General Changes
Berserk Time: Increased by 60 seconds for all bosses.
Damage Reduction: Many abilities have reduced damage at lower player counts.
Lord Roccor
Roiling Magma: Casts less often on Normal and LFR, resulting in fewer Sons of Roccor.
Slag Armor: Casts less frequently by Sons of Roccor and Greater Obsidian Elementals.
Living Magma Damage: Reduced by 25% on Normal difficulty and less damage at lower player counts.
Health Reductions:
Sons of Roccor: 33% less
Greater Obsidian Elementals: 33% less
Obsidian Elementals: 20% less
Lord Roccor: 14% less
Health Reductions:
Bael’Gar: 10% less
Spawn of Bael’Gar: 37% less
Attack Damage: Spawn of Bael’Gar damage reduced by 33%.
Damage Reductions: Various abilities reduced at lower player counts.
Lord Incendius
Health Reduction: 15% less.
Flame Geyser: Capped at 3 on Normal and LFR.
Damage Reductions: Blaze, Dying Flare, and Scorching Wind damage reduced.
Golem Lord Argelmach
Health Reduction: Golem health reduced by 16%.
Ultimate Ability Timing: Increased by 20% on Normal and LFR.
Damage Reductions: Various abilities reduced.
The Seven
Health Reduction: 12.5% less.
Ability Timing: Increased by 40% on Normal and LFR.
Damage Reductions: Various abilities reduced, including Bladestorm and Mind Torrent.
General Angerforge
Fireburst Grenade: Cast time increased and damage reduced by 25%.
Rings of Fire: Cast time increased.
Ambassador Flamelash
Health Reduction: Portal Anchor health reduced based on player count and difficulty.
Damage Reductions: Various abilities reduced.
Emperor Dargan Thaurissan
Health Reductions: Various enemies, including Moira Bronzebeard and Dark Iron Imperial Guards, have reduced health and damage.
Damage Reductions: Various abilities including Fire Nova and Fiery Demise have decreased damage.
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