Don´t forget the 10% Darkmoon Faire rep buff when it is out. Just head there and ride the carusel until the buff reaches 60 min and done.
- World quest
You will only get 2 world quests in Mechagon.
- One is from the prince which rewards 850 reputation.
This one comes up at 09:00 in the morning and a new one at 21:00 in the evening. Make sure you finish it before next one comes up.
- Pet Battle
- Daily quests
You will get new daily quests at 09:00 in the morning and a new one at 21:00 in the evening. Make sure you finish it before next one comes up.
Daily quests are both in Rustbolt village and also around the island. - Contract
Buy or make the cotract for Rustbolt which rewards 10 extra rep on any world quest you do. - Rares
The first time you kill that specific rare, you get 75 rep. - Fishing
Do the fishing quests at 38.46 coord. - Gramophone
You get the Blueprint for crating the Rustbolt Grampphone from Steel Singer Freza located in western spray (small island to the left).
Craft it and it rewards 500 rep. - Rustbolt Kegerator
You get the Blueprint for crating the Rustbolt Grampphone from Seaspit located in western spray (small island to the left).
Costs a lot to make but it rewards you 500 rep. - Recycling
In Junkwatt Depot, you will get different items from the mobs there. Most are elite.
Hardened Spring (30)
Temepered Plating (10)
Machined Gear (5)
The first time you do the daily q it, you get 75 rep for it.
It also rewards you a Strange Recycling Requisition. Which rewards spare parts, energy cells and can also reward Vinyl: Mimrion´s Brainstorm (for the gramophone, and the Junkyard Melomaniac achievement)
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