Dragonflight has 4 types of herbs:
- Hochenblume
- Saxifrage
- Bubble Poppy
- Writhebark
Alchemy - What you can make
Potions are divided in Frost and Air potions.
Refreshing Healing Potion
Restores 76,150 health (5 Min Cooldown)
Delicate Suspension of Spores
Use: Use upon a fallen ally to spread restorative spores nearby, which cling to allies and heal them for 26,493 over 6 sec. Usable on yourself while dead. (5 Min Cooldown).
Potion of Chilled Clarity
Use: Reduces the mana cost of all spells by 100% but also increases cast time by 20% for 8 sec. (5 Min Cooldown).
Potion of Frozen Focus
Use: Drink to chill your body but elevate your focus, allowing you to restore 23,371 mana over 10 sec, but you are defenseless until your focus is broken. (5 Min Cooldown).
Potion of Withering Vitality
Use: Consume this vile concoction to instantly heal yourself for 125,204, but suffer that same amount as Plague damage over 15 sec.
Potion of Burning Purification
Potion of Frozen Fatality
Use: Drink to collapse to the ground, frozen in a state of near-death for 20 sec. tricking enemies into ignoring you. Cannot be used while in combat (2 Min Cooldown).
Residual Neural Channeling Agent
Use: While dead, assault your enemy's consciousness with what remains of your own, dealing 30,049 Nature dmg over 18 sec to your target.
Should you be revived, the remaining dmg will be dealt instantly.
Releasing your spirit will return your consciousness to you and cancel the effect.
(5 Min Cooldown).
Bottled Putrescene
Use: Throw to spread rot and decay to susceptible creatures and wildlife. This will also deal 39,327 Nature damage to enemies over 10 sec. (5 Min Cooldown).
Potion of Shocking Disclosure
Use: Envelops you in a field of static for 30 sec, discharging every 5 sec to deal 4,415 damage and reveal nearby enemies. Enemies struck by this effect are unable to enter stealth or invisibility for 6 sec.
Potion of Gusts
Use: Drink to be propelled forward a short distance, momentarily weightless. (5 Min Cooldown).
Potion of the Hushed Zephyr
Use: Drink to gain invisibility for 12 sec. (5 Min Cooldown)
Breezy Potion of Draconic Vigor
Aerated Mana Potion
Use: Restores 13,355 mana. (1 Min Cooldown).
Phials are divided in Frost and Air potions.
Iced Phial of Corrupted Rage
Use: Gain Corrupting Rage which grants 753 Critical Strike rating. After suffering 100% of your health in damage, you briefly swap to Overwhelming Rage which cause you to take 100% of your health as Nature damage over 30 sec.
Lasts 30 min and through death.
Consuming a second will add another 30 min.
Phial of Icy Preservation
Use: Damage taken is decreased by 4% while over 50%, but increased by 4% while under 50% health.
Lasts 30 min and through death.
Consuming a second will add another 30 min.
Phial of Glacial Fury
Use: Drink the phial to embrace the inner snowstorm. Whenever you attack a new target, gain stack of Glacial Fury for 15 sec up to 10 stacks.
Dealing dmg has a chance to blast enemies near your target for 2,539 Frost damage, increased by 15% per stack of Glacial Fury.
Lasts 30 min and through death.
Consuming a second will add another 30 min.
Crystaline Phial of Perception
Steaming Phial of Finesse
Phial of Tepid Versatility
Use: Increase your Versatility by 284.
Lasts 30 min and through death.
Consuming a second will add another 30 min.
Phial of Still Air
Use: After taking actions besides healing for 5 seconds, your next heal is increased by 10,790.
Lasts 30 min and through death.
Consuming a second will add another 30 min.
Phial of Charged Isolation
Use: Your Agility is increased by 434 while at least 10 yards from allies. You will retain 75% of this stat for 2.5 sec after being near an ally. Lasts 30 min and through death.
Consuming a second will add another 30 min.
