Take a look a this week’s Dragonflight Beta update:
- Blood
- Shattering Bone – Damage reduced by 40%. Now properly deals increased damage when Tombstone consumes multiple Bone Shield charges.
- Frost
- Everfrost – Damage per stack increased to 6% (was 4%).
- Biting Cold – Increases Remorseless Winter damage by 35% (was 30%).
- Chill Streak – No longer costs runic power. Now costs 1 Rune.
- Blood
- Class Tree
- Natural Recovery – Effectiveness reduced to 2/4% (was 3/6%).
- Balance
- Umbral Embrace – Now increases the damage of Wrath and Starfire by 25/50% (was 50/100%).
- Astral Smolder – Now causes targets to languish for an additional 20%/40% (was 4%/8%).
- A new connection exists between Lunar Shrapnel and Force of Nature.
- A new connection exists between Orbit Breaker and Astral Communion.
- A new connection exists between Rattle the Stars/Starweaver and Wild Mushroom.
- Warrior of Elune has been moved to row 10.
- Sundered Firmament has been moved to the right side of the tree.
- Nature’s Balance has been moved to row 2.
- Stellar Innervation has been moved to row 5.
- Stellar Inspiration has been removed.
- Twin Moons has been moved to row 5 and is no longer a choice against Stellar Flare.
- Restoration
- Reforestation – Now on the Personal Resource Display.
- All healing spells reduced by 10%.
- Class Tree
- Devastation
- Verdant Embrace – Healing increased by 20% for Devastation only.
- Preservation
- Ouroboros – Now reduces the cast time of Echo by 5% per stack. You can now gain stacks even if you are healing a full health target.
- Cycle of Life – Gathers 15% of healing over 10 seconds (was 10% over 15 seconds).
- Cycle of Life – The counter now counts down each time you cast Emerald Blossom instead of when the Emerald Blossom expires
- Fixed an issue that caused Cycle of Life’s Dream Sprouts to replace any active Dream Sprouts when they spawned.
- Devastation
- Beast Mastery
- Dire Beast – Damage increased by 400%.
- Barbed Shot – Damage reduced by 23%.
- Beast Mastery
- Arcane
- Arcane Surge – The spell damage bonus from the Rune of Power cast from Arcane Surge is now applied to its damage. Mana regeneration reduced to 425% (was 450%), and damage reduced by 30%.
- Arcane Missiles – Damage reduced by 25%.
- Arcane Power – Spell damage reduced to 20% (was 25%).
- Arcane Echo – Now scales with Mastery. Damage reduced by 25%.
- Enlightened – Increases Arcane damage by 6% while above 70% Mana (was 8%).
- Mana Gem – Cooldown now reduced by Shifting Power.
- Touch of the Magi – Now accumulates 20% of damage (was 25%).
- Arcane
- Brewmaster
- Attenuation – Cooldown reduction can now trigger up to 10 times (was 5).
- Mistweaver
- Ancient Teachings – Now has a 30 yard range (was 20 yards). Now on the Personal Resource Display.
- Secret Infusion – Increased stats granted to 8/15% (was 5/10%).
- Vivify – Reduced healing by 25% for Mistweaver.
- Rapid Diffusion – Now does not override existing Renewing Mists that are longer than 6 seconds.
- Attenuation – Cooldown reduction can now trigger up to 10 times (was 5).
- Windwalker
- Attenuation – Cooldown reduction can now trigger up to 10 times (was 5).
- Fury of Xuen – Now grants flat 10% Haste rather than a stat value.
- Brewmaster
- Holy
- Power of the Silver Hand – Now triggers twice a minute on average. Now on the Personal Resource Display.
- Tyr’s Deliverance – Now on the Personal Resource Display.
- Awakening – Now grants Avenging Wrath for 8 seconds (was 10 seconds).
- Saved by the Light – Absorb shield has been increased by 100%.
- Retribution
- Divine Storm – Damage reduced by 35%.
- Holy
- Class Tree
- Binding Heals – Casting Flash Heal on allies with Binding Heals talented now applies Atonement to the Priest. Only applies to Discipline specialization.
- Class Tree
- Class Tree
- Brimming with Life – Now grants Stamina in arena matches even when Reincarnation is on cooldown.
