In The War Within, there have been significant updates to gear, including changes to item levels (ilvl) and currencies. Notably, the names of upgrade currencies have been altered, and the crests have also undergone name changes.
The flightstones, previously used in Dragonflight, are now known as valorstones in The War Within.
Similarly, the crests in The War Within have been renamed as follows:
Weathered Harbinger Crest (formerly whelping in Dragonflight)
Carved Harbinger Crest (formerly Drake in Dragonflight)
Runed Harbinger Crest (formerly Wyrm in Dragonflight)
Gilded Harbinger Crest (formerly Aspect in Dragonflight).
All Sources of Carved Harbinger Crests in The War Within Season 1
Each week, you can farm 75 Carved Harbinger Crests from outdoor weekly activities.
Theater Troupe Event
5 Carved Harbinger Crests
Spreading The Light
5 Carved Harbinger Crests
Awakening the Machine
5 Carved Harbinger Crests
Severed Pact Activity
5 Carved Harbinger Crests
5 Carved Harbinger Crests
Call of the WorldSoul
15 Carved Harbinger Crests
Weekly Delve Quest
15 Carved Harbinger Crests
The Archives
15 Carved Harbinger Crests
Special Assignments
5 Carved Harbinger Crests
Delve Weekly Quest
In the upcoming expansion of World of Warcraft, The War Within, Delves are a new feature that will provide players with exciting endgame content and rewards. Delves can be completed solo or in groups of up to five players, with cross-faction grouping enabled. Players will always be accompanied by an NPC companion with customizable abilities to support them during the Delve. Inside the Delves, players will encounter rare mobs, treasure chests that grant special powers, and even herb and mining nodes. Additionally, there will be specific objectives and puzzles that players need to complete to earn rewards. Delves will feature a variety of rewards, including mounts, achievements, pets, and gear equivalent to that obtained from raids and Mythic dungeons. Delves are available in different zones within The War Within expansion, each with its unique environment and mobs related to those zones. Isle of Dorn, Hallowfall, The Ringning Deeps, and Azj-Kahet are the zones with multiple Delves.
Another of the weekly activities is the Weekly Delve quest. Brann Bronzebeard will be ready for you at the Delve´s Headquarter in Dornagal in Isle of Dorn. Each week will be a different task to complete inside the different types of Delves.
The Archives
When you reach max level on your first character, you will unlock a small questline about the archives in Dornagal where you will be able to enter The Archives together with Dagrand and Highspearker Brinthe. Dagrand is trying to figure out how to activate the central archive Console and get access to titan archives so that he can rebuild the archives. But it is missing a few key parts and that is where you come in. You need to find these key parts and they are scattered around the 4 zones of the war within.
Once the questline is completed, you will unlock a weekly quest called “Archives” and some words afterwards based on how far we are in patch 11.0, because once we reach the next big patch, this console will be rebuilt for sure.
To complete the weekly quest, you need to gather 100 Titan Discs. These titan disc fragments can be obtained from outdoor mobs with a low drop chance. You also get a low amount at the end of a delve run. But the best and fastest way to gather them are from dungeons and you can even complete the dungeon in a follower dungeon difficulty. Each dungeon boss drops 15 disc fragments.
Call of the WorldSoul
Similar to Aiding the Accord in Valdrakken, Dragonflight, we will have the flexibility to select which weekly quest activity we want to participate in within The War Within. And now, it is called Call of the WorldSoul.
In the Call of the World Soul weekly activity, you can choose from four different activities that rotate each week as part of the various engagements in The War Within. These activities include Snuffling, dungeon runs, world boss encounters, Severe Pact, Awakening the Machine, Spreading the Light, Theatre Troupe, and more.
You can pick up this quest from Faerin Lothat in Dornagal, Isle of Dorn.
