Called from the depths to retrieve three relics of ancient power, the Restless Cabal is bound to serve N´Zoth and attend to his will. Zaxasj speaks of promises and power while Fa´thuul crushes their opposition with brute force.
Short Tactics
- This encounter has 2 bosses - Fa'thuul the Feared and Zaxasj the Speaker
- Zaxasj is a caster and Fa'thuul is melee.
- Two tanks will be tanking Fa'thuul and one ranged player will be tanking Zaxasj
- Melee tanks will tank swap at 2-3 Shear Mind.
- Ranged tank will be pulling the boss and take the hit from Aphotic Blast (150% increased threat) and stand at maxed ranged to decrease dmg taken from the boss.
- There are 3 relics on the platform and each boss will activate one (the closest one) when they reach 75%, 50% and 25% health.
- Relic – Void Stone: reduces healing by 100% until you break the shield on the boss. You must destroy the shield in order to destroy the void energy and start healing again.
- Relic – Trident: Puts a bubble on the ground and the remaining health the bubble has when it expires will become raid dmg. You must nuke the bubble fast or the remaining absorb will kill the raid.
- Relic – Tempest: Does heavy Raid dmg for 15 seconds. If a player is below 25% health. That player dies instantly. Healing cooldowns are very crucial here.
- Every time a relic is activated, that boss also spawns an add.
- Fa'thuul spawns 3 of the same add. These adds casts Witness the End which makes them kill themselves. It also puts a 6 sec debuff that increase dmg taken from Witness. Interrupt all 3 adds over and over until Relic dmg is gone. Then interrupt 2 of 3 and after 6 sec 1 of 2 remaining.
- Zaxasj spawns one add that casts a fear when full hp and regen health when 1 hp for 1.5 min. Nuke the add down to 1 hp to stop the fear cast first, then cleave dmg, then nuke it down again when needed. - Run away when you have Crushing Doubt. Does deadly dmg if expired close to raid.
- Watch out for frontal cone dmg of caster boss (Zaxasj). Mind controls for 4 sed and does heavy dmg when hit.
- Stand within 5 yards of players with Dark Herald debuff to increase dmg done by 10% but reduces 10% health as well. This stacks. Dispell players with this stacking debuff before heavy incoming raid dmg such as Relic activation.
- When one of the bosses reaches 1 health it will be healed by 20%. The only way to kill them is to make sure they reach 1 health approximately the same time.
Boss encounter and tactics
The Health Pact
When one of the bosses reaches 1 health it will be healed by 20%.
The only way to kill them is to make sure they reach 1 health approximately the same time.
The 3 Relics
There are 3 Relics on the platform.
When the bosses reach 75%, 50% or 25% health, they will each activate the nearest Relic to them.
When a relic is activated the boss will gain a 10% increase to their damage done.
Activating the Void Stone
- This relic does void energy to the entire raid which reduces healing by 100%.
- This relic will also put a shield on the boss that triggered the relic. This shield absorbs around 500k dmg.
Activating Trident of the Deep Ocean
- This puts a big bubble on the ground, around the boss that triggered the Relic.
- 75% of the dmg is redirected to the bubble.
- The bubble has a timer, and when it expires, all absorb that is left will become frost dmg to all players.
Activating Tempest Caller
- Activates a tempest storm for 15 seconds.
- Every player takes 14k Nature dmg every second.
- Players will do 50% less dmg when hit
- If a player is below 25% health. That player dies instantly.
Tactics: The 3 Relics
- You must take each boss to each relic once.
Never take a boss to same relic. If a boss goes to the same relic, it will increase that boss dmg done by 300%.
- Nuke the bosses one by one. Do not take the health down to 75/50/25 percent at the same time.
Because then you have to deal with 2 relic mechanics at the same time which is a death wish. - Start with the melee boss and take it down to 20%. Then go to the caster boss.
Activating the Void Stone
Make sure the entire raid is topped with full health before the relic is triggered.
You must destroy the shield in order to destroy the void energy and start healing again.
Activating Trident of the Deep Ocean
You must nuke the bubble fast or the remaining absorb will kill the raid.
Activating Tempest Caller
Healing cooldowns are very crucial here.
Players own defensive abilities are important here.
Tanking the bosses
- Fa'thuul is the only one that can be melee tanked. The debuff is called Shear Mind (Physical dmg that reduces all stacks by 10% for 20 sec). Tank swap at 2-3 stacks.
