In celebration of its 20th anniversary, Blizzard has introduced enhanced versions of some incredibly rare items at the event vendors, allowing players to finally obtain the elusive Pendulum of Doom transmog!
Among the various new vendors present this year, Bobadormu is one you might not want to overlook. This vendor specializes in ultra-rare items and offers a selection of some of the hardest-to-find Bind on Equip (BoE) drops from Classic dungeons, raids, and questlines in exchange for Timewarped Badges.
Bobadormu's Offerings
Bobadormu provides a range of cosmetics and special items related to the 20th Anniversary event. Here’s what you can find:
Coldstone Slippers (Cost: 25)
A new version of this ultra-rare drop from Scholomance.
Holy Shroud (Cost: 25)
A fresh take on this ultra-rare item from the world. -
Feet of the Lynx (Cost: 25)
An updated version of this ultra-rare world item. -
Adventurer's Pith Helmet (Cost: 25)
A new iteration of this ultra-rare drop from Uldaman. -
Caverndeep Trudgers (Cost: 25)
A new version of this ultra-rare item from Gnomeregan. -
Helm of Narv (Cost: 25)
A fresh take on this ultra-rare world drop. -
Boots of Avoidance (Cost: 25)
An updated version of this ultra-rare item. -
Mugthol's Helm (Cost: 25)
A new version of this ultra-rare world drop. -
Unearthed Bands (Cost: 25)
An updated version of this ultra-rare drop from Uldaman. -
Aristocratic Cuffs (Cost: 25)
A new edition of this ultra-rare item from Blackrock Depths. -
Slimescale Bracers (Cost: 25)
An updated version of this ultra-rare drop from the Sunken Temple. -
Runed Golem Shackles (Cost: 25)
A new take on this ultra-rare item from Blackrock Depths. -
Freezing Band (Cost: 25)
An updated version of this ultra-rare world drop. -
Blackmetal Cape (Cost: 25)
A new version of this ultra-rare drop from Zul'Farrak. -
Lefty's Brass Knuckle (Cost: 50)
A new version of this original drop from Theldren, a boss from the Tier 0.5 questline. -
Lightforged Blade (Cost: 100)
A new version of this Paladin-only quest sword, which was removed during the Cataclysm revamp. -
Pendulum of Doom (Cost: 100)
A new iteration of this ultra-rare drop from Uldaman. -
Gut Ripper (Cost: 50)
An updated version of this ultra-rare world drop. -
Bow of Searing Arrows (Cost: 100)
A new take on this ultra-rare world drop. -
Elemental Mage Staff (Cost: 100)
A new version of this ultra-rare world drop. -
Redbeard Crest (Cost: 35)
An updated version of this ultra-rare world drop. -
Axe of the Deep Woods (Cost: 50)
A new version of this ultra-rare world drop. -
Grimlok's Charge (Cost: 100)
A new iteration of this drop from Grimlok in Uldaman. -
Crimson Shocker (Cost: 50)
An updated version of this drop from Molten Core. -
Warden Staff (Cost: 100)
A new version of this ultra-rare world drop. -
Flurry Axe (Cost: 50)
An updated version of this ultra-rare world drop. -
Alcor's Sunrazor (Cost: 50)
A new version of this ultra-rare world drop. -
Precisely Calibrated Rifle (Cost: 100)
A new version of the Precisely Calibrated Boomstick, an ultra-rare world drop.
Many players have sought out items like the Pendulum of Doom and Bow of Searing Arrows, often facing frustrating RNG luck or a lack of gold when these rare items appear on the Auction House. Fortunately, collectors can now relax a little; for a total of just under 1,400 Timewarped Badges, you can acquire all these coveted items.
However, it's important to note that for those aiming to collect unique item IDs, these new versions are distinct from their original counterparts, meaning you will still have to hunt down the original Pendulum of Doom from Uldaman through traditional means.
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