The Dreamsurge is a zone event that will be active in one of the four zones in Dragon Isles (Waking Shores, Oh´naran Plains, Azure Span and Thladraszus). It will be up at the weekly reset and last until the next weekly reset where it will be active in another of the zones and rotate like that. You can see which zone that has the event by looking for the Dreamsurge icon. Mouseover will also give you some more information on it.
This event has many objectives that this guide will go through:
- Major event: Waking Dream
- Minor event: Waking Dream Portals
- Empowered Rares
- Zone Buffs
- Dreamsurge Coalescence
- Catch up Gear
- Mounts and Pets
- Quests
The Major event has two phases. In the first phase, you need to fill a progress bar, and in the second phase, you battle one of the four unique bosses. These events start every hour and half-hour, so you have plenty of chances to join in.
The progress bar that you fill up in phase 1 is a community event where all players helps out filling it up together. You fill it up by killing mobs in that area, interacting with objects and use your dragon riding mount to hit mobs in the air.
The phase 2 boss that spawns were found to be easier compared to the encounters with rare enemies, and does not have so much health, but I guess that is for PTR testing purposes and that this boss will be harder with more health.
The good thing about these bosses on the major event is that players receive loot every time they participate in the event, even if they defeat the same boss multiple times in a day. And here's a cool thing: the Charred Elemental Remains always drop with a 100% rate, regardless of whether you've fought that boss before or not.
When you defeat the final boss and collect its loot, you have a chance to obtain the following items:
- Whelpling Crest
- 25 Dreamsurge Coalescence, which serves as a currency to purchase 402 Veteran Gear from a Dreamsurge vendor.
- 1-3 Charred Elemental Remains. If you gather 20 of these remains, you can combine them for a special reward: the Renewed Magmammoth mount.
- You will have a chance of looting a 402 Veteran Gear Token. This token is either a plate/leather/mail/cloth armor or a ring/necklace token, or a weapon token. You can basically have a chance on any type of gear slot except for trinkets.
In the Dreamsurge event area, there are small portals scattered around that are a bit tricky to find. They don't show up on the map or mini map, so it takes some effort to locate them.
When you interact with one of these portals, a few extra creatures will appear, but not too many. Eventually, a tough enemy will show up. The interesting part is that you can take on this strong foe by yourself.
If you want a better chance of finding these portals in the zone, you can use a rarescanner tool. It's a helpful addition that will make a sound and show you where the portal is on your map and minimap when you get close. This way, cool addon creators like Tomcat might be able to include these portals on the maps to help players even more.
When you defeat the elite mob, and collect its loot, you have a chance to obtain the following items:
- 1 Whelpling Crest
- 25 Dreamsurge Coalescence, which serves as a currency to purchase 402 Veteran Gear from a Dreamsurge vendor.
- 1-3 Charred Elemental Remains. If you gather 20 of these remains, you can combine them for a special reward: the Renewed Magmammoth mount.
- You will have a chance of looting a 402 Veteran Gear Token. This token is either a plate/leather/mail/cloth armor or a ring/necklace token, or a weapon token. You can basically have a chance on any type of gear slot except for trinkets.
When inside the Dreamsurge event zone, you will be granted the "Dreaming Winds" buff, which increases your XP gain by 25%.
Additionally, every 30 minutes, players have the opportunity to vote for an additional buff from two options. Each player has one vote during this period. The chosen buff, once activated, lasts for 30 minutes and provides a power boost to your character or increases the amount of gold you can find in the area.
10.1.7 REP BOOST
Among the votable buffs is "Dreamsurge Learnings," which offers a remarkable 50% bonus to both XP and reputation for 30 minutes when it receives the majority vote. If you are present in the event zone while this buff is active, you will earn reputation when using any reputation token. This applies to various tokens such as Soridormi's Commendation, reputation obtained from Rift event chests, Niffen rep Tokens, and Timewalking rep tokens acquired from the Timewalking vendor.
10.1.7 XP BOOST
Another votable buff is "Dreamsurge Learnings," providing a substantial 50% bonus to both XP and reputation for 30 minutes upon receiving the majority vote. When this buff combines with the regular 25% event zone buff, you will earn a total of 75% more XP. If you are leveling a character, it's recommended to check which of the four zones has the Dreamsurge event active and level up there to maximize your XP gain.
All Dreamsurge Buffs
For a comprehensive overview of the different Dreamsurge buffs available for voting in the Dreamsurge event, please refer to the table below:
coming soon
Dreamsurge Coalescence
This is now used as currency to buy 402 veteran gear and 2 pets and a mount from a Dreamsurge vendor.
I´ve calculated that you will get around 120 Dreamsurge Coalescence per hour when farming it. If you want to farm it, then here are the different ways of gathering Dreamsurge Coalescence:
- 25 Dreamsurge Coalescence is looted from the boss on the Major event
- 25 Dreamsurge Coalescence is looted from the elite on the Minor event
- 10 Dreamsurge Coalescence is rewarded when completing a World Quest on the Dreamsurge event zone.
