In patch 10.1, there is a new village called Loamm, where the Niffen is located. They are the new friends in Zaralek Caverns and also a new Renown is added with them.
The Loamm Niffen have profession vendors for all professions, where they sell professions items but also new recipes.
But you do not buy recipes, instead you trade. There are special items that you can trade in order to get your hands on those recipes.
The currency to buy recipes are one of these:
- Ponzo´s Cream
- Glimmerogg Timeshare Voucher
There is an NPC called Pozo, located:
He sells those two items (Ponzo´s Cream Glimmerogg Timeshare Voucher). To buy them, you need Barter Bricks.
Glimmerogg Timeshare Voucher Costs:
- 80 Barter Bricks
Ponzo´s Cream
- 25 Barter Bricks
How to get Barter Bricks
The beginning
First quest comes from Ponzo "Get rich Quick" which is an introduction and rewards 1 Barter Brick.
After you hit Rank 3 with Loam Niffen, you will get a quest to talk to Ponzo. This leads to a quest (Bartering 101) that takes you to Valdrakken and also rewards 10 Barter Bricks.
You will now unlock daily quests, in which of these quests rewards 5 Barter Bricks each, meaning 10 in total per day. The other quest(s) are tied to your profession and rewards 3 Knowledge points.
Completing a sniffseeking can reward 2-4 Barter Bricks.
There are also questitems that you can find when sniffseeking that rewards 2 Barter Bricks when completed. I even got 2 of these quests from the same sniffseeking.
Low chance on getting them from treausres.
Low chance on getting them from rares.
All the Items that Ponzo sells
Item | Cost |
Winding Slitherdrake: Hairy Brow | x55 Barter Brick, |
Winding Slitherdrake: Cluster Chin Horn | x55 Barter Brick, |
Winding Slitherdrake: Curled Nose | x55 Barter Brick, |
x5 Knowledge Points for Each Profession | x35 Barter Brick, |
x5 More Knowledge Points for Each Profession | x90 Barter Brick, |
Ponzo's Cream | x25 Barter Brick, |
Glimmerogg Timeshare Voucher | x80 Barter Brick, |
Thimblerig | x86 Barter Brick, |
Boulder Hauler Reins | x170 Barter Brick, |
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