Using her handmaiden as a willing sacrifice, Azshara has forged into being an elemental of storm and magic. Powered by the soul of the devoted vassal, the resulting monstrosity is the avatar of Azshara´s radiance.
Overview - Fast Tactics
This fight has two phases and loops.
In phase 1, you will only fight the boss, and in phase 2, you will only fight adds.
Phase 1 (Rising Fury)
- Stay away from the water.
- Run away from raid when you have the bomb. Healers dispell and then heal fast since it does high dmg and a 6 sec stun.
- Dodge the whirlwinds that will spawn during the entire fight.
- Tank swap every time boss does slam. The slam hits hard physical dmg and does a knockback.
Phase 2 (Raging Storm)
- During this phase, the entire platform is dark, you can only see 10 yards around your player.
- The platform has orb traps, that do dmg and reduces your haste by 50%. You can see where they are before it turns dark. Dodge them.
- You can also see a storm that spawns before it turns dark, run to the storm to kill a big add ans small adds that spawns periodically.
- Raid take dmg every 2 sec while the storm is up, and phase 1 starts again when big add is dead.
- Big add must be interrupted.
- Dps - AoE burst the adds fast before starting to nuke the big add.
- Tanks – tank the big add and small adds.
- Healers - Players will take heavy dmg during this phase. Use big healing cooldowns
- During this phase you will still run away with bomb debuff and must be dispelled, healed.
- During this phase you must dodge whirlwinds.
Alternative 1
Phase 1
- Divide the raid in two groups with one tank on each side and healers and dps divided evenly.
- Have the groups on opposite sides of the platform.
This way, it will go faster to reach the center of the storm and tank the add on phase 2.
Alternative 2
- Have the tanks standing between the stairs.
This way, the knockback on tanks will have a wall protectiing them from falling to the water.
Abilities and Tactics
You will only fight the boss in this phase and handle 5 abilities.
Tide Fist (Tanks)
- Boss slams the main tank with physical dmg.
- This leaves a debuff, dmg taken by 200% for 20 sec
- The slam will also do a knockback.
Tactics: Tide Fist (Tanks)
- Main Tank, use defensive before the slam.
- Off tank, Tank swap fast every time boss does slam. Make sure you are in melee range.
Arcanado Burst
- Boss shoots frost missiles on up to 3 random players and then spawns 2 whirlwinds (Arcanado).
- These whirlwinds travel around the platform. When hit, you take high dmg and a knockback.
Tactics: Arcanado Burst
These whirlwinds will be all over the place in both phase 1 and 2. Always mind your step
Arcane Bomb
- Random player gets a bomb attached to them.
- When dispelled, the player gets a countdown before detonation which does very high dmg and stuns all players within 10 yards for 6 sec.
Tactics: Arcane Bomb
- Targeted player must run away to the edge before it detonates.
- Healers
Dispell the player and be ready to heal the player fast since the player takes high dmg and stunned at the same time.
Radiant Fury
When a player touches the water, it does dmg and a knockback.
The entire platform is dark, and you can only see a radius of 10 yards around you.
A big add will spawn (Stormwraith) on a random location on the platform.
You will have to dodge orb traps, mind the bomb debuff on random players and run to the big add and kill it while handling small adds (Stromling) that the big add spawns.
Squal Traps
- Orbs will spawn in a line from center to the outer platform.
- These orb lines are on several locations around the platform.
- When a player touches an orb trap, it will do dmg moderate dmg to the player and the player will have the haste reduced by 50%.
- The trap will also become a whirlwind (Arcanado) that does dmg and knockback when touched.
Tactics: Squal Traps
- You can run between orbs when moving to the adds.
- Mind the orb trap when attacking adds as well.
Arcane Bomb
- Random player gets a bomb attached to them.
- When dispelled, the player gets a countdown before detonation which does very high dmg and stuns all players within 10 yards for 6 sec.
Tactics: Arcane Bomb
- Targeted player must run away to the edge before it detonates.
- Healers
Dispell the player and be ready to heal the player fast since the player takes high dmg and stunned at the same time.
Ancient Tempest – Big add, small adds
- When everything is dark, there is an eye of the storm, in which an Ancient Tempest is summoned around a big add (Stormwraith).
- The Tempest will also continually spawn small adds within the storm.
- The Tempest pushes players away from the eye of the storm and does dmg every 2 sec to all players, and the dmg increases the longer time the storm is up.
- When the storm is up, the boss takes 99% reduced dmg.
- The storm is over when the big add (Stormwraith) is defeated.
- When the big add or small adds come outside the Eye of Storm, they take 99% reduced dmg and get healed for 10% every 2 sec.
- Big add - Stormwraith
Casts Focus Power that increases dmg by 500% and can be interrupted.
Spawns winds that do moderate dmg and knocks player back. - Small adds – Stormlings
They do chain Lightning to random targets within 20 yards which can be interrupted.
Tactics: Ancient Tempest – Big add, small adds
- Before everything turns dark, you can see the orb traps and where the storm is starting.
- The storm seems to spawn randomly between 4 locations opposite each other in a cross.
- Run to the Storm where the adds are.
- AoE burst the adds fast before starting to nuke the big add.
- Interrupt the big add.
Off tank
- Tank the stormlings
Main tank
- Tank the bigg add
- Players will take heavy dmg during this phase.
- Use big healing cooldowns
Radiant Fury
When a player touches the pool, it does dmg and a knockback.
When to Bloodlust/Timewarp/Heroism
Phase 2 when killing adds.
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