- 1-5 Dreamsurge Coalescence is looted from new Dreamsurge flowers called Dreaming Growth. The best way to find them is to look where there are normal treasures on the map, because there flowers are close to them.
- 1-5 Dreamsurge Coalescence looted when flying through Green clouds that are scattered in the air around in Dreamsurge event zone.
- 25 Dreamsurge Coalescence looted from Empowered Rares in the Dreamsurge event zone.
In the Dreamsurge Event zone, you will encounter specific rares (the same ones as before, with no new additions) that have been empowered. Mouseover the Dreamsurge event will Highlight those rares on the map. Also, you will get a notification on the screen and on the chat when a rare has spawned again.
These empowered rares possess a unique Empowered buff, and there are four distinct types of buffs available. The buffs are randomly assigned to the rares, and a rare will only acquire a new type of buff after it respawns following its defeat. Here are the Empowered buffs you may encounter:
Ashen Dreamer
Creates areas of Ashen Dreams every 15 sec, which reduce Haste but hear over time.
Periodically summons Wildfire Motes that move towards the caster, increasing damage done if they arrive.
Driving Flame
Creates areas of Driving Flame every 15 sec, which increase Haste but inflicts fire damage over time.
Blazing Summons
Periodically summons Blazing Flamewings that heal allies but provide a burst of healing to enemies when slain.
Spawn Time
During Dreamsurge Events, the spawn times of these rares in that zone are reduced compared to their usual long spawn times.
Ex: Phleep spawns approx every hour instead of the usual 10-hour interval. So if you are after something from the rares, you should def kill them when the event is up on that zone.
Loot from Rares
After being defeated, the empowered rares will no longer be visible on the map. Additionally, you can only obtain loot from each rare once per day. The following items can be obtained as loot from defeating a rare:
- 1 Whelpling Crest
- 25 Dreamsurge Coalescence, which serves as a currency to purchase 402 Veteran Gear from a Dreamsurge vendor.
- You will have a chance of looting a 402 Veteran Gear Token. This token is either a plate/leather/mail/cloth armor or a ring/necklace token, or a weapon token. You can basically have a chance on any type of gear slot except for trinkets.
Catch Up Gear
415-437 ilvl Gear vendor
The Deamsurge Vendor offers 415 Champion Gear for purchase, using the currency known as Dreamsurge Chrysalis. These items cover all armor slots, including necklaces, rings, and weapons (excluding trinkets). The Dreamsurge Chrysalis is account bound.
How to get Dreamsurge Chrysalis
You receive one Chrysalis from a starting quest, and another one each week as part of a weekly quest (per character).
If you have no alternate characters, it will take approximately 12-13 weeks to fully gear up a single character. However, having alts can significantly reduce this time frame, allowing you to gear up a character within a single day, depending on the number of alternate characters you possess.
402-424 ilvl Gear vendor
The Dreamsurge vendor offers 402-424 ilvl Gear tokens. The tokens are for each gear slot except for trinkets. The tokens are account bound so you can send them to your alternate characters. The currency to buy the Gear Tokens is Dreamsurge Coalescence and at the moment on the PTR, they all cost 100 Dreamsurge Coalescence each no matter what gear slot it is but that is likely to change.
Where are the catch up gear vendors
Since the Dreamsurge event will swap zone each week, the Dreamsurge vendors will do the same. There are two vendors, one that sells 402 Veteran gear and one that sells 415 Challenge gear. You will always find these two vendors on the Dreamsurge icon on the map. So check what zone the Dreamsurge event is up on then you will know that the vendors are on the Dreamsurge icon location.
Convert into Tier
Yes, you can convert the 402 gear and the 415 gear into Tier gear at the Revival Catalyst Console.
Mounts and Pets
Tied to the Dreamsurge event, there are two mounts and two pets.
The two pets are called
- Cheddar
- Crimson Swoglet
These pets cost 250 Dreamsurge Coalescence each and are sold by the 402 Veteran Gear vendor which you will find on the Dreamsurge icon on the map where the Dreamsurge event takes place.
The two mounts are called:
- Renewed Magmammoth
- We don´t know yet
The Renewed Magmammoth is obtained by finding 20 Charred Elemental Remains. You can get Charred Elemental Remains from the boss in the Major Waking Dream event and also from the elite mob in Minor Waking Dream portals. Both the boss and the elite will drop 1-3 Charred Elemental Remains.
The “we don´t know the name yet” mount
This mount is bought from the 402 Veteran Gear vendor which you will find on the Dreamsurge icon on the map where the Dreamsurge event takes place. The mount costs 1000 Dreamsurge Coalescence.
There are two quests tied to the Dreamsurge event. One is a starting quest and the other is a weekly quest.
The starting quest is called Dreamsurge Investigation, and requires you to complete different objectives that have to do with the Dreamsurge event. These are to kill an empowered rare, to complete a Major Dreamsurge event, to complete a World Quest in the Dreamsurge event area etc. When you complete it, you will be rewarded with 1 Dreamsurge Chrysalis.
The weekly quest is called Shaping the Dreamsurge, and requires you to farm 100 Dreamsurge Coalescence. When you complete it, you will be rewarded with 1 Dreamsurge Chrysalis.
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