Exciting news for players tackling the Mythic Broodkeeper encounter! As we approach the weekly reset, a series of nerfs are set to be implemented, making this challenging fight a bit more manageable for raiders.
September 23, 2024
Nerub-ar Palace
Sikran will now properly reset if players attempt to drag him across the bridge.
Broodtwister Ovi’nax
[With realm restarts] Colossal Spider health reduced by 25% on Mythic difficulty.
[With realm restarts] Blood Parasite health reduced by 21% on Mythic difficulty.
[With realm restarts] Healing absorb effect of Unstable Infusion reduced by 12.5%.
The Silken Court
Fixed an issue with Piercing Strike debuff not increasing Piercing Strike’s damage. Piercing Strike debuff now persists through death.
Queen Ansurek
Fixed a situation that could cause Queen Ansurek to continue casting Paralyzing Waves throughout Phase 2.
Fixed an issue where the visual of a Chamber Expeller’s Expulsion Beam could sometimes be incorrectly aligned with the actual damage zone, and also sometimes move slightly during the cast.
Fixed an issue where Death Knight’s Anti-Magic Shell could sometimes prevent players from traveling through an Abyssal Conduit.
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