A Pre-patch is when a new patch comes out before the new expansion. You will get alll the system changes that has to do with the new expansion but not the actual new expansion.
We also get some new content tied to the new expansion, and in this new content we get gear that we call Catch-up gear. Basically gear that you can get in order to catch up with the other players before the new expansion.
Catch-up Gear
On the Dragonflight Alpha testing, we can actually find the two vendors that sell the catch-up gear.
What is the ilvl of Dragonflight pre-patch gear
The ilvl is 252.
What gear can you buy in Dragonflight pre-patch
The vendor sells following gear
One-Hand Axe |
Head (Cloth, Mail, Leather, Plate) |
One-Hand Mace (Int) |
Chest (Cloth, Mail, Leather, Plate) |
One-Hand Axe Mace (Agi) |
Legs (Cloth, Mail, Leather, Plate) |
One-Hand Sword (Int) |
Shoulder (Cloth, Mail, Leather, Plate) |
One-Hand Sword (Str) |
Feet (Cloth, Mail, Leather, Plate) |
Crossbow |
Hands (Cloth, Mail, Leather, Plate) |
Two-Hand Polerarm |
Waist (Cloth, Mail, Leather, Plate) |
Two-Hand Sword |
Wrist (Cloth, Mail, Leather, Plate) |
One-Hand Dagger |
Back |
Off-Hand |
Neck |
Shield |
Finger |
Two-Hand Staff |
No trinkets
What is the cost of the Dragonflight pre-patch gear
The new currency is called Primeval Essence.
Gear |
Primeval Essence |
One-Hand Axe |
25 |
One-Hand Mace (Int) |
25 |
One-Hand Axe Mace (Agi) |
25 |
One-Hand Sword (Int) |
25 |
One-Hand Sword (Str) |
25 |
Crossbow |
45 |
Two-Hand Polerarm |
45 |
Two-Hand Sword |
45 |
One-Hand Dagger |
25 |
Off-Hand |
25 |
Shield |
25 |
Two-Hand Staff |
45 |
Head (Cloth, Mail, Leather, Plate) |
45 |
Chest (Cloth, Mail, Leather, Plate) |
45 |
Legs (Cloth, Mail, Leather, Plate) |
45 |
Shoulder (Cloth, Mail, Leather, Plate) |
35 |
Feet (Cloth, Mail, Leather, Plate) |
35 |
Hands (Cloth, Mail, Leather, Plate) |
35 |
Waist (Cloth, Mail, Leather, Plate) |
25 |
Wrist (Cloth, Mail, Leather, Plate) |
25 |
Back |
25 |
Neck |
25 |
Finger |
25 |
Where is the Dragonflight pre-patch vendor located?
There is one vendor for Alliance and one vendor for Horde
The Alliance Vendor is called Storm Hunter William.
This vendor is located in the Stormwind Harbor
The Horde Vendor is called Storm Hunter Suhrakka.
This vendor is located outside Orgrimmar near the Harbor. She is on top of the tower.
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