Delve Updates: Brann Bronzebeard's Bug Fixes and Enhancements to Health and Damage Blizzard has recently released a series of hotfixes for Brann Bronzebeard, featuring a more uniform baseline for power scaling across Delve Tiers, as well as a significant 125% boost to both his health and damage!
Over the past several days, we’ve heard player reports of much variance in Brann’s performance and contribution in Delves, and we’ve investigated anomalous data along those lines. We recently identified a serious bug that could, under specific circumstances, cause Brann to inherit all the health and damage bonuses meant for enemies in a given difficulty tier. When this bug took effect, the higher the tier of Delve you were running, the stronger Brann would get.
We’ve just deployed a hotfix that will correct this bug. There should now be a consistent baseline of power for Brann, which will increase with your own gear and with his level.
Some specs, whose gameplay tended towards hanging back and letting Brann take the lead, were much more likely to trigger the bug than others, so for those players we understand that this could make Brann feel significantly weaker than he has been, especially in the highest tier delves.
We’ve also seen feedback that “unbugged”, Brann felt much less impactful than we’d hoped. Therefore, along with the bugfix, we’ve hotfixed Brann to increase his health and damage by 125% across all tiers.
We will continue to monitor feedback and results, and we will make further adjustments as needed.
Thank you for your understanding and feedback!
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