By Blizzard
Dragonflight ushers in a unique way of experiencing outdoor progression with a system called Major Factions, boasting an additional way to experience the Dragon Isles and earn Renown ranks through Reputation.
The four Major Factions in the Dragon Isles are the Dragonscale Expedition, Iskaara Tuskarr, Maruuk Centaur, and Valdrakken Accord, and each Major Faction’s progression is unique. As you build a reputation with your newfound friends, you’ll participate in content fitting a variety of playstyles to earn prestigious titles and special rewards. If you're the outgoing type, you can also work toward gaining the respect and adoration of all the Major Factions if you wish. For those who like the added challenge, reach the highest Renown rank with each Major Faction to complete achievements.
To earn Reputation and progress through the ranks of Renown with Major Factions, along your journey, you’ll complete solo and group events, Supply and Crafting quests, and Work Orders. You can hunt with the Shikaar Clan or escort Clan Aylaag and protect them as they cross the Ohn’ahran Plains. Go ice fishing and help cook a feast for your new Iskaaran Tuskarr friends. Or lay siege on Dragonbane Keep in a public event to assist the Obsidian Outcasts in reclaiming their home.
Dragonscale Expedition
Once rivals, the Alliance’s Explorers’ League and the Horde’s Reliquary have joined forces to form an expedition to explore the Dragon Isles. These craftsmen, explorers, archaeologists, and other knowledge-seekers arrived at the Dragon Isles together and set aside their rivalries to pursue knowledge and artifacts. Shared adventures in nature and discoveries have brought them together, and they have learned to appreciate the unique skill sets each other offers. They have become true allies and, dare we say... friends!
Earning Renown with the Dragonscale Expedition is a gift unto itself. The Dragonscale Expedition is making significant discoveries, including an ancient travel network, and you can be part of it. As you progress through the ranks of Dragonscale Expedition Renown, you’ll be able to power up Waygates scattered throughout the Dragon Isles that even your alts can take advantage of.
Go on a journey of discovery and find treasure maps scattered throughout the Dragon Isles The more Renown you have, the more access to items that will help you dig for treasure or unlock magic-bound chests. And, you’ll earn Dragon Isles Supplies to upgrade your Exploration, Climbing, and Cataloguing abilities.
Dragonscale Expedition vendors are found throughout the Dragon Isles. You can get tools like the Expedition Metal Detector and Sturdy Expedition Shovel to aid in your search for treasure. Or an Expedition Supply Kit to turn your Dragon Isles Supplies into upgrades for Exploration, Rock Climbing, and Cataloging abilities.
These are only a few benefits when joining the Dragonscale Expedition. As you earn Renown, you’ll unlock rewards and items to help you on your trek through the Dragon Isles.
Iskaara Tuskarr
The tuskarr of Iskaara have called the Dragon Isles home for countless generations. After many harsh winters on the ice, they have learned to value the warmest things in life: friends, family, a hot bowl of soup, and a long story told over a crackling fire. So, if you can fish, cook, or tell a hearty tale, the tuskarr will welcome you with open arms. However, when threatened, the tuskarr are some of the fiercest fighters in Azeroth. As new and old enemies rise against them, every spear of the community must be raised to fight for survival. Raise your spear alongside them and take a bowl of soup for the journey!
Building Renown with the Iskaara Tuskarr will teach you new ways to fish, unlock exclusive fishing holes, and tools to access along the way. Fish in three challenging and unique biomes with harpoons and collect fish with a net instead of a line. Take your catch back to Iskaara to prepare a proper Tuskarr meal, where completing the Community Feast event will reward hungry adventurers.
Iskarra Tuskarr Renown vendors offer unique tools to help you on your path to success. Use the Iskaaran Fishing Net in fishing holes to catch fish or the Iskaaran Harpoon to catch exceptionally big lunkers. Improve these tools by taking gathered reagents to a Fishing Work Bench and having a tuskarr craftsman improve their capabilities.
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