Spreading The Light
Spreading the Light is a major activity in which you will help Hallowfall Arathi to reclaim some of their land from the darkness and relight the keyflames, located on the north eastern part of Hallowfall, at Light´s Blooming for level 80 characters
There are 8 Keyflames and 8 Lesser Keyflames and You are the one that will light these up. The big ones can be done as a community and the small ones are personal. To light up a big one to full, it requires 20 Radiant Remnants. Lightning up a small one requires 3 Radiant Remnants.
You get Radiant remnants by looting mobs that you have killed and from treasures and gathering.
Filling up a big Keyflame activates a quest objective. This quest objective is tied to a small area around the keyflame.
Each of The lesser Keyflame unlocks a NPC with a weekly quest and access to a vendor.
Tied to all this is also a world quest that wants you to activate 3 lesser Keyflames
Awakening the Machine
The activity takes place in Halls of Awakening in The Ringing Deeps in the War Within. To do this event, you have to go to Gundargaz in The Ringing Deeps and talk to the NPC called Speaker Kuldas located at /way 47.50,32.03.
Kuldas is an Awakener and it is his duty to go into the old places or newly awakened ones and make sure everything is working in order. Ringing Deeps zone is like a great slumbering giant and he makes sure she is taken care of.
A UI will show up and you click on “Begin Maintenance. Once inside your task is to defend Speaker Kuldas from waves of mobs. Each 5 waves will be a resting checkpoint before you choose to continue. On the 20th wave there will be an end boss that you must defeat to complete that wave and the event. Completing 5 waves will reward a chest. There are 20 waves in total so that means that you will get 4 chests in total.
Severed Pact Activity
The Notoriety Pact (Severed Thread Pact) consists of 3 Nerubians that will help you to help them in The War Within zone Azj-kahet. You will get to know them during your adventures when doing the main storyline and side quests in Azj-kahet.
The 3 factions in the Notoriety pact are:
The Vizier
The Weaver
The General
When reaching Renown 3 with the Severed Threads you will unlock the main Azj-kahet event. This event consists of doing activities, gaining reputation and get access to special perks.
Each week you will be able to choose which of the three Notoriety NPC that you want to aid. Based on who you choose to aid, you will get access to that NPC´s perks and special objectives in the zone. The first perk you get is an active ability that you can only use in Azj-kahet no matter which one you pick. Each week is tied to a weekly activity to complete different objectives in the Azj-Kahet zone
Theater Troupe Event
This event is up every hour at the full hour. It starts with that you talk to Stage Manager Huberta (/way 56.44,51.38) in Isle of Dorn. This event has three parts, in part 1 you will prepare for the theater to start by doing tasks. In part 2 you will be part of the show and do acting tasks and in part three you will fight a boss that is also part of the show.
You will do these tasks solo and together with others that are not in your group. It is a community event. Doing these tasks will fill up a community bar from 0 to 6000. At 2000 it will first reward an Amateur Actor´s Chest, then at 4000 it rewards a Novice Actor´s Chest and at 6000 an Expert Actor´s Chest. These chests rewards Valorstones, Weathered Harbinger Crests, Resonance Crystals and gold. There is also a weekly quest tied to it called “The Theatre Troupe”. Completing it rewards Theatre Troups Trove
WorldSoul Memory
This is an activity that will be up for 24 hours in two locations in different zones in Khaz-algar. After the timer is over, it will shift to another location. In this activity, you will enter Azeroth´s memories in that location and witness some history. You will fight memory mobs and complete minor tasks over a 5 minute timer. The more mobs you kill and activities you complete, the more points you will gather.
And the more points you will have when 5 minutes have passed, you will be rewarded with more Valorstones and Coffer Key shards. You need 100 Coffer Key Shards to make a Restored Coffer Key that is used for opening Epic Chests at the end of a Bountiful Delve run.
To enter a Memory activity, you need a Radiant Echo and you get a Radiant Echo from an epic chest at the end of a Bountiful Delve run.
So it is a circle. Get Radiant Echo from an epic chest from a Delve to enter the Memory and get a key from there to open an epic chest from a Delve.
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