- Enhancement
- Corrected an issue that caused Gathering Storms to scale damage incorrectly.
- Corrected an issue that prevented Crashing Storms from increasing Crash Lightning’s maximum buff stack cap.
- Corrected an issue with Maelstrom Weapon not counting the correct amount of stacks consumed.
- Stormflurry – Procs no longer benefit or consume Stormblast’s bonus nature damage effect for Stormstrike.
- Windstrike – Cooldown lowered to 7.5 seconds to match Stormstrike’s cooldown.
- Thorim’s Invocation – Will now default to Lightning Bolt if you have not used either Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning before pressing Ascendance.
- Thorim’s Invocation – Will no longer consume or benefit from more than 5 Maelstrom Weapon stacks per Windstrike.
- Corrected an issue where the 5% bonus from Raging Maelstrom wasn’t functioning when Overflowing Maelstrom was selected.
- Lightning Lasso – Now properly affected by Mastery: Enhanced Elements.
- Lightning Lasso – Now affected by the Lightning Feral Spirit’s nature damage increase buff.
- Doom Winds – Global cooldown now scales with Haste.
- Ice Strike – No longer improperly not usable while silenced.
- Restoration
- Earthliving Weapon – Healing increased by 250%.
- Class Tree
- Class Tree
- Refactored all bleed effects to ensure they receive damage modifiers correctly and can critical strike correctly.
- Barbaric Training (Protection) – Revenge now deals 25% increased damage (was 20%).
- Fury
- Slaughtering Strikes – Now correctly consumed by Rampage when using Annihilator.
- Berserker Stance – Now increases auto attack damage by 15% (was 10%).
- Protection
- Champion’s Bulwark – Now correctly doesn’t consume charges of Shield Block or trigger cooldowns of Shield Block.
- Violet Outburst – Now grants 100% increased Rage generation for Shield Slam and Thunderclap and includes benefits any existing rage generation modifiers on those abilities. Its tooltip is now updated to correctly represent its functionality.
- Class Tree
- Feral
- (2) Set Bonus: Ferocious Bite and Rip damage bonus increased to 8% (was 5%).
- (4) Set Bonus: For each combo point spent, finishing moves increase your Bleed damage by 4% and increase the chance for your attacks that generate combo points to Critically Strike by 2% for 4 seconds.
- Guardian
- (2) Set Bonus: Using Mangle with Gore also deals 30% of damage dealt to nearby enemies, damage reduced beyond 5 targets. It also increases your damage done and reduces damage you take by 5% for 6 seconds.
- (4) Set Bonus: Gore has a 5% increased chance to trigger. Using Mangle with Gore heals you over 6 seconds.
- Restoration
- (4) Set Bonus: Wild Growth power proc can now only proc once from each tick of Efflorescence. Increase to Wild Growth healing changed to 5% per stack (was 10%).
- Feral
- Beast Mastery
- (4) Set Bonus: Barbed Shot damage increased by 5% and Barbed Shot increases damage of your next Kill Command by 20%.
- Marksmanship
- Updated 2-set and 4-set descriptions to be correct if Chimaera Shot taken.
- (2) Set Bonus: Arcane Shot and Multi Shot critical hits cause your next Aimed Shot to cause targets hit to bleed for 40% of damage dealt over 6 seconds.
- (4) Set Bonus: Increase chance for ranged auto-attacks to trigger effect to 15% (was 10%).
- Survival
- (2) Set Bonus: Damage bonus increased to 15% (was 10%).
- (4) Set Bonus: Raptor Strike / Mongoose Bite, Carve, and Butchery have a 20% chance to make your next Raptor Strike, Mongoose Bite, Carve, or Butchery cost no Focus and deal 50% increased damage.
- Beast Mastery
- Mistweaver
- Fixed an issue preventing Mistweaver’s 4-set bonus from working with the Essence Font heal applied by Faeline Stomp.
- Windwalker
- (4) Set Bonus: Fists of Fury now enhances your next 3 Rising Sun Kicks or Spinning Crane Kicks and enhanced kicks increase the damage of your next Fists of Fury by 5%, stacking up to 3 times.
- Mistweaver
- Holy
- (2) Set Bonus: Holy Shock increases the critical strike chance of your spells by 4% for 10 seconds.
