There are 10 dungeons when BFA is released:
- Atal´Dazar
- Freehold
- Kings´Rest
- Shrine of the Storm
- Siege of Boralus
- Temple of Sethraliss
- The Motherlode
- The Underrot
- To Dagor
- Waycrest Manor
The ilvl reward is tide to your character level on normal mode (see here for ilvls in BFA).
The ilvl at Heroic mode is 325.
The ilvl at Mythic 0 mode is 340.
In Battle for Azeroth, you will not be able to enter all dungeons at once.
The dungeons access is divided in faction and your character level. However, once you hit max level, you can enter all 8 dungeons (last 2 are mythic only mode).:
The dungeons are divided in alliance and horde, meaning, as Alliance, you cannot enter Horde dungeons and vice versa.
However, once you hit max level, you can enter all dungeons. - CHARACTER LEVEL
You will star with having access to 3 dungeons once you start your leveling in Zandalar/Kul Tiras.
At half time, meaning at level 115, you unlock a new dungeon.
At max level, the rest of the dungeons are unlocked. - MYTHIC ONLY
The last two dungeons that unlocks at max level are mythic mode only.
- Kings´Rest
- Siege of Boralus
will have access to Siege of Boralus at max level once you complete the story line achievement: "Kul Tourist".
It is located inside Boralus (alliance city zone).
will have access to King´s Rest at max level once you complete the story line achievement ("Zandalari forver").
It is located in Atal´dazar (the big temple image in Zuldazar Horde zone.
You must complete several parts of the War campaign to unlock the the dungeon. King´s Rest for Alliance, and Siege of Boralus as Horde.
You will need honored 7500 rep (7th legion/Honorboud) into revered because the questline is reputation gated.
Level 100 unlock
Shrine of the Storm
Waycrest Manor
Level 115 unlock
Tol Dagor
Level 120 unlock
Temple of Sethraliss
The Underrot
The Motherlode!!
Siege of Boralus (Needs to be unlocked through the questline achievement: Kul Tourist)
King´s Rest (needs to be unlocked through War Mode campaign)
Level 100 unlock
Temple of Sethraliss
The Underrot
Level 115 unlock
The Motherlode!!
Level 120
Shrine of the Storm
Waycrest Manor
Tol Dagor
King´s Rest (Needs to be unlocked through the sotry questline achievement: Zandalari forever)
Siege of borlaus (needs to be unlocked through War Mode campaign)
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