyond 6 targets.
- Developers' note: This spell previously used a complicated, invisible AoE-capping scheme for healing. This is being replaced with a clearer one where the amount of healing decays on each target after the 6th target is healed.
- Fallen Order (Venthyr Ability) now spawns an equal amount of off-spec Adepts (was random) and Adepts now apply Mystic Touch to their targets.
- Ox Adepts now throw a Fallen Brew at the Monk after spawning, granting the Monk an absorb shield for 10% of the Monk's maximum health for 8 seconds.
- Tiger Adept's Tiger Palm damage increased by 200%.
- Tiger Adepts now cast Spinning Crane Kick if there are more than 1 enemy within range.
- While Tiger Adepts are active, the Monk and their allies gain 5% movement speed, stacking with other movement speed increasing effects such as the Monk's Windwalking.
- Way of the Fae (Night Fae Conduit) effect increased by 100%.
- Special Delivery (Talent) now deals 100% more damage.
- Ox Adept's Breath of Fire damage reduction from Fallen Order (Venthyr Ability) now stacks with your Breath of Fire damage reduction.
- Crane Adepts from Fallen Order (Venthyr Ability) now prefer to heal the Monk over other friendly targets.
- Crane Adept's Enveloping Mist from Fallen Order (Venthyr Ability) no longer gains cooldown reduction from the Monk's Haste.
- Crane Adepts from Fallen Order (Venthyr Ability) now cast Enveloping Mist twice when summoned.
- Fixed an issue where Expel Harm would heal the caster twice when used while channeling Soothing Mist on themselves.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Resplendent Mists (Conduit) from increasing the healing of Bonedust Brew’s (Necrolord Ability) Gust of Mists.
- Spinning Crane Kick (Rank 2) now increases Spinning Crane Kick's damage by 18% (was 15%) for each unique target struck with Blackout Kick, Tiger Palm and Rising Sun Kick in the last 20 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times (was 6).
- Tiger Adepts attacks from Fallen Order (Venthyr Ability) now count towards your recently attacked Spinning Crane Kick bonus.
- Crane Adepts from Fallen Order (Venthyr Ability) now prefer to heal the Monk over other friendly targets.
- Keefer's Skyreach (Runecarving Power) now properly increases the critical strike chance of Bonedust Brew (Necrolord Ability).
- The following area-of-effect abilities are no longer maximum target capped and now deal reduced damage beyond 5 targets:
- The following area-of-effect abilities are no longer maximum target capped and instead deal reduced damage beyond 5 targets:
- Divine Storm (Retribution)
- Vanquisher's Hammer (Necrolord Ability) now increases the effectiveness of the free Holy Power spender by 25%.
- Righteous Might (Necrolord Conduit) damage effect increased by 400% and healing effect reduced by 50%.
- Blessing of Seasons (Night Fae Ability): Blessing of Spring now increases healing done by 15% (was 10%) and healing received by 30% (was 20%). Blessing of Winter now reduces the hostile target's attack speed and movement speed by 5% per stack (was 3%) and its damage has been increased by 40%.
- Fixed an issue where Bestow Faith (Talent) would reset the melee swing timer when cast.
- The following area-of-effect abilities are no longer maximum target capped and instead deal reduced damage beyond 5 targets:
- Festering Transfusion (Necrolord Conduit) damage and healing effect increased by 100%
- Divine Star (Talent) and Halo (Talent) now deal reduced healing beyond 6 targets.
- Developers' note: These spells previously used a complicated, invisible AoE-capping scheme for healing. This is being replaced with a clearer one where the amount of healing decays on each target after the 6th target is healed.
- Halo (Talent) healing reduced by 20%.
- Developers' note: Combined with the above change, this is still a net healing increase on large numbers of targets.
- Divine Star (Talent) heal cap is now independent on the outgoing and return trips.
- Divine Star (Talent) damage increased by 40%.
- Contrition (Talent) healing increased by 15%.
- Shadow Covenant (Talent) healing increased by 10%, mana cost reduced by 10%, and duration lowered to 7 seconds (was 9 seconds).
- Divine Star (Talent) damage increased by 40%.
