As the World of Warcraft community eagerly awaits the upcoming Patch 11.0.5, recent datamining efforts have uncovered some intriguing information that has pet-loving Hunters buzzing with excitement.
Returning to Familiar Companions
During the Battle for Azeroth expansion, Blizzard undertook a modernization effort, updating the models of various creatures, including many long-time Hunter pets. While the new models boasted improved visuals and higher resolutions, not everyone was thrilled with the changes to their beloved animal companions.
Exotic Critter Taming License and New Companion Spells
The latest datamined information from the Patch 11.0.5 PTR suggests that Blizzard may be paving the way for the return of these older Hunter pet models. Several new spells have been discovered, including:
Exotic Critter Taming License: An item that provides "legal documentation justifying your ownership of lesser-known companion pets."
Summon Corpse Bird: Summons a vulture pet to assist the caster.
Summon Wretched Hyena: Summons a hyena pet to assist the caster.
These new companion spells, along with the "lesser-known" wording of the Exotic Critter Taming License, have led many to speculate that players may soon have the option to reclaim their old-school Hunter pets.
How Will This Be Implemented?
Exactly how Blizzard plans to reintroduce these previously removed pet models is still unclear. It's likely that this will be an opt-in feature, rather than simply adding the old models back into the game world for players to discover and tame.The Exotic Critter Taming License, in particular, may play a role in this process, though the specifics of its implementation remain to be seen.

A Nostalgic Return for Hunters
For many Hunters, the prospect of being able to reunite with their long-time animal companions, in their classic forms, is an exciting and welcome development. As the community eagerly awaits more details from Blizzard, the anticipation for Patch 11.0.5 continues to grow.Whether you're a diehard fan of the updated models or yearning for a nostalgic blast from the past, the potential return of these old Hunter pet models promises to be a significant and intriguing addition to the game.
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