A master of both martial and magical arts, Abyssal Commander Sivara has ruthlessly led Azshara´s vanguard to countless victories.
Overview - Fast Tactics
- Players get 2 different marks during this fight, either from boss, abilities or standing close to a player with opposite mark.
- The Frost Mark does dmg and reduces movement speed, and stacks.
- The Toxic does dmg and reduce healing received, and stacks.
- The raid must divide in two groups, frost and toxic (ranged and melee.
- Melee must stand on tank with same debuff since the boss ability on tank must be shared.
- Random players gets an Overflow debuff, that makes them fart out a pool after 7 seconds, so run behind raid and place it there, stack with players with the same debuff.
- When a player is targeted with frostshock bolt, opposite player debuff must stand infront.
- When boss reaches 100 energy, she shoots bolts in a circle around it. Some of the bolts are frost, and some are poison. Players hit gets that Mark Debuff that hits them. Pay attention what color the bolt is (blue for frost, yellow/green for toxic).Move fast to the bolt that hits you with the same mark debuff that you have.
Abilities and Tactics
Chimeric Marks
There are two different marks players can get during this fight:
- Frost Mark
Does Frost dmg every 1 sec and reduce movement speed by 5%.
This debuff stacks.
HEROIC: If the player doesn’t move around, the player gets Frozen for 5 sec and can´t do anything. - Toxic Brand
Does Nature dmg every 3 sec and reduce healing received by 5%.
This debuff stacks.
HEROIC: If the player does move around, the player gets disoriented for 5 sec and can´t do anything.
You get a mark from
- Boss casting it at the start of the fight
- Boss abilities
- Touching a player with opposite mark. This also makes you get both marks at the same time and leads to Unstable Mixture (explode and do dmg to nearby player for 5 sec)
Tactics - Chimeric Marks
You get a Mark after some seconds after the pull.
- Frost debuff stands on left side.
- Toxic debuff stands on right side
Melee - Stand on top of the tank with the same mark.
HEROIC - A bar that fills up. Frost - move around, toxic do not move much.
Crushing Reverberation and Frostvenom Tipped (TANKS)
Boss does a crushing that does high physical dmg and a knockback.
Players within 8 yards shares the dmg
All players get a knockback
The attack has a chance to apply one of two debuffs, based on the Chimeric mark they have.
- Rimefrost
A bleed debuff of frost dmg every sec for 10 sec.
This stacks.
When expired, it puts a pool on the ground. The pool size is based on number of stacks.
The pool does frost dmg and puts a frost debuff on any player that stands on it. - Septic Taint
A bleed debuff of Nature dmg every sec for 10 sec.
This stacks.
When expired, it puts a pool on the ground. The pool size is based on number of stacks.
The pool does frost dmg and puts a frost debuff on any player that stands on it.
Tactics- Crushing Reverberation and Frostvenom Tipped (TANKS)
- Frost tank left side
- Septic (Toxic) debuff right side
- Melee stand on tank with same debuff
- Tank swap after each knockback
- Tank run to the edge of the room and wait until the pool is created and then run back to boss.
Overwhelming Barrage
- This happens when boss reaches 100 energy.
- Boss shoots volley bolts in a circle around it.
- Half of the bolts are frost, and other half are poison.
- Players hit gets that Mark Debuff that hits them.
- After every Barrage the bolt color sides change.
Tactics - Overwhelming Barrage
- Pay attention what color the bolt is (blue for frost, yellow/green for toxic).
- Move fast to the bolt that hits you with the same mark debuff that you have.
- You have a small amount of time to move in front of the bolt
Boss targets random players with two types of overflow
- Overflow Chill
After 7 sec, the Mark debuff explodes (split dmg to players within 5y) and leaves a pool on the ground. Standing on the pool does dmg and Frost Mark stacks. - Overflow Venom
After 7 sec, the Mark debuff explodes (split dmg to players within 5y) and leaves a pool on the ground. Standing on the pool does dmg and Toxic Mark stacks.
Tactics: Overflow
Run behind raid to the wall and wait until debuff expires.
Stack up (same debuff)
Move away fast.
Divide the wall behind you, 1 for frost side and 1 for toxic side.
Stack up (Same debuff)
Move away fast.
Frostshock Bolts
Boss targets a random player and shoots a bolts either frost or toxic.The opposite elemental of what that player has.
If the target is hit hit, that player gets pinned and can´t do anyuthing until removed.
Tactics: Frostshock Bolts
There is a big arrow between the boss and the targeted player.
Targeted player ALWAYS move to the sout side of the platform.
Player from opposite debuff stands between the boss and that player and soakes the hit.
A player with with the same debuff as the one that got pinned must click on the player to remove the pin from the player
Boss swaps the marks on random players, toxic gets frost and frost gets toxic instead.
This swap will also make all players get Inversion Sickness which roots them for 4 seconds. When the root expires, the players explode and put their mark to all players within 4 yards.
HEROIC MODE – All pools on the ground will also swap, toxic gets frost and frost gets toxic instead.
Tactics - Inversion
- Spread backwards before the ability comes.
- When the inversion is done, players with swapped debuff run to the opposite side.
- ALWAYS MOVE CLOCK WISE. Your left side. Don´t come close to anyone with opposite debuff.
When to Bloodlust/Timewarp/Heroism
When you pull the boss.
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