Phial of Static Empowerment
Use: Remaining stationary will increase your Agility up to 472 over 5 sec. Movement consumes the effect, granting up to 1,248 Speed for 5 sec. Lasts 30 min and through death.
Consuming a second will add another 30 min.
Phial of the Eye in the Storm
Use: Your Agility is increased by 132 for each enemy that is attacking you, stacking up to 5 times
Lasts 30 min and through death.
Consuming a second will add another 30 min.
Aerated Phoal of Deftness
Charged Phial of Alacrity
Use: Increases your Speed by 516.
Lasts 30 min and through death.
Consuming a second will add another 30 min.
Aerated Phial of Quick Hands
Potion Cauldron of Ultimate Power
Binds to Blizzard account
Use: Creates a cauldron that raid members can use to exchange 15 of their Primal Chaos for Fleeting Elemental Potions of Ultimate Power. When consumed their primary stat is increased by 367 for 45 sec.
Cauldron has 100 uses and each exchange provides 5 potions.
The cauldron lasts for 10 min. (3 Min Cooldown).
Potion Cauldron of Power
Binds to Blizzard account
Use: Creates a cauldron that raid members can use to exchange 15 of their Primal Chaos for Fleeting Elemental Potions of Ultimate Power. When consumed their primary stat is increased by 271 for 30 sec.
Cauldron has 100 uses and each exchange provides 5 potions.
The cauldron lasts for 10 min. (3 Min Cooldown).
Cauldron of the Pooka
Binds to Blizzard account
Use: Set out a Cauldron of the POooka for 3 min. Allies can take a sample of the suspiciously fuzzy liquid as a refreshing drink to restore 60% mana over 30 sec.
Each sip has a chance to transform them into a cute and cuddly creature!
(3 Min Cooldown).
Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power
Use: Drink to increase your primary stat by 367 for 45 sec. (5 Min Cooldown).
Phial of Elemental Chaos
Use: Infuse yourself with the power of the elements, periodically granting you elemental bonus. Each boon increases a secondary stat by 519 and grants a bonus effect.
Lasts 30 min and through death.
Consuming a second will add another 30 min.
Elemental Potion Power
Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power
Use: Drink to increase your primary stat by 271 for 30 sec. (5 Min Cooldown).
Reclaim Concoctions
Extract Dragon´s Alchemical Solution from a large quantity of unwanted potions of phials.
Select Item to consume. You must own a potion or phial
Advanced Phial Alchemical Experimentation
Experiment with volatile reagents in hopes of discovering new phial recipes.
Advanced Potion Alchemical Experimentation
Experiment with volatile reagents in hopes of discovering new potion recipes.
Basic Phial Alchemical Experimentation
Experiment with volatile reagents in hopes of discovering new phial recipes.
Basic Potion Alchemical Experimentation
Experiment with volatile reagents in hopes of discovering new potion recipes.
Primal Convergent
Crafting Reagent
Omnium Draconis
Crafting Reagent
Transmute: Decay to Elements
Cleanse the root from Awakened Decay to recover an assortment of Rousing Elements.
Requires Philosopher's Stone
Transmute: Order to Elements
Destabilize Awakened Order into its entropic elements to create one of each Awakened Element.
Requires Philosopher's Stone
Transmute: Awakened Air
Requires Philosopher's Stone
Transmute: Awakened Earth
Requires Philosopher's Stone
Transmute: Awakened Fire
Requires Philosopher's Stone
Transmute: Awakened Frost
Requires Philosopher's Stone
Essence of Tyr
When crafting: Increases Crafting Skill by 30 when used in a recipe.
Usable with: Dragon Isles crafting recipes for major items such as gear.
Wisp of Tyr
When crafting: Increases Crafting Skill by 30 when used in a recipe.
Usable with: Dragon Isles crafting recipes for small and simple items.
Brood Salt
When crafting: Increases Inspiration by 9 and Crafting Speed by 15%.
Usable with: Many Dragon Isles Alchemy and Leather Armor recipes.
Stable Fluidic Draconium
When crafting: Increases the effectiveness of Inspiration by +6.
