This guide goes through some tips and ideas of what you can do once hitting max level in order to get a good starting gear. This is of course not in a specific order and it is not needed to do all of them, that’s the beauty with all the variations in Legion. For more detailed information, you can click on the guides below.
Legion Endgame- World Quests Guide
Broken Isles Gameplay - Leveling and Endgame Outdoor Gameplay
Class Hall Armor Tier: Head Armor (810 ilvl)
When you hit max level 110 you will unlock the first Class Hall Armor tier: Head Armor (810 ilvl). So head to your Class Hall and achieve it.
Unlock World Quests
- Directly when you hit max level you get a World quest called “Uniting the Isles” in which you have to earn Friendly reputation with
* Nightfallen (Suramar)
* Court of Farondis (Azsuna)
* Highmountain Tribe (Highmountain)
* Dreamweavers (Val´sharah)
* Valarjar (Stormheim)
This quest is compulsory if you want to do World Quests (which you do) wince it unlocks the World Quests.
If you do all the quests in each zone while leveling (not Suramar) you will get to reputation Honored.
Do World Quests
After unlocking World quests you should start doing them. THe quest rewards are aswesome:
* Gear with ilvl that scales to what your avarage ilvl is. So let´s say you have 800 ilvl then the reward is 805 ilvl. If your ilvl is 808, the reward will be 815-820 ilvl.
* Artifact Power rewards which is super important.
* Blood of Sargeras as reward.
* Order Resources
* Gold
Another reason to do World quests is that they reward reputation for different factions. If you have to choose I recommend to do Nightfallen quests.
Nightfallen reputation rewards is not only the normal reputation vendor, it also rewards Class Hall tier armors:
- Class Hall Tier Gloves, 820 ilvl (Unlocks when you hit Honored with Nightfallen)
- Kit to Upgrade Class tier 810 to 820 (Unlocks when you hit Honored with Nightfallen)
- Class Hall Tier Shoulder, 840 ilvl (Unlocks when you hit Exalted with Nightfallen)
- Kit to Upgrade Class tier 830 to 840 (Unlocks when you hit Honored with Nightfallen)
You also unlock Class Tier gear by gaining reputation with other factions (by mainly doing the World quests):
- Class Hall tier Feet, 830 ilvl (Unlocks when reaching revered with 2 Broken Isles reputations).
- Kit to Upgrade Class tier 820 to 830 (Unlocks when reaching revered with 2 Broken Isles reputations).
Complete eight Dungeons: Legs (820 ilvl)
Complete eight different dungeons which will unlock Class Hall Tier Legs armor (820 ilvl).
Here are the requirements for entering the eight dungeons in normal (so you can complete some of them before hitting max level):
Dungeon |
Normal |
Darkheart Thicket |
98-110 |
Eye of Azshara |
98-110 |
Halls of Valor |
98-110 |
Nelhtarion´s Lair |
98-110 |
Assault on Violet Hold |
105-110 |
Black Rook Hold |
110 |
Maw of Souls |
110 |
Vault of the Wardens |
110 |
The Arcway |
- |
Court of Stars |
- |
Farm Normal Dungeons
Normal Dungeons rewards 805 ilvl gear and is a good framing way to achieve average 810 ilvl to unlock Heroic Dungeons.
Unlock Heroic Dungeons and do them
Once unlocking Heroic Dungeons (average 810 ilvl to unlock), do them instead which rewards you with 825 ilvl gear.
Continue the Class Quest line – Bracers armor (810 ilvl)
At max level you will have around 4-5 Class Order Hall Champions (if you done the Class Hall quest line while leveling). You will get to 6 Champions after completing the new lvl 110 Class quests. The reason why you should do that is because the quartermaster that sells Class Hall Armor tier unlocks the Bracers when you have recruited 6 Champions.
Complete the Class Order Campaign: Chest armor (830 ilvl)
Completing the Class Order questline unlocks the Class Hall Armor Chest tier which you can buy from your Class Order Hall quartermaster.
Completing the Class Order questline also unlocks the 3rd Relic slot.
