Pre-patch comes out today in US and tomorrow EU and on Thursday for Asia.
There is A LOT happening. New stuff that are major changes for Shadowlands, BFA stuff that will be removed and new events that lasts during this pre-patch until Shadowlands comes out.
What are the stuff going away
Corruption gear
- Corruption effects on items will no longer function.
- Ahead of the Curve Achievement (Kill N’Zoth on Heroic mode)
Cannot be done anymore. - Cutting Edge Achievement (Kill N’Zoth on Mythic mode)
Cannot be done anymore.
You can still earn the mount Uncorrupted Voidwing when completing Ny’alotha on heroic mode.
Mythic plus
- Battle for Azeroth Keystone Mater: Season 4
Cannot be done anymore.
Rewarded a mount: Awakened Mindborer
- Season ended.
Cannot obtain pvp set Corrupted Gladiator
Horrific Vision
- Mad World Achievement
Cannot be done anymore.
Rewarded a title – The Faceless One
Brawlers Guild
- Closed and will open in a later time.
Other stuff
- Hertz Locker Achievement
Completing mythic Mechagon without anyone dying. - Mount – Mighty Caravan Brutasaur
Removed from the vendor but will come back through the Blackmarket Action House.
The Pre-Patch Event
Here are the things coming out in the pre-patch event.
The Death Rising
Shortly after the pre-patch launches, we will have an event to defend Azeroth from an undead invasion.
These invasions will be in Stormwind and Orgrimmar that is similar to the event back in Wrath of the Lich King pre-patch.
None, just a fun thing.
A new questline will come out that is time gated.
The questline is divided in 3 parts.
Dailies Ice crown
We will have daily quests in Ice crown.
Quest reward is a new currency called Argent Commendation.
You can buy gear from vendors in Stormwind, Orgrimmar and Ice crown.
Doing all dailies every day rewards in total 17 Argent Commendations.
The vendor sells gear that has the ilvl 100 (which is 445 ilvl in BFA).
Also a pet
Putrid Geist
Also Anti-Doom Broom
Use: Cleanse an area of the Scourge´s plague, preventing the spread of infection.
Where are the pre-patch vendors
Quartermaster Renick (Stormwind, Trade District)
Quartermaster Lungren (Orgrimmar, Valley of Strength)
Crusader Adevald Ironbeard (Icecrown, Ironwall Rampart, Coords 44,44)
Rare mobs in Ice Crown
We will have 20 rares in Ice crown that has 20 min respawn time.
These drop 100 ilvl gear.
They also drop other cool stuff such as a 34 slot bag (Papa´s Mint Condition Bag).
Where are the rares in prepatch 9.0 in Ice crown
/way 49,7, 32,7 Blood Queen Lana'thel
/way 57,1, 30,3 Professor Putricide
/way 51,1, 78,5 Lady Deathwhisper
/way 57,8, 56,1 Skadi the Ruthless
/way 52,4, 52,6 Ingvar the Plunderer
/way 54,0, 44,7 Prince Keleseth
/way 64,8, 22,1 The Black Knight
/way 70,7, 38,4 Bronjahm
/way 47,2, 66,1 Scourgelord Tyrannus
/way 58,6, 72,5 Forgemaster Garfrost
/way 58,2, 83,4 Marwyn
/way 50,2, 87,9 Falric
/way 80,1, 61,2 The Prophet Tharon'ja
/way 77,8, 66,1 Novos the Summoner
/way 58,3, 39,4 Trollgore
/way 67,5, 58,0 Krik'thir the Gatewatcher
/way 29,6, 62,2 Prince Taldaram
/way 44,2, 49,1 Elder Nadox
/way 31,6, 70,5 Noth the Plaguebringer
/way 34,4, 68,5 Patchwerk CAVE ENTRANCE
/way 36,5, 67,4 Patchwerk
World Boss
A weekly World boss will be active each week.
This world boss is located in Eastern Plaguelands.
Level Squish and ilvl changes
All character levels are squished.
The max level is 60.
A 120 character will be squished to 50 and you will level to 60 in Shadowlands.
Ilvl gear is changed. See the table below.
