For then thousand years, the Queen´s Court has never failed to enforce the word of Azshara. Now, the queen´s most powerful servants stans ready to fulfill her final decree.
Overview - Fast Tactics
- You will fight 2 bosses, a melee and a caster. They need to die at the same time.
- Queen Azshara will call out abilities on the platform as well.
- Tank the 2 bosses away from each other on each side.
Melee players on Melee boss.
Ranged players on Ranged boss
If needed, melee helps out on ranged boss, or ranged helps out on melee boss. Based on your raid setup. - Tanks, tank swap when ranged boss tank has 8-9 stacks. Otherwise mind controlled at 10 stacks.
- Queen Azshara abilities, she calls them out
Form Ranks – Stand on Circles
This ability happens at the same time as Frenetic Charge.
Repeat Performance - Do not use the same spell/ability twice in a row, then you become silenced for 2 sec.
Stand Alone – Stay spread
Deferred Sentence – Move around so you take dmg over time instead of all at once.
Obey or Suffer – healing absorb when takin dmg, tanks beware. - Melee boss
Frenetic Charge – Targeted player move to side, raid stack up to share dmg on that charge. A rupture comes up that does dmg as well. Move clockwise on each charge.
This ability happens at the same time as Form Ranks.
Zealous Eruption – Happens when boss gets 100 energy. Stack on melee boss otherwise you take dmg. - Ranged boss
Fanatical Verdict – Targeted players move away 6y from others when it expires.
Violent Outburst - Happens when boss gets 100 energy. Make sure you are far away from ranged boss.
Potent Spark – 3 orbs spawns. Destroy them with 6 sec window. Destroy the one closest to melee boss, then closest to ranged boss and leave last one.
One tank on left side of platform, Melee boss on left.
One tank on right side of platform. Ranged boss on right.
Make sure you are far away from each other.
When tank swap, make sure the bosses stay where they are.
Meaning, tanks move position, not bosses.
Ranged always in the center of the platform.
Melee always on Melee boss, left side.
Abilities and Tactics
- This fight has 1 phase with 2 bosses (Silivaz/Melee and Pashmar/Caster) and Queen Azshara yelling out announcements that the raid must beware of.
- The abilities from both bosses will rotate until dead.
- The bosses must die more or less the same time, because when a boss reaches 1% health, the caster become immune to all dmg and starts casting Desperate Measures which heals 50% of the caster´s max health. But the cast is interrupted is both bosses are
- The bosses will have 99% dmg reduction when standing within 21 yards from each other. Therefore, they must be tanked on each side of the platform.
- Through the fight, you will also have Queen Azshara interacting as well. She has several announcements that the raid must beware of.
Queen Azshara
Form Ranks
- Random circles on the ground.
- Players must stand on the circles.
Repeat Performance
- Do not use the same spell/ability twice in a row, then you become silenced for 2 sec.
- Healers especially, beware.
Stand Alone
- Make sure you are spread from each other.
Deferred Sentence
- If you stand still you will stack up a dmg that releases at the same time when it expires.
- If you move around instead, you will take that dmg over time instead of all at once.
- So, entire raid, move around.
Obey or Suffer
- All players gets a debuff, if any player take dmg, they absorbs all healing for 5 sec.
- Tanks beware and use defensives to survive.
- Raid beware.
Commander´s Fury (Tanks)
The attack speed is increased by 8% the longer time the boss attacks same tank. This stacks.
Commander´s Fury (Tanks)
- Tank them 21 yards from each other.
- Tank swap then the other tank has 8-9 stacks of Pashmar´s touch.
- If the other boss have 10 stacks, the other tank gets mind controlled.
- When tank swap, make sure the bosses stay where they are.
Meaning, tanks move position, not bosses.
Frenetic Charge
- Melee boss targets a random player.
- After 6 sec, he charges the player and does high dmg (137k Heroic).
- This dmg is split between players within 8 yards and does a knockback.
- The charge leaves a swirl on the ground, this does dmg to players standing on it.
Tactics: Frenetic Charge
- Marked player runs to the side of the platform.
Mark a side and to clockwise each time.
Because the charge leaves an eruption on the ground and you need the center of the platform free to move. - Ranged stack up on marked player
- Melee help out if needed.
Zealous Eruption
- This happens when melee boss reaches 100 energy.
- Melee boss does AoE dmg affecting all players with forst dmg every 1 sec for 10 sec.
- The boss has a circle around it, standing close to boss inside the circle does not dmg players from the AoE dmg.
Tactics: Zealous Eruption
Run to melee boss and stand inside the circle.
The other tank that is on the caster must use defensives and healers must beware and help that tank.
Pashmar´s Touch (Tank)
The attacks the boss does puts a debuff, Pashmar´s Touch.
When reaching 10 stacks, the tanks get mind controlled and must be killed (wipe).
Tactics: Pashmar´s Touch (Tank)
- Tank them 21 yards from each other.
- Tank swap when the tank has 8-9 stacks.
- When tank swap, make sure the bosses stay where they are.
Meaning, tanks move position, not bosses.
Fanatical Verdict
- Random players are marked.
- When the mark expires, the player explodes and does dmg to all players within 6 yards.
Tactics: Fanatical Verdict
Targeted players beware and run away from raid/make sure you are spread at least 6 yards before it explodes.
Beware when this mark comes at the same time with other abilities.
Fervent Bolt
Random raid dmg. The boss zaps random players that does low dmg.
Violent Outburst
- This happens when melee boss reaches 100 energy.
- The caster boss shoots electricity in all directions.
- The further away, the less dmg players take.
Tactics: Violent Outburst
- Melee players will attack melee boss.
- Ranged players will attack ranged boss.
- Make sure you are far away from the boss.
Potent Spark
Caster boss summons 3 charged orbs.
When they expire, they do high dmg to all players.
The dmg from an orb leaves a 5 sec debuff that increase dmg taken by 100% from the orb.
Tactics: Potent Spark
Destroy the orb closest to melee boss first.
After 5 sec, when debuff expired, destroy the orb closest to ranged boss.
Leave the last orb, and let it expire by itself.
When to Bloodlust/Timewarp/Heroism
Do it at pull.
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