There is a location in Waking Shores called Obsidian Throne.
This location is an endgame content in which you help Wrathion or/and Sabellian and also other NPC´s in order to take control of the zone.
Basically this zone requires you to farm key fragments in which you can make it into a key. This key can be turned in at 4 different NPCs. Based on who you turn it in to, you will get rewarded with reputation and unlock daily quests. You can also unlock endgame crafting.
This zone also unlocks two new reputation factions: Wrathion and Sabellian with vendors tied to both of them.
How to start the endgame content in Obsidian Citadel
Once you are level 70, you will get new World Quests each week, and one of them is located in the Obsidian Throne. This world quest is called “Allegiance To One” in which you choose to support either Wrathion or Sybellian. Each week you can change which one you want to support.
Once you have chosen you will be rewarded with 200 reputation with Valdrakken and the world quest reward.
You will trigger a World Quest called Key of Loyalty in which you farm 30 Key fragments + 3 Key Farming make a Greater Obsidian key.
This key is turned into either Wrathion or Sybellian (based on which one you choose to support) and it rewards you with an Obsidian Strongbox.
Once that is completed, you can farm more Key fragments and Key Farmings to make a Restored Obsidian key . This time, you can choose to turn in the key between 4 different NPC´s:
- Wrathion
- Sabellian
- Forgemaster Bazentus
- Igys the Believer
Turning in Obsidian Keys
The 4 different NPC´s that you turn Obsidian keys to are
- Wrathion
- Sabellian
- Forgemaster Bazentus
- Igys the Believer
When turning in an Obsidian key the first time of a weekly reset you are rewarded with an Obsidian Strongbox.
When turning in an Obsidian key more times, you will be rewarded with an Obsidian Cache.
Obsidian Strongbox contains:
- 3 Dragon Isles Artifact
- 80 Dragon Isles Supplies
- 780 gold
Obsidian Cache contains:
- 1 Dragon Isles Artifact
- 40 Dragon Isles Supplies
- 250 gold
Dragon Isles Artifact is an item that you turn into Cataloger Jakes at the Dragonscale Basecamp in The Waking Shores.
Turning in 1 Dragon Isles Artifact rewards 25 reputation with Dragonscale Expedition
Reputation farm
Turning in an Obsidian key to Wrathion rewards 100 reputation with Wrathion and 25 reputation with Valdrakken Accord.
Turning in an Obsidian key to Sabellian rewards 100 reputation with Sabellian and 25 reputation with Valdrakken Accord.
Turning in an Obsidian key to Forgemaster rewards 50 reputation with Wrathion, 50 reputation with Sabellian and 50 reputation with Valdrakken Accord.
Unlock Daily Quests
Turning in an Obsidian key will also unlock daily quests. Based on who you turn the Obsidian key to, you will unlock different dailies.
These daily quests are up for the entire week and you can do them every day but they will go away on the weekly reset.
Daily Quest rewards
Completing a Daily quest for Wrathion rewards 250 rep with Wrathion and 75 rep with Valdrakken.
Completing a Daily quest for Sabellian rewards 250 rep with Sabellian and 75 rep with Valdrakken.
Completing a Daily quest for Forgemaster Bazentus rewards 50 rep with Sabellian and 50 rep with Wrathion.
You will be rewarded with gold, Dragon Isles Supplies and one of the following:
- Valdrakken Accord Commendation
(Awards 150 reputation with the Valdrakken Accord) - 366 ilvl gear
- 3 Primal Chaos
Here are the daily quests I´ve seen
- Eager to Please
- Disarming Behaviour
- Shaking Our Foundations
- Eager to Please
- Make a Statement
- Ashen Black and the seven dwarves.
- Bar the Efforts
- Hands off Operation
- Dragon Eyes
- Honor Our Fallen
Once you have turned in an Obsidian Key to Forgemaster Bazentus, you will unlock 2 daily quests and a profession quest called “A head for Metal”.
- Feeding The Fire
- Good things in Large Boxes
Turning in an Obsidian Key to Igus does not unlock daily quests.
Progress Bar - Triggers an EVENT
Each of them has a progress bar between 1-10, that you fill up. This bar is shared between all players. Turning in an Obsidian key will fill up the bar 1/10.
When the progress bar is filled, an event starts and they differ from each other. This event is actually a Bonus Objective that anyone can participate in.
The bar is called “Vault Barrier Rune”
“Find restored Obsidian keys, and we shall unlock the full potential of the Obsidian Citadel.”
Once the bar is filled, a small event starts in which you will follow NPC´s inside the Citadel and fight a Rare spider. No rewards atm on Alpha testing.
The bar is called “Defense Prepared”
“Thank you. Your support in this matter shall bolster my claim to the throne.”
It requires 10 Obsidian Key turn-ins in order to fill the entire bar.
When the bar is full it triggers an event called Death´s Shadow in which you must slay Death´s Shadow.
A rare spawns in the air just behind Sebellian and flies around in the air. This rare (Death's Shadow) is actually riding on a mount called Qalashi Wingrider.
