During the Day of the Dead, the people of Azeroth gather in graveyards to celebrate and cherish the spirits of those they have lost. One can find the festivities in the cemeteries of any major city where celebrants cook, drink, don costumes and more.
This Holiday is 2 days long
Dance with Catrina
Dance with Catrina and you will be transformed into a skeleton and unlock an achievement
This NPC can be found in Stormwind City, Dalaran, Undercity, Azuremyst Isle, Darnassus, Dun Morogh, Durotar, Eversong Woods and Terokkar Forest.
The Grateful Dead
Purchase some Orange Marigold or Bouquet of Orange Marigolds from Chapman and use them to see the otherwise invisible spirit in the graveyard.
Acquire some Bread of the Dead and give it to the Cheerful Spirit.
This quest starts and ends in Dalaran.
During the Day of the Dead, you can acquire a living memory of a grateful dead in the form of a pet, and celebrate the occasion with a few special items.
Macabre Marionette
Your reward for the Grateful Dead quest is a Macabre Marionette, a small skeleton wearing a sombrero and holding a pair of maracas.
Recipe: Bread of the Dead
This delicious bread will help you recover your health and mana.
(Sold by Chapman who only appears at any graveyard at any main city, only during the Day of the Dead annual holiday)
The Chapman can be found in Stormwind City, Dalaran, Azuremyst Isle, Darnassus, Dun Morogh, Durotar, Eversong Woods, Terokkar Forest and Undercity.
Bouquet of Orange Marigolds
These flowers can be bought from Chapman for a mere 10 copper each. They are said to attract spirits and help one communicate with the departed on the Day of the Dead.
Orange Marigold
This flower that you can buy for only 10 copper to Chapman is said to attract spirits and help communicate with the departed on the Day of the Dead.
Whimsical Skull Mask
For just 5 copper Chapman can sell you this grim mask that gives your character a frightening appearance!
Spirit Candle
Place this spirit candle on the ground to honour the Dead and increase the spirits of those nearby.
Contender's Costumes
These wrestling outfits can be bought to Chapman for 100 gold each on the Day of the Dead only, but will be usable all year round. Send 50 opponents to the afterlife by battling with them in costume, and unlock the achievementCalavera!
You can bake some Bread of the Dead if you've learned the recipe above, and you can also buy a whimsical Candy Skull for almost nothing from Chapman.
The Day of the Dead currently offers a total 4 Achievements:
Defeat 50 contenders while wearing a contender's outfit purchased during Day of the Dead.
Dead Man's Party
Dance with Catrina to become a skeleton during the Day of the Dead.
To The Afterlife
Defeat a contender while wearing a contender's outfit purchased during Day of the Dead.
Defeat 20 contenders while wearing a contender's outfit purchased during Day of the Dead.