Cobalt assembly is a new reputation faction in Dragon Isles. They have a base in Cobalt Assembly in The Azure Span. They are defending the Cobalt Assembly area against The Sundered Flame.
This reputation faction is divided into levels.
- Empty
- Low
- Medium
- High
- Maximum
Based on your reputation level, you unlock transmogs and talents in a special cobalt assembly talent tree that helps you in the fight against their enemies.
This vendor is located in Cobalt Assembly in The Azure Span
He sells cosmetic weapons
Cobalt Rogue´s Saber
One-Hand Sword
Costs: 600 Dragon Isles Supplies
Requires the Cobalt Assembly power to be at Maximum
Cobalt Dragonflame Blade
One-Hand Sword
Costs: 600 Dragon Isles Supplies
Requires the Cobalt Assembly power to be at Maximum
Assembly Guards Cutlass
One-Hand Sword
Costs: 600 Dragon Isles Supplies
Requires the Cobalt Assembly power to be at Maximum
Cobalt Assembly Warglaives
One-Hand Warglaives
Costs: 600 Dragon Isles Supplies
Requires the Cobalt Assembly power to be at Maximum
Assembly Bladewing Staff
Two-Hand Staff
Costs: 600 Dragon Isles Supplies
Requires the Cobalt Assembly power to be at Maximum
Cobalt Spellweaver´s Stave
Two-Hand Staff
Costs: 600 Dragon Isles Supplies
Requires the Cobalt Assembly power to be at Maximum
Cobalt Spellweaver´s Scepter
Held in Off-hand
Costs: 600 Dragon Isles Supplies
Requires the Cobalt Assembly power to be at Maximum
Cobalt Wingedguard Polearm
Two-Hand Polearm
Costs: 600 Dragon Isles Supplies
Requires the Cobalt Assembly power to be at Maximum
Cobalt Assembly Spear
Two-Hand Polearm
Costs: 600 Dragon Isles Supplies
Requires the Cobalt Assembly power to be at Maximum
Assembly Drakonid Barrier
Costs: 600 Dragon Isles Supplies
Requires the Cobalt Assembly power to be at Maximum
Cobalt Dragonwing Decapitator
Two-Hand Axe
Costs: 600 Dragon Isles Supplies
Requires the Cobalt Assembly power to be at Maximum
There is also gear trasnmog, but on testing, it only shows the Mail version.
Cobalt Battlegear
CoverCobalt Battlegear Bracers
Cobalt Battlegear Belt
Cobalt Battlegear Monnion
Cobalt Battlegear Leggings
Cobalt Battlegear Helm
Cobalt Battlegear Grips
Cobalt Battlegear Hauberk
Xavin - Cobalt Assembly Abilities
There is an NPC that will help you out when fighting enemies in Cobalt Assembly area.
You add points in a talent tree tied to this area.
It costs Dragon Isles Supplies to activate the talents and it requires reputation to unlock the talents.
Extra Wild Arcana
Adds a fourth choice to your Wild Arcana
Costs: 50 Dragon Isles Supplies
Choose one of the following
Cobalt Reputation
Increase your reputation gain with the Cobalt Assembly by 30%
Costs: 100 Dragon Isles Supplies
Requires the Cobalt Assembly power to be at Low
Arcane Shield
Chance to gain an arcane absorb shield after you choose a Wild Arcana power
Costs: 100 Dragon Isles Supplies
Requires the Cobalt Assembly power to be at Low
Azure Arise
You can manipulate the wild arcana in the Cobalt Assembly to return you from death once every 60 minutes. When activated, you return to full health and stun all enemies nearby you.
Costs: 150 Dragon Isles Supplies
Requires the Cobalt Assembly power to be at Medium
Choose one of the following
Arcane Instability
5% chance when you take any damage to create an unstable ley crystal. When interacted with, the crystal will explode, dealing damage to all bearny enemies. This effect cannot occur more than once every 120 sec.
Costs: 100 Dragon Isles Supplies
Requires the Cobalt Assembly power to be at High
Unhelpful Fireworks
30% chance when you enter combat to create fireworks based on your faction. This effect cannot occur more than once every 120 sec.There is absolutely no combat benefit to this.
Costs: 1 Dragon Isles Supplies
Requires the Cobalt Assembly power to be at High
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