- Zaxasj needs to be tanked by a ranged player. That ranged must be hit by Aphotic Blast (Does very high shadow dmg and increasing threat by 150% for 30 sec). That player should be at max range from the boss to decrease dmg taken by the Aphotic Blast. The blast is AoE within 5 yards. No other player should be close.
The Boss Abilities
Fa´thuul the Feared
Shear Mind (Main tanks)
- The debuff is called Shear Mind (Physical dmg that reduces all stacks by 10% for 20 sec).
Tactics: Shear Mind (Main tanks)
- This boss will be tanked by the two main tanks in melee.
- Tank swap at 2-3 stacks.
Crushing Doubt
- A debuff on a player that does Shadow dmg every 2 sec for 12 sec.
- The debuff also reduces movement speed by 25%.
- When debuff expires – does deadly dmg to entire raid. The further away the debuffed player is from raid, the less dmg the raid takes.
Tactics: Crushing Doubt
- Run away from raid before the debuff expires.
Void Crash
- A dark void orb that lands on random location.
- If a player is hit it does very high dmg (100k)
- If a player is not hit, the orb bounces to another random location, but this time dmg is less.
- If not soaked, it keeps on bouncing, but the dmg decrease only happens once.
Tactics: Void Crash
- Soak the orb when it lands after the first bounce.
- Dodge otherwise
- The orb becomes smaller after first bounce so it will be easier to know which one is doing lesser dmg when soaked.
Eldritch Revelation - ADDS
When a relic becomes active, three adds spawn – Eldritch Abomination
Each add casts a spell called Witness the End which makes them kill themselves.
The death does shadow high dmg (70k) to all players.
The dmg also puts a debuff that increase dmg taken by Witness the End by 100% for 6 sec.
This spell is interruptible but the add starts casting it directly again.
Tactics: Eldritch Revelation - ADDS
- Have players in your raid for interrupt duty.
- Always interrupt all 3 adds until the ability from the relic is gone (Void Stone healing immunity, trident absorb bubble, Tempest Storm).
- Interrupt 2 of the 3 adds so that the last one casts the spell.
- Make sure no add casts during the 6 sec extra dmg taken debuff.
- Interrupt 1 of the 2 remaining adds so that the second one casts the spell after 6 sec passed.
- Make sure that the last add doesn’t cast during the 6 sec debuff.
- Let the last add cast.
Zaxasj the Speaker
Aphotic Blast (Ranged Tank)
- Shoots a void bolt at player with threat (tanking it).
- The blast does 100k dmg within 5 yards of that player.
- The bolt does less dmg the further away.
- The hit increases threat by 150% for 30 sec.
- When threat expires, that player will be hostile and reduce hostile player healing by 75%.
Tactics: Aphotic Blast (Ranged Tank)
- Zaxasj needs to be tanked by a ranged player.
- That ranged must be hit by Aphotic Blast
Because it does very high shadow dmg and increasing threat by 150% for 30 sec.
- That player should be at max range from the boss to decrease dmg taken by the Aphotic Blast.
- The blast is AoE within 5 yards. No other player should be close. If another player takes dmg, they can take the threat.
- If the ranged tank becomes hostile, make sure not to do dmg on raid or raid doing dmg on that player. Meaning that player can still control its character.
Cerebral Assault
- The boss does a cone blast that does high dmg (40-50k).
- Player hit will also become hostile for 4 seconds.
Tactics: Cerebral Assault
- Make sure you do not stand in front of the blast.
- If players are mind controlled for 4 seconds, stun them to prevent unwanted abilities on raid, such as fear.
Dark Herald
- A debuff on random player
- If other players are within 5 yards (a circle on the ground under the player) they do 10% more dmg and have 10% less health – the debuff is called Promising of Power.
- This effect increases over time. Stacks up
- This Promising of Power debuff can be dispelled.
HEROIC MODE: does 53k shadow dmg to the player that dispelled.
Tactics: Dark Herald
- Enter the dark herald player to increase your dmg done when no relics/other types of dangerous incoming dmg.
- Dispell players with Promising of Power before heavy incoming dmg.
- Have players with Promising of Power the last 25% when no more relics.
Visage from Beyond (ADD)
- When a relic becomes active, this boss summons an add for 1.5 minutes – Visage from Beyond.
- This add fears entire raid and does high dmg (60k)
- This add also heals it self (healing over time buff)
Tactics: Visage from Beyond (ADD)
- The add has a long cast timer before the fear.
- Nuke down the add health to 1 hp. This prevents the fear ability.
- When the add reaches full health it will start casting the fear ability again.
- The healing over time is higher and higher over time.
- Tank the boss on the add so that it takes cleave dmg.
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