There are two rares in Zereth Mortis that you pick between, which are the Mother Spider, which is located here. Or Akkaris which is located here.
Spider rare is becoming the main the last days because arrack spawns every 2nd day and spider spawns every day.
Mother drops all this
- 210 anima
- 4 Cyphers of the first ones
- 6 Silken Protofiber
Akkaris drops all this
- 140 anima
- 4 Cyphers of the first ones
- 4 Protoflesh
Go to the location of either spider or akkaris
Open the Group finder , then Premade groups and on the search bar you type either mother for spider or akkaris for akkaris.
You will see many groups for that rare.
Join a group, kill the rare then leave group.
Que up again and join for a new group then kill the rare again.
You will get the same amount of loot every time.
The only loot that is daily are the sandworn relics that these 2 rares drop as well.
By farming anima this way, and you farm Mother, you will get 150 anima per minute!
By farming cyphers this way, you will get 3 cyphers per minute! Crazy.
By farming Silken Protofiberthis way, you will get 4 Silken Protofiber
per minute!
By farming Protoflesh this way, you will get 3 Protoflesh per minute!
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