- Surrender to Madness duration increased to 30 seconds (was 25 seconds).
- Psychic Link (Talent) deals 60% of Mind Blast’s damage (was 50%).
- The following area-of-effect abilities are no longer maximum target capped and instead deal reduced damage beyond 5 targets:
- Secret Technique (Subtlety)
- The following area-of-effect abilities are no longer maximum target capped and instead deal reduced damage beyond 8 targets:
- Fan of Knives (Assassination)
- Crimson Tempest (Assassination)
- Black Powder (Subtlety)
- Shuriken Storm (Subtlety)
- Toxic Onslaught (Runecarving Power) has been slightly redesigned – When Sepsis expires on your target, you are granted two of the following effects for 10 seconds: Shadow Blades, Adrenaline Rush, or Vendetta is applied to your current target. Bonuses granted are those that are not available to your spec, eg. An Assassination Rogue will gain Adrenaline Rush and Shadow Blades.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Shadow Blades gained from Toxic Onslaught (Runecarving) to not affect certain off-spec abilities.
- Septic Shock (Night Fae Conduit) effect increased by 50%.
- Dreadblades (Talent) initial strike deals 26% more damage and now immediately fills your Combo Points in addition to its current effects.
- Fixed an issue where Flagellation (Venthyr Ability) would always critically strike with Symbols of Death.
- The following area-of-effect abilities are no longer maximum target capped and instead deal reduced damage beyond 5 targets:
- The following area-of-effect abilities are no longer maximum target capped and instead deal reduced damage beyond 5 targets:
- Storm Elemental's Eye of the Storm (Elemental)
- Elysian Dirge (Kyrian Conduit) effect increased by 50%.
- Spirit Link Totem's tooltip has been updated to better match its functionality. No functional change has been made to Spirit Link Totem.
- The following area-of-effect abilities are no longer maximum target capped and instead deal reduced damage beyond 5 targets:
- The following area-of-effect abilities are no longer maximum target capped and instead deal reduced damage beyond 8 targets:
- Felguard's Felstorm (Demonology)
- Impending Catastrophe (Venthyr Ability) chaotic anima cloud width has been increased 60%, now deals a tick of its periodic damage on impact and will more accurately apply its damage-over-time effect to hostile targets.
- Decimating Bolt (Necrolord Ability) cast time reduced to 2 seconds (was 2.5 seconds).
- Scouring Tithe (Kyrian Ability) instant and periodic damage increased by 20% and cast time reduced to 1.5 seconds (was 2 seconds).
- Languishing Soul Detritus (Kyrian Runecarving Power) critical strike chance bonus increased to 45% (was 40%) and now also grants the Warlock a 33% movement speed buff and a 15% critical strike chance increase when Scouring Tithe (Kyrian Ability) expires.
- Decaying Soul Satchel (Night Fae Runecarving Power) no longer generates stacks when targeting enemies that are immune to its damage.
- Demonology
- Nether Portal (Talent) cooldown reduced to 2.5 minutes (was 3 minutes).
- The following area-of-effect abilities are no longer maximum target capped and instead deal reduced damage beyond 8 targets:
- The following area-of-effect abilities are no longer maximum target capped and instead deal reduced damage beyond 5 targets:
- Whirlwind
- Cleave (Arms)
- Ravager (Arms)
- Dreadnaught (Arms)
- Ravager (Protection)
- The following area-of-effect abilities are no longer maximum target capped and instead deal reduced damage beyond 8 targets:
- Bladestorm (Arms and Fury)
- Harrowing Punishment (Venthyr Conduit) effect increased by 50%.
- Impending Victory (Talent) cooldown reduced to 25 seconds (was 30 seconds) and now heals for 40% of your max health (was 30%).
- Merciless Bonegrinder (Conduit) effect increased by 100%.
- Auto attack damage has been increased by 43%.
- Hack and Slash (Conduit) increased by 50%.
- Sinful Surge (Venthyr Runecarving Power) now extends the duration of Avatar by 2.5 seconds when Condemn (Venthyr Ability) is cast (was Last Stand duration extended by 3 seconds).
- The following area-of-effect abilities are no longer maximum target capped and instead deal reduced damage beyond 5 targets:
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