Completing the Class Order questline also unlocks a new look on your Artifact weapon.
Professions Gear
Regarding Tailoring, Blacksmithing and Leatherworking, profession gear is in general divided in 2 groups: “715-785 ilvl gear” and “815 ilvl gear”.
If you have done your profession questline you can finally craft 815 ilvl gear.
If you can’t craft or not completed the profession questline, you can maybe buy the gear from AH if it is there.
Also, you can eventually upgrade crafted gear from 815, all the way up to 850 (5 ilvl upgrade per time). I made a guide covering this here.
Farm Artifact Power
Artifact power is needed for a very long time in Legion since it requires A LOT of Artifact power to unlock all traits.
Check out my Artfact Power Farming Guide here.
Artifact Research Notes
This will be one of the most important reason to farm Order Resources.
When hitting max level, you unlock Class Order Hall Researcher (you see a quest giver in you order hall). This researcher can make so that you research for artifact notes with the cost of Work Orderswhich is 500 Work Orders.
If you start playing Legion at launch at get to max level, it will take 5 days (the default time), to finish an Artifact Research.
If you log on and start playing legion later on, for example in October and hit max level, the Artifact Research will take less days to finish. Same thing goes for alts that you max level later on.
Artifact Research notes increase the amount of Artifact Power you get when opening Artifact power items. Here is an example of how it looks for one of my characters:
Level 1 research rewards 110% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 2 research rewards 120% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 3 research rewards 130% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 4 research rewards 140% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 5 research rewards 200% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 6 research rewards 275% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 7 research rewards 375% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 8 research rewards % increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 9 research rewards 650% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 10 research rewards 850% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 11 research rewards 1100% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 12 research rewards 1400% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 13 research rewards 1775% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 14 research rewards 2250% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 15 research rewards 2850% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 16 research rewards 3600% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 17 research rewards 4550% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 18 research rewards 5700% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 19 research rewards 7200% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 20 research rewards 9000% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 21 research rewards 11300% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 22 research rewards 14200% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
And so on..
Cap for research artifact notes is 25.
I can´t confirm yet if the % increase is tied to the artifact tree progress / when you hit max level.
You can see what level you are by opening your artifact weapon trait tree and mouseover the top left corner (see pic below).
Get attuned to the Dungeons Arcway and Court of Stars
These two dungeons are not available in normal and heroic mode, only Mythic. Not only that, you have to be attuned to enter these two dungeons. These 2 dungeons unlocks after you have completed the Chapter: Statecraft. In order to get the starting quest for this storyline you need to Hit 8000/12000 reputation with Nightfallen.
I´m not sure if you have to complete all the other storylines before that, but i guess so. I have listed where and how you get the other quests that start the previous storylines in this guide.
Once you get higher ilvl
Mythic and Mythic plus dungeons
Getting around 820+ ilvl is good base for Mythic Dungeons. Start by doing the dungeons at +0. +0 means that you will do a Mythic dungeon without any special difficulty. The gear reward is 840 (can be warforged/titanforged) and you can get loot from every boss. After getting used to the dungeons in mythic mode, you can use those keystones you get from completing mythic dungeons and do mythic plus: +1, +2. +3 difficulties. This will still give you same ilvl loot chance from the dungeons as +0 Mythics, BUT, at every weekly reset, you will get a chest in your class order hall that contains a gear item that rewards the highest keystone challenge you completed in which the ilvl is +5 for every keystone starting at 840.
Click here to check my mythic plus dungeon guide.
More World Quests
When not doing dungeons or want a break from dungeons, do the World quests because, like I mentioned above, the loot scales to your average ilvl.
There are two raids coming out so far in legion:
- The Emerald Nightmare
- The Nighthold
The Emerald Nightmare is the first one coming out with following ilvls
Raid Finder |
835+ ilvl |
No tier |
Normal |
850+ ilvl |
No tier |
Heroic |
865+ ilvl |
No tier |
Mythic |
880+ ilvl |
No tier |
+ means that the gear can be Warforged or Titanforged which increases the ilvl more.
Click here to check out my Raid Guides.
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