Agitating Potion Augmentation
When crafting: Increases Inspiration by +6 and Multicraft by +6
Reactive Phial Embellishment
When crafting: Increases Inspiration by +12 and Multicraft by +6.
Writhefire Oil
When crafting: Fiery quenching oil that improves crafting by +5 Resourcefulness and +5 Deftness (DNT).
Potion Absorption Inhibitor
+35 Recipe Difficulty
Provides the following property: Increases the duration of Dragon Isles potions by 10% stack.
Alchemical Flavor Pocket
+35 Recipe Difficulty
Provides the following property: Increases the duration of Well Fed from Dragon Isles meals by 100% and they now persists through death.
Sagacious Incense
Use: Place down a pleasant incense that soothes the minds of everyone nearby, granting increased inspiration for 10 min.
Exultant Incense
Use: Light a celebratory incense sure to invigorate everyone's mood. The incense will burn for 1 min. (1 Min Cooldown).
Fervid Incense
Use: Light an agitating incense sure to incite intense emotions. The incense will burn for 1 min. (1 Min Cooldown).
Somniferous Incense
Use: Light a soothing incense intended to induce a peaceful slumber. The incense will burn for 1 min. (1 Min Cooldown).
Alacritous Alchemist Stone
PH Radiant
Item level 393
Unique-Equipped: Alchemist Stone (1)
+523 Haste
Equip: The cooldown of your combat potions is decreased by 60 sec. Potions of Power now grant you an additional 8 Agility.
Requires Level 70.
“Can be used for transmutations in place of a Philosopher´s Stone”
Sustaining Alchemist Stone
Item level 393
Unique-Equipped: Alchemist Stone (1)
+523 Versatility
Equip: Your spells and abilities have a chance to increase your Agility by 7 for 10 sec and extend the duration of your active phial by 60 sec.
Requires Level 70.
“Can be used for transmutations in place of a Philosopher´s Stone”
When you reach skill level 25 in Alchemy, you will unlock 3 types of specs that you can choose.
- Potion Mastery
- Phial Mastery
- Alchemical Theory
To get access to the other specs you need to reach higher in alchemy skill level.
First spec is unlocked at 25.
Second spec is unlocked at 50.
Third spec is unlocked at 100.
Potion Mastery
Specialize in crafting potions, increasing your ability to craft at a higher quality. In addition, learn new recipes and ways to improve the efficiency of your craft.
This tree has 6 specializations that you can unlock.
You can unlock all of them.
Potion Mastery
Rank 0/30
Improve at crafting potions and related alchemist stones, gaining +1 Crafting Skill per point in this specialization.
On unlocking this spec: Non-combat potions last longer.
Frost Formulated Potions
Rank 0/30
Improve at crafting potions with Rousing or Awakened Frost as a base reagent, gaining +1 Crafting Skill per point in this spec.
On unlocking this spec: Consuming a Dragon Isles potion will heal a portion of your health over time.
Requires 10 points in Potion Mastery to unlock an additional sub-spec.
Air Formulated Potions
Rank 0/30
Improve at crafting potions with Rousing or Awakened Air as a base reagent, gaining +1 Crafting Skill per point in this spec.
On unlocking this spec: Consuming a Dragon Isles potion will grant a brief burst of movement speed.
Requires 10 points in Potion Mastery to unlock an additional sub-spec.
Potion Lore
Rank 0/25
Delve further into the mysteries of potions and related alchemist stones, gaining +1 Crafting Skill per point in this spec.
On unlocking this spec: +5 Crafting Skill when making potions.
Requires 10 points in Potion Mastery to unlock an additional sub-spec.
Batch Production
Rank 0/20
Master the art of producing potions more efficiently, gaining +1 Multicraft per point in this spec.
On unlocking this spec: +60 Multicraft when making potions.
Requires 10 points in Potion Lore to unlock an additional sub-spec.
Potion Experimentation
Rank 0/20
Gain a better understanding of your reagents to improve the likelihood of your experiments yielding satisfying results, gaining +1% increased chance at breakthroughs with Potion Experimentation per point in this specialization.