Unfortunately I didn't manage to kill this rare.
The bar is called “Imbued Armor and Weapons”
“A wise choice, all these squabbles over the throne will not solidify our defenses, we must craft weapons and gear to fend off the Djaradin.”
It requires 10 Obsidian Key turn-ins in order to fill the entire bar.
When the bar is full it triggers an event.
This event takes you to the inside of the Citadel to bring a chest.
Once the chest is brought back, you can loot it.
Other players that have not participated can also loot the chest once its brought back.
At the moment on Alpha testing there is only old shadowlands loot inside that chest with transmogs and toys.
The bar is called “Morchok Reformed”
“This contribution shall insure your place among the Deathwing´s chosen few. Together we shall sweep across the world and announce the Hour of Twilight!”
It requires 10 Obsidian Key turn-ins in order to fill the entire bar.
When the bar is full it triggers an event.
This even summons a Rare called Morchok together with fire elemental adds. This rare cannot be attacked directly. I killed all fire elementals and waited 30 sec after that before the rare could be engaged.
Killing Morchok rare rewards:
- 75 reputation with Sabellian
- 75 reputation with Wrathion
Looting Morchok rare gives:
- DragonScale Expedition item
Grants Reputation with the Dragonscale Expedition - 2 Primal Chaos
- Dragon Isles Supply Cache
Contains valuable supplies used in trades with the factions of the Dragon Isles
How to Farm Obsidian Keyfragmets
In order to craft an Obsidian key, you need 30 Key fragments + 3 Key Farming . You get these by killing Qalashi mobs in Obsidian Citadel.
There are different types of Qalashi mobs and most of them are Elite.
It doesn't matter if you kill elites or not when it comes to Key fragments.
You do have a higher chance of getting Key Farmings from mobs with names but you can still get them from Qalashi mobs as well.
The two Reputation factions
The new reputation factions added in this zone are Wrathion and Sabellian. These are not the renown reputation system, nor the friendly/honored/revered/exalted system. This reputation system is similar to reputations we had in earlier expansions in which what one person thinks of you. Similar to Venari in Shadowlands or the farmers in Mist of Pandaria.
Wrathion Reputation
Has nine reputation ranks, and you start at rank 4 in Alpha testing. Either it will be 5 ranks when Dragonflight hits live, or we actually start at rank 1 (which is a lot of ranks!).
Rank 4 - Champion
Rank 5 - Trusted Champion
Rank 6 - Ally
Rank 7 - Close Ally
Rank 8 - Friend
Rank 9 - True Friend
Wrathion Quartermaster
Wrathion´s Quartermaster is called Lorena Belle and located on the top floor of Obsidian Throne.
Sabellian - Reputation
Has nine reputation ranks, and you start at rank 4 in Alpha testing. Either it will be 5 ranks when Dragonflight hits live, or we actually start at rank 1 (which is a lot of ranks!).
Rank 4 - Acquaintance
Rank 5 - Devotee
Rank 6 - Cohort
Rank 7 - Ally
Rank 8 - Fang
Rank 9 - Friend
Sabellian Quartermaster
Sabellian's Quartermaster is called Samia Inkling and located on the top floor of Obsidian Throne. At the moment in Alpha, the vendor is empty.
Quest Drops in Obsidian Throne
Flamecarved Bone
Quest item is called Flamecarved Bone.
This has a chance to be dropped from Qalashi mobs in Obsidian Throne.
Rewards 250 rep with Wrathion + 30 Dragon Isle Supplies when turned in.
I´ve only looted this item when I´m supporting Wrathion. .
Gold-banded Dragon Tooth
You get this quest from drop when killing mobs in obsidian.
This has a chance to be dropped from Qalashi mobs in Obsidian Throne.
Rewards 250 rep with Sabellian + 25 Dragon Isle Supplies.
I´ve only looted this item when I´m supporting Sabellian.
Mark of Sargha
Drops from Qalashi mobs in Obsidian Throne.
You turn this in at the Quartermaster of Wrathion (Lorena Belle) or Sabellian (Samia Inkling)
Turn in Mark - 15 rep with either Wrathion or Sabellian based on who you turned it to.
Professions linked to Obsidian Throne
Blacksmith Profession - Earth-Wardens Forge
Earth-Wardens Forge is required for the Blacksmith profession for making Black Dragon Seared Allow and Black Dragon Touched Hammer.
You get access to this forge by turning in an Obsidian key to Forgemaster Bazentus in Obsidian Throne.
Blacksmith Profession - Plans: Blackdragon Seared Alloy
The Black Dragon Seared Allow is a crafting Reagent for Blacksmithing. You get this plan by turning in an Obsidian key to Forgemaster Bazentus in Obsidian Throne. Once you have done that you will unlock a quest called “A Head for Metal” from Weaponsmith Mida who is just behind Bazentus. This quest requires you to enter a cave and kill Crystalized Steelshard to get Crystalized Dravonium. Once completed, you will get the plans: Blackdragon Seared Alloy.
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