Completing Delves will reward different types of Crest based on Tier Difficulty. So the question is which Tier should you do to get the Crests you need? I got it covered for you here.

Delves are intended to cater to a wide range of players, from hardcore gamers to casual players. They are designed to provide meaningful progression and rewards, making them suitable for any player interested in endgame content
Delves are divided into 11 difficulty tiers. Tiers 1 and 2 are designed for leveling, while tiers 3 through 11 are for the endgame. Each tier has specific item level recommendations, with tier 11 being recommended for players seeking an unfathomable challenge.
A UI will popup before entering a Delve where you can see information about each Tier. It will tell you what kind of mobs there are, how much increased damage and health the mobs have in percentage, the affix and also if there is more special rewards.

Delves feature zone-based affixes, adding variety and challenges to the gameplay experience.
Tier 1
Recommended for adventurers who want minimum challenge.
Tier 2
Recommended for adventurers who want moderate challenge.
Tier 3
Recommended for adventurers at item level 538+.
Tier 4
Recommended for adventurers at item level 545+.
Tier 5
Recommended for adventurers at item level 554+.
Tier 6
Recommended for adventurers at item level 561+.
Tier 7
Recommended for adventurers at item level 574+.
Tier 8
Recommended for adventurers at item level 589+.
Tier 9
Recommended for adventurers at item level 600+.
Tier 10
Recommended for adventurers at item level 614+.
Tier 11
Recommended for adventurers who want an unfathomable challenge.
Crest Rewards
The crests have also got name changes in The World Within.
Weathered Harbinger Crest (instead of whelping in Dragonflight)
Carved Harbinger Crest (instead of Drake in Dragonflight)
Runed Harbinger Crest (instead of Wyrm in Dragonflight)
Gilded Harbinger Crest (instead of Aspect in Dragonflight)
Crests in Here is a table that shows all Crests Rewards based on if the Delve is a normal delve run, or a Bountiful Delve or a Hidden Trove reward at the end of a Delve. Below the table you will find a desciption on what these type of runs are.

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