All bosses are getting nerfed on all difficulties.
- Reduced the damage of Shatter by 25% on all difficulties.
- Reduced the damage of Stormforged Spear's tank hit by 25% on all difficulties.
- Reduced Odyn's health by 10% on all difficulties.
- Reduced Hyrja and Hymdall's health by 20% on all difficulties.
- Hymdall and Hyrja now once again leave the arena at 85% on Heroic difficulty during Stage 2.
- Reduced Health by 10% on all difficulties.
- Reduced damage dealt by Headlong Charge by 10% on all difficulties. This change does not apply to Trample.
- Reduced damage dealt by Flame Lick on impact on Mythic difficulty by 5%.
- Reduced the health of Bilewater Slime, Night Watch Mariner, and Helya by 10% and Grimelord by 15% in the Helya encounter in Trial of Valor on all difficulties.
- Reduced the number of Taint of the Sea debuffs applied to players on Mythic difficulty by 1.
- Reduced the damage of Tainted Explosion on all difficulties.
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