More Renown
40 more renown levels are added, so in total we will have 80 renown levels.
The maximum Renown is now 80 and here are the stuff added:
- Unlocking different renown levels rewards
- Soulbind upgrades
- Allowing Season 2 PvP upgrades
- Unlocking more campaign quests.
- Unlock the covenant-themed mounts
- Increase Elite World quest anima reward
- Get covenant specific legendary power
- Increase your stamina
- Item called “Wisps of Memory” that increases a follower (adventurer) that you choose with LOADS of xp.
- Item that dresses up pepe in a covenant theme.
- Get a full covenant-themed transmog sets
- Increase the ilvl rewards from World Quests
- New followers (adventurers)
- Increase anima rewards from weekly dungeons and PvP quests.
- Covenant-themed title.
Covenant Campaign
A new Covenant Campaign questline is added which will probably have the same structure as last patch, with weekly gated chapters.
Soulbind Tree
All soulbinds will have 4 new rows:
- 3 new Conduit slots
1 Potency slot
1 Endurance slot
1 Finesse slot - 2 entire new traits
- 1 entire new capper trait.
Changes in soulbind NPC in each covenants
Night Fae
Has no changes so far.
- Soulsteel Clamps (Mikanikos)
Now reduces duration of stun and incapacitate effects by 20% (was 30%) - Sparkling Driftglobe Core (Mikanikos)
Cooldown increased to 1 min (was 45 s).
Triggers at 30% health (was 35%)
- Sulfric Emission (Emeni)
Fear duration reduced to 3.5 sec (was 4,5 sec).
- Familiar Predictments (Nadja)
Now reduces incoming interrupt, snare and root effects by 20% (was 25%)
Other posts
- Guide to Obtaining the Nesting Swarmite Mount in 11.1.5
- The Void-Crystal Panther is Warbound
- 11.1.5 Gold Farm Guide - PREP to bathe in Gold
- Step by step Guide: How to get the Void-Forged Stallion's Reins mount
- Blizzcon confirmed 2026, september 12-13
- Full Guide to Crafting the Void-Crystal Panther in patch 11.1.5
- Top 5 Features in Horrific Vision Revisited (Patch 11.1.5)
- Horrofic Vision BEST Tips and Trix
- Full guide on how to get the Voidfire Deathcycle mount.
- Preview of the Upcoming 11.1.5 Content Update