- (4) Set Bonus: Holy Light, Flash of Light, Light of Dawn, Word of Glory and Bestow Faith healing is increased by 6% and their critical effects increase the damage or healing of your next Holy Shock by 20%.
- Retribution
- (2) Set Bonus: Judgment, Blade of Justice, and Wake of Ashes/Radiant Decree damage increased by 15%.
- (4) Set Bonus: Templar’s Verdict / Final Verdict and Divine Storm damage increased by 10%.
- Holy
- Elemental
- 2-set and 4-set bonuses now work with Elemental Blast if taken.
- (2) Set Bonus: Now increases the damage of your next Earth Shock / Elemental Blast or Earthquake by 5%, stacking 5 times (was 2.5% stacking 10 times).
- Enhancement
- (2) Set Bonus: Stormstrike increases the damage of your next fire, frost, or nature ability by 10% and causes it to generate 1 stack of Maelstrom Weapon.
- (4) Set Bonus: Consuming Maelstrom Weapon stacks increases your Haste by 1% for each stack for 4 seconds.
- Restoration
- (4) Set Bonus: Your critical heals have 215% effectiveness instead of the usual 200%.
- Elemental
- Destruction
- (4) Set Bonus: Your critical strikes deal 208% damage instead of the usual 200%.
- Destruction
- Protection
- Ignore Pain granted changed to 5% of damage dealt (was 10%).
- Protection
- Cross-faction has been enabled for Rated Solo Shuffle. Horde and Alliance can now match and play against each other.
- Regrowth’s initial heal is no longer reduced by 15% in PvP.
- Kill Command no longer deals 15% reduced damage in PvP.
- Marksmanship
- Aimed Shot no longer deals 15% increased damage in PvP.
- Rapid Fire no longer deals 10% increased damage in PvP.
- Arcane
- Arcane Missiles no longer deals 15% increased damage in PvP.
- Fire
- Fireball no longer deals 15% increased damage in PvP.
- Pyroblast no longer deals 15% reduced damage in PvP.
- Frost
- Ice Lance no longer deals 15% increased damage in PvP.
- Comet Storm no longer deals 10% reduced damage in PvP.
- Arcane
- Mistweaver
- Enveloping Mist no longer heals for an additional 10% in PvP
- Vivify no longer heals for an additional 10% in PvP.
- Mistweaver
- Retribution
- Divine Storm no longer deals 10% reduced damage in PvP.
- Retribution
- Power Word: Shield absorb value no longer increased by 10% in PvP.
- Renew heal is no longer increased by 15% in PvP.
- Shadow
- Vampiric Touch no longer deals 10% increased damage in PvP.
- Outlaw
- Between the Eyes no longer deals 9% reduced damage in PvP.
- Subtlety
- Eviscerate no longer deals 10% reduced damage in PvP.
- Outlaw
- Restoration
- Riptide’s heal is no longer reduced by 15% in PvP.
- Restoration
- Affliction
- Agony no longer deals 15% increased damage in PvP.
- Corruption no longer deals 15% increased damage in PvP.
- Siphon Life no longer deals 15% increased damage in PvP.
- Shadow Bolt no longer deals 10% increased damage in PvP.
- Unstable Affliction no longer deals 15% increased damage in PvP.
- Affliction
- Class Tree
- Bounding Stride – Cooldown reduction now has 50% effectiveness in PvP. Speed increase now has 70% effectiveness in PvP.
- Double Time – Cooldown reduction now has 50% effectiveness in PvP.
- Arms
- Overpower no longer deals 9% reduced damage in PvP.
- Execute no longer deals 13% reduced damage in PvP.
- Class Tree
- Grand Apothecary Alchetaur, located in Stormwind and Orgrimmar, now also sells Cosmetic Class Glyphs for testing on the Valdrakken server.
- Knowledge spent on Specializations for Leatherworking in the process of fixing a larger issue. We apologize for the inconvenience.
- Engineering Bracer discovery recipes are currently not functioning. This will be fixed in a later build.
- 3 extra bars are added, enable them by going to Options > Gameplay > Action bars
- The Guild banner art in the minimap have been updated.
- Added an option to play a sound when the player is in range to use the Interact Key
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