Not everyone in Castle Nathria is loyal to Sire Denathrius. Some simply saw an opportunity and exploited it to their own ends. Artificer Xy´mox has worked with Denathrius but is mostly concerned with getting the better end of the deal, which mayu require the end of Nathria´s invaders.
You will fight the boss on a big platform.
The portals (Dimensional Tear)
2 random players get targeted and after 8 seconds they leave a portal on the platform that players can travel through. During entire fight until boss reaches 40% health. Place the portals on each side of the room. One where the boss will be tanked and one on the opposite side.
You will use the portals for 2 reasons.
- Players can use the portal when fixated.
- Players will pick up and place seeds on the opposite side. The portal is used to get there or get out of there.
In last phase when boss reaches 40% health, you will place a portal in the center instead of opposite side of where boss is tanked. The other portal is placed where the boss is tanked.
Boss will activate Edge of Annihilation that pulls all players to the middle. If you don’t get out before the blast, you are dead. Therefore, having a portal in the middle is perfect to use to get out.
The adds (100% health)
Occasionally, the boss will spawn adds that cannot be cc or attacked. They fixate random players.
They move very fast. If caught, you get mind controlled and must be damaged to remove it.
Use portal to move away from the adds.
Use character abilities to run away from the adds.
The seeds (70% health)
During the fight, boss will place seeds on each side of the platform.
Raid Finder and Normal mode has 4 seeds.
Heroic mode and mythic mode has 8 seeds.
After 20 sec, they explode and does deadly dmg to anyone within 50 yards.
Have players that can move fast to pick one each and place on the opposite side of where boss is tanked.
Use portal to get out (make sure players will place a portal on that side).
Edge of Annihilation (40% health)
Boss activates this device that pulls all players to the middle, stronger and stronger.
After some seconds, it blows and does dmg / Kills anyone within 25 yards of the center.
Players that have abilities to move out fast do so.
But make sure that there is a portal in the middle for players to use.
The boss in general
Main tank gets a debuff (Glyph of destruction) and must run away from raid before it blows. Use defensive cooldown. It also leaves a debuff that increase arcane dmg taken by 50% for 45 sec. Tank swap when it happens.
Traps (Heroic mode) – Boss places several statis traps at player locations. If getting trapped, it stuns and does dmg until the trap is broken.
Healers beware of raid dmg from Hyperlight spark, Soul Singe 100% (boss health), Withering Touch (70% boss health).
Tank the boss on the far left side of the platform.
Tank debuff runs to top side and let it blow there.
Always place one Dimensional Tear (portal) next to boss.
The other portal is placed based on boss health.
100% - opposite side of the room from boss
40% - in the center of the room
When seeds start at 70% health. Make sure that players start moving to their seed locations.
Abilities and Tactics
Dimoensional Tear
Boss puts a debuff on 2 players that does Arcane dmg after 8 sec, and creates a wormhole (portal)
Tactics: Dimoensional Tear
One player always place a portal next to boss.
Second player places the portal based on boss health.
100% - opposite side of the room from boss
40% - in the center of the room
Use the portal when needed:
- Players can use the portal when fixated.
- Players will pick up and place seeds on the opposite side. The portal is used to get there or get out of there.
- In last phase when boss reaches 40% health, boss will activate Edge of Annihilation that pulls all players to the middle. If you don’t get out before the blast, you are dead. Therefore, having a portal in the middle is perfect to use to get out.
Glyph of Destruction
Boss puts a 4 sec debuff on the tank (primary target) that does Arcane dmg every sec.
When debuff expires – It does very high Arcane dmg to all players and another debuff on tank (Arcane Vulnerability) for 45 sec that increase Arcane dmg taken by 50%.
Tactics: Glyph of Destruction
- Main tank runs away from raid (top side) and waits until the debuff blows before running back.
Tank swap here.
Hyperlight Spark
Boss creates a spark that jumps between all players that does high Arcane dmg.
Tactics: Hyperlight Spark
- Healers beware
Statis Trap (HEROIC MODE)
Boss place traps at location of several players.
After 2 sec the traps is active.
Players that trip on the trap are stunned and take Arcane dmg until the trap is destroyed.
Tactics: Statis Trap (HEROIC MODE)
- Move away when trap is placed.
- Make sure traps are not around wormholes.
- Nuke the trap if anyone is trapped.
Sire Denathrius´s Private Collection
This is extra abilities on the platform that boss activates.
Boss will have the ability active based on the boss health.
Crystal of Phantasms (starts at 100% health)
This is active at pull and until boss reaches 70% health.
These adds fixate players for 12 sec.
If they reach the players, it mind controls them.
Crystal of Phantasms (starts at 100% health)
- Use the portals to move away from adds faster.
- Use character abilities to run away from adds faster.
- The adds move very fast.
Root of Extinction (starts at 70% health)
Boss activates a root and plants Seed of Extinction.
Raid finder/Normal/Heroic mode have 4 plants.
Mythic mode have 8 plants.
After 20 sec, the seeds explode and does deadly Nature dmg to players within 50 yards.
Players can interact with the Seeds to move them.
The root lashes out and does moderate dmg every 1.5 sec for 21 sec.
Root of Extinction (starts at 70% health)
- Have players that can move fast to pick one each and place on the opposite side of where boss is tanked.
- Use portal to get out (make sure players will place a portal on that side).
Edge of Annihilation (Starts at 40% health)
Boss activates Edge of Annihilation and draw players in with increasing intensity until it erupts.
Does deadly Shadow dmg to all players within 25 yards.
It also puts a debuff Aura of Dread, that does Shadow dmg to all players every 3 sec for the rest of the fight.
Tactics: Edge of Annihilation (at 40% health)
- Players that have abilities to move out fast do so.
- But make sure that there is a portal in the middle for players to use.
When to Bloodlust / Timewarp / Heroism
At 40% health when boss triggers the last collection.
It can be very crucial if you can kill the boss within a final activation of the Holocaust.
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