Abilities and Tactics
Mind Tether (TANKS)
- Main tank and closest player get a mind tether.
- 50% dmg done to either player is reflected to their partner.
- If the 2 players are separated more than 12 yards from each other, the reflected dmg is increased.
Tactics: Mind Tether (TANKS)
- Both tanks stack on each other.
- Tank swap when needed.
Portal of Madness
Boss summons 3 Horrific Summoners.
They will channel and summon small adds (Horrific vision)that fixates players.
If the channel completes, the entire raid takes high dmg.
HEROIC MODE - The smalls adds will do more dmg and at the same time decrease in speed. They have 30 stacks that ticks down. When reaching 30 stacks they become Unleashed Nightmare which do 100% more dmg and a stack of Hysteria (shadow dmg every sec for 25 sec and stacks).
Tactics: Portal of Madness
- Nuke the Summoners first.
- Kill the small adds that spawned, try to group them up and AoE them down.
Crushing Grasp
- During entire fight, A big tentacle spawns from an eye, and hits the platform straight line, 2 times in a row.
- The outer circle lightens up (shines) for a short time as a warning that the tentacle will spawn.
- Getting hit does high dmg and a knockback.
Tactics: Crushing Grasp
- The outer circle lightens up (shines) for a short time as a warning that the tentacle will spawn. Beware and dodge.
- 3 random players are feared in phase 1.
- The fear does dmg every sec for 10 sec.
- When fear expires, it does moderate dmg to entire raid.
- This can be dispelled.
Tactics: Dread
- Do NOT remove fear at the same time, then it does loads of dmg.
- Remove the fear on first player.
- Top up the health fast, then dispel the second player.
- Top up the health fast, then let the last fear just expire by itself.
Phase 2 – GRIP OF FEAR
Phase 2 starts when boss has 85% health.
Fear Realm
In this phase, we will have 2 different Realms,
The Normal Realm, and the Fear Realm.
Bos will pull random players to the fear realm.
When players are in the Fear Realm, they will gain a stack of Hysteria, every 20 sec. Hysteria – Shadow dmg every sec for 25 sec and stacks.
Manifest Nightmares
- A debuff on random players.
- This debuff does high dmg to players within 7 yards every sec for 6 sec.
- Each tick will also leave a pool on the ground.
- Then the debuff expires, a Horrific vision add spawns from the player.
Tactics Manifest Nightmares
- Make sure you run away from other players.
- Nuke the adds fast.
Mind Tether (TANKS)
- Main tank and closest player get a mind tether.
- 50% dmg done to either player is reflected to their partner.
- If the 2 players are separated more than 12 yards from each other, the reflected dmg is increased.
Tactics: Mind Tether (TANKS)
- Both tanks stack on each other.
- Tank swap when needed.
- 3 random players are feared in phase 1.
- The fear does dmg every sec for 10 sec.
- When fear expires, it does moderate dmg to entire raid.
- This can be dispelled.
Tactics: Dread
- Do NOT remove fear at the same time, then it does loads of dmg.
- Remove the fear on first player.
- Top up the health fast, then dispel the second player.
- Top up the health fast, then let the last fear just expire by itself.
Crushing Grasp
- During entire fight, A big tentacle spawns from an eye, and hits the platform straight line, 2 times in a row.
- The outer circle lightens up (shines) for a short time as a warning that the tentacle will spawn.
- Getting hit does high dmg and a knockback.
Tactics: Crushing Grasp
- The outer circle lightens up (shines) for a short time as a warning that the tentacle will spawn. Beware and dodge.
Maddening Eruption
- Boss spawns tears (pools on the ground), with one pool at a time.
- If the boss is NOT moved to the pool, it will do very high dmg to all players.
- If the boss is moved to the pool, it will only do high dmg to enemies within 10 yards of the pool.
- When boss stands on the pool it will also increase dmg taken by 30% for 20 sec.
Tactics: Maddening Eruption
- The pool spawns on the outer side of the platform.
- When a new pool is spawned it always spawn on the opposite side of the platform.
- Tanks must move to the pool fast and make sure boss stands in it.
- Use speed abilities and give boosts to tanks to they move faster to the pools.
Phase 3 starts when boss reaches 70% health.
Delirium Realm
- During this phase, you will have 2 Realms, the Delirium Realm and the normal realm.
- Boss creates circles in a line on the ground next to him.
- Players that stands on the circles gets sent to the Delirium Realm.
- You will see the boss and adds in that realm.
- You will see other players that are in that realm.
- You will be hostile to everyone inside there.
- You will have 30% increased haste.
- You will get a stack of hysteria every 3 sec.