On unlocking this spec: Gain 10% Breakthrough chance with Potion Experimentation.
Requires 10 points in Potion Lore to unlock an additional sub-spec.
Phial Mastery
Specialize in crafting phials, increasing your ability to craft at a higher quality. In addition, learn new recipes and ways to improve the efficiency of your craft.
Phial Mastery
Rank 0/30
Improve at crafting phials and related alchemist stones, gaining +1 Crafting Skill per point in this spec.
On unlocking this spec: Dragon Isles phials last 30 minutes longer.
Frost Formulated Phials
Rank 0/30
Improve at crafting Phials with Rousing or Awakened Frost as a base reagent, gaining +1 Crafting Skill per point in this spec.
On unlocking this spec: Frost formulated phials last 30 minutes longer.
Requires 10 points in Phial Mastery to unlock an additional sub-spec.
Air Formulated Phials
Rank 0/30
Improve at crafting phials with Rousing or Awakened Air as a base reagent, gaining +1 Crafting Skill per point in this spec.
On unlocking this spec: Air formulated phials last 30 minutes longer.
Requires 10 points in Phial Mastery to unlock an additional sub-spec.
Phial Lore
Rank 0/25
Delve further into the mysteries of phials and related alchemist stones, gaining +1 Crafting Skill per point in this spec.
On unlocking this spec: +5 Crafting Skill when making phials.
Requires 10 points in Phial Mastery to unlock an additional sub-spec.
Phial Experimentation
Rank 0/20
Gain a better understanding of your reagents to improve the likelihood of your experiments yielding satisfying results, gaining +1% increased chance at breakthroughs with Phial Experimentation per point in this specialization.
On unlocking this spec: Gain 10% Breakthrough chance with Phial Experimentation.
Requires 10 points in Phial Lore to unlock an additional sub-spec
Batch Production
Rank 0/20
Master the art of producing phials more efficiently, gaining +1 Multicraft per point in this spec.
On unlocking this spec: +60 Multicraft when making phials.
Requires 10 points in Phial Lore to unlock an additional sub-spec.
Alchemical Theory
Improve in the fundamentals of alchemy to gain a variety of bonuses for your craft.
Alchemical Theory
Rank 0/50
Improve at crafting alchemical products, gaining +1 Crafting Skill for all recipes per point in this specialization.
On unlocking this spec: +5 Inspiration when making Alchemy recipes.
Rank 0/20
Master the process of transmutation, gaining +1% Resourcefulness for these crafts per point in this specialization.
On unlocking this spec: +5% Resourcefulness when performing transmutations.
Requires 5 points in Alchemical Theory to unlock an additional sub-spec.
Chemical Synthesis
Rank 0/40
Improve at specialty recipes such as thise for alchemical reagents and incenses, gaining +1 Crafting Skill for these crafts per point in this spec.
On unlocking this spec: +20 Multicraft when making reagents and incense.
Requires 5 points in Alchemical Theory to unlock an additional sub-spec.
Rank 0/30
Delve further into the mysteries of ROusing and Awakened Decay gaining +1 Crafting Skill for crafts which use Decay per point in this spec.
On unlocking this spec: You now discover recipes which use Decay as a reagent from Potion and Phial Experimentation.
Requires 5 points in Alchemical Theory to unlock an additional sub-spec.
Resourceful Routines
Rank 0/30
Use reagents more economically, gaining +1 Resourcefulness per point in this spec.
On unlocking this spec: Resourcefulness saves 5% additional reagents when crafting Alchemy goods. Requires 5/15/25/35/45 points in Alchemical Theory to unlock an additional sub-spec.
Inspiring Ambience
Rank 0/30
Become a more inspired Alchemist, gaining +1 Inspiration per point in this spec.
On unlocking this spec: Inspiration grant 5% additional Crafting skill when making Alchemy goods.
Requires 5 points in Alchemical Theory to unlock an additional sub-spec.
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