Blizzard posted information on THe Dragonflight Alpha testing today.
Original post.
We have begun the alpha testing phase and want to provide all of you with some details on how we have been planning for this phase of testing to roll out before we move to the beta.
This time around we plan to do some focused zone testing early on so we can get as much feedback as possible from each phase of updates. To do this, specific zones will be available and then disabled to keep alpha testers in the active areas. While the zones are expected to weave in and out of existence during the initial stages of the alpha, the majority of other content and features will continue to persist week over week following their introduction into the alpha.
Our goal is to roll out a new phase every week. As a reminder, testing phases can be very fluid so depending on implementation, feedback, or issues, the schedule could change at a moment’s notice. Alpha testers should keep an eye on the alpha forum for updates on what is available in each update.
Here is a breakdown for what players can initially expect to see in the first phase of Dragonflight alpha:
Phase 1 Zone Experience: The Azure Span
- New Race and Class: Dracthyr Evoker
- Dragonriding
- New Interface HUD Revamp
- Talent Revamps for Death Knight, Druid, Hunter, Priest, and Rogue
- Professions: Alchemy and Blacksmithing
Full details on the following phases will be shared as we get closer to them, but here are the current plans for the zones:
- Phase 2 Zone Experience: The Forbidden Reach
- Phase 3 Zone Experiences: The Forbidden Reach and Waking Shores
- Phase 4 Zone Experiences: The Forbidden Reach and Thaldraszus
- Phase 5 Zone Experiences: The Forbidden Reach and Ohn’ahran Plain
- Phase 6+ All zones are expected to be playable
Please read the patch note thread for full details of each phase as they become available.
Thanks for your interest and see you in the Dragon Isles.
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