- Gladiator's Sanctum: This building allows access to the Highmaul Coliseum which, upon winning the event, grants you the toy Warlord's Flag of Victory.
- Lumbermill: Having this building gives you the ability to loot Barkskin Tome, which drops from Petrified Ancient that are found in specific locations in Draenor. It starts the quest Legacy of the Ancients. This quest requires you to kill and loot four unique Draenor ancients. These are spawned by chopping down Level 2 Trees (Medium Timber). Completing this quest awards the Treessassin's Guise, a toy that transforms you into a tree unique to the Draenor zone you are in. There are six styles total.
- Inn: Having this building gives you access to a rotating set of quest givers who give you quests to enter dungeons. Many of these quests reward toys and their full list can be seenhere.
- TheGarrison Outpost in Spires of Arak unlocks after doing a quest line and gives you the ability to summon a vendor (Honest Jim and Linny "The Skinny" Leadpockets) that sells Bloodmane Charm. The vendors are random and appear for a limited time. This toy that transforms you into a Bloodmane Saberon, the model used for Claws of Shirvallah.
- In addition to the buildings that award toys, there are twofollower missions ( Finding Farahlon and Hearthstone Tournament) that award toys. One awards Mysterious Shining Lockbox which contains the toy Archmage Vargoth's Spare Staff and the other rewards you with Autographed Hearthstone Card.
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