In 9.2 we are getting Bind on Account Broker´s Gear that are gear slot specific. Meaning, you can buy this gear and send it to your alts.
What is the ilvl on Broker´s gear
The ilvl is 226 for all slots.
Can I upgrade Broker´s gear?
No, not at the moment on the PTR.
Where is Broker´s Gear vendor
The vendor NPC is called Hadja and she is located in Haven in Zereth Mortis.
What Broker´s Gear can you buy and what is the currency
You buy the gear with Amina. Every piece costs 500 but that will most likely change before live.
At the moment on the PTR, you can buy all slots except for necklace. I don´t know if that is intended or if they just missed it.
Broker´s Gear |
Anima |
Weapon |
500 |
Accessory |
500 |
Belt |
500 |
Boots |
500 |
Bracers |
500 |
Chestpiece |
500 |
Cloak |
500 |
Gloves |
500 |
Helm |
500 |
Legguards |
500 |
Shoulders |
500 |
Is it random stats every time or fixed stats?
Every time you open a Broker´s gear, you will get a random stat on it. So basically, you can buy Broker´s gear so you will get a full set of the exact stats that you want on your character. It all comes down to how much anima you got.
Socket on gear
When opening a Broker´s Gear, there is a chance that you can get a socket on it.
Can I wear 2 Broker´s rings?
You cannot wear the same name of rings, but there are plenty of different names on the rings. This means that you can wear two different Broker´s rings and the chance is very high that you get 2 different rings directly.
What Broker´s trinkets are there
There are two types of trinkets for each primary stat class, compared to korthia gear that only had 1.
There is a much bigger chance to get a trinket from Broker´s Accessory compared to Korthia that had a very low chance.
Caster/Healer trinkets
There are two type of Caster trinkets
- Extract of Prodigious Sands
- Symbol of the Raptora
Agility Trinkets
- Broker´s Lucky Coin
- Symbol of the Lupine
Strenght Trinkets
- Symbol of the Vombata
- Protector´s Diffusion Implement
Gear can proc extra effect
You can get bonus effect on the Broker´s Gear, such as
- Leech
- Avoidance
- Speed
Thank you Lazey (patf0rd) for telling me about this update.
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