- When you die, you get send back to normal realm, and get stunned for 6 sec.
Tactics: Delirium Realm
- Try and stay alive as much as possible.
- Nuke
Mind Tether (TANKS)
- Main tank and closest player get a mind tether.
- 50% dmg done to either player is reflected to their partner.
- If the 2 players are separated more than 12 yards from each other, the reflected dmg is increased.
Tactics: Mind Tether (TANKS)
- Both tanks stack on each other.
- Tank swap when needed.
- 3 random players are feared in phase 1.
- The fear does dmg every sec for 10 sec.
- When fear expires, it does moderate dmg to entire raid.
- This can be dispelled.
Tactics: Dread
- Do NOT remove fear at the same time, then it does loads of dmg.
- Remove the fear on first player.
- Top up the health fast, then dispel the second player.
- Top up the health fast, then let the last fear just expire by itself.
Crushing Grasp
- During entire fight, A big tentacle spawns from an eye, and hits the platform straight line, 2 times in a row.
- The outer circle lightens up (shines) for a short time as a warning that the tentacle will spawn.
- Getting hit does high dmg and a knockback.
Tactics: Crushing Grasp
- The outer circle lightens up (shines) for a short time as a warning that the tentacle will spawn. Beware and dodge.
HEROIC MODE: Tentacle Slam
- A tentacle comes up from the ground and slams the ground.
- Players within the area take dmg and gets stunned for 2 sec.
This phase starts when boss reaches 60% health.
During this phase, you will have the Normal Realm, the Fear Realm and the Delirium Realm.
Reality Portal
The friendly NPC First Arcanist Thalyssra comes and opens a portal that takes you back to the normal realm during the entire fight.
Mind Tether (TANKS)
- Main tank and closest player get a mind tether.
- 50% dmg done to either player is reflected to their partner.
- If the 2 players are separated more than 12 yards from each other, the reflected dmg is increased.
Tactics: Mind Tether (TANKS)
- Both tanks stack on each other.
- Tank swap when needed.
Crushing Grasp
- During entire fight, A big tentacle spawns from an eye, and hits the platform straight line, 2 times in a row.
- The outer circle lightens up (shines) for a short time as a warning that the tentacle will spawn.
- Getting hit does high dmg and a knockback.
Tactics: Crushing Grasp
- The outer circle lightens up (shines) for a short time as a warning that the tentacle will spawn. Beware and dodge.
Dark Pulse
- Boss puts a shield on himself that absorbs 5% of his max health.
- During this time, the boss gathers dark energy.
- When the energy is completed, all players in all realms take deadly dmg.
- If the absorb shield is broken before boss has gathered the dark energy, it triggers instead Mind Fracture, which stuns the boss for 1.5 sec and interrupt the cast.
Tactics: Dark Pulse
Use dps cooledowns and Heroism/Timewarp/Blood Lust and nuke the shield fast.
Manic Dread
- 3 random players are feared in phase 1.
- The fear does dmg every sec for 10 sec.
- When fear expires, it does high dmg to entire raid.
- The players location is also marked and will do very high dmg to anyone within 7 yards.
- The marked location will become a pool of Caustic Delirium, which does dmg every 1 sec and stacks to the player standing in the pool. After stacks, the player is transported to the Deliruim Realm and this removes the Caustic Delirium debuff.
Tactics: Manic Dread
- Do NOT remove fear at the same time, then it does loads of dmg.
- Remove the fear on first player.
- Top up the health fast, then dispel the second player.
- Top up the health fast, then let the last fear just expire by itself.
- Let dps stand on the pool so they enter the Delirium Realm. Once there, nuke boss and stay alive as long as possible.
Dark passage
- Boss opens a passage to the Fear Realm,
- In the Fear Realm, Boss summons 3 Horrific Summoners.
- These summoners don´t take dmg from players from other realms. Only from players inside the Fear Realm.
- The summoners channel a Void Eruption when its completed which does deadly dmg to players within 300 yards.
- During the channel, small adds (Horrific vision) that fixates players.
- HEROIC MODE - The smalls adds will do more dmg and at the same time decrease in speed. They have 30 stacks that ticks down. When reaching 30 stacks they become Unleashed Nightmare which do 100% more dmg and a stack of Hysteria (shadow dmg every sec for 25 sec and stacks).
Tactics: Dark passage
- Dps must enter the Fear Portal and Nuke the Summoners fast.
- Kill the small adds that spawned, try to group them up and AoE them down.
When to Bloodlust/Timewarp/Heroism
When boss stands on the tear (the dark pool) it will also increase dmg taken by 30% for 20 sec.
The first time this happens, that´s when you do it.
Other posts
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