Ilvl gear in Pre-Patch and Shadowlands compared to BFA
BFA (ilvl) |
Shadowlands/Pre-Patch (ilvl) |
370 |
60 |
385 |
66 |
400 |
72 |
415 |
78 |
430 |
85 |
445 |
100 |
455 |
110 |
460 |
115 |
470 |
125 |
475 |
130 |
485 |
140 |
Leveling in World of Warcraft changed
We are getting a huge change when it comes to leveling in world of warcraft.
For existing players an Alts
The leveling system when shadowlands 9.0 comes out will be following:
- All classes will have there starting area between level 1 to 10
- There will be a new starting zone that you can choose to do between level 1-10, called Exile´s Reach.
- when they complete the starting zone, they will have a choice between all previous expansion zones. players will quest in that zone and do the quest line and everything around the zone and eventually hit level 50. the expansion zones are following
- Burning Crusade
- Wrath of the Lich King
- Cataclysm
- Mist of Pandaria
- Warlords of Draenor
- Legion
- Battle for Azeroth
- Once they hit level 50 shadow lands opens up for them and the questing will be between 50 to 60 which is Max level.
For new players
- New players must start and then you questing zone called exiles reach which is between level 1 to 10.
- new players must quest in battle for Azeroth expansion between 10 to 50.
- Once they hit level 50 shadow lands opens for them and the questing will be between 50 to 60 which is Max level.
For Allied Races
- Allied races will first quest in their Allied Race questline.
- once completed they will have a choice between all previous expansion zones. players will quest in that zone and do the quest line and everything around the zone and eventually hit level 50. the expansion zones are following
- Burning Crusade
- Wrath of the Lich King
- Cataclysm
- Mist of Pandaria
- Warlords of Draenor
- Legion
- Battle for Azeroth
- Once they hit level 50 shadow lands opens up for them and the questing will be between 50 to 60 which is Max level.
Allied Races, starting level
Death Knights |
Level 8 |
Demon Hunters |
Level 8 |
Allied Races |
Level 10 |
The New Starting Zone (level 1-10)
Exile´s Reach is located off the coast of Stormheim and is a tutorial zone to learn your character from scratch.
This tutorial ends up in a mini dungeon to learn the basics of playing in a dungeon.
Once completed, players will be send to their capital city, for further leveling.
Unlocking Allied races changed
It is much easier to get the allied races now compared to before.
Reputation requirements are removed.
You are only required to do the questline associated with that allied race.
Complete the Achievement: Insurrection (Complete the Story in Suramar. Check out my guide:
Highmountain Tauren
Complete the Achievement: Aint no mountain high enough (Complete the questlines in Highmountain).
Mag'har Orcs
Complete the Achievement: Ready for War – Horde (Complete the Horde War Campaign questline from patch 8.1, chapter 4 in Battle for Azeroth).
Zandalari Trolls
Complete the Achievement: Tides of Vengeance – Horde (Complete the Horde War Campaign questline from patch 8.1, chapter 4 in Battle for Azeroth).
Complete the Achievement: Secrets in the Sand (Complete the storyline in Voldun)
Void Elves & Lightforged Draenei
Complete the Achievement: You are now prepared (Complete the story campaign on Argus)
Dark Iron Dwarves
Complete the Achievement: Ready for War – Alliance (Complete the Alliance War Campaign questlines in Battle for Azeroth).
Kul Tiran
Complete the Achievement: Tides of Vengeance – Alliance (Complete the Horde War Campaign questline from patch 8.1, chapter 4 in Battle for Azeroth).
Complete the Achievement: Mechagonian threat (Complete the Mechagon storyline.)
New Character Customization
There are TONS of new character customizations.
You can either check those out in the character creation screen or head to a barber.
You can also change your sex for free just by going to the barber.
Transmog Changes
There are changes in the Artifact Transmog.
You can transmog artifact weapons between specs of your class. It is not tied to the spec anymore.
Artifact Main hand and offhand can have a mixed transmog, no as a set anymore.
Wands can be transmoged into a one-hand weapon.
Profession changes
Relic of the Past can be added to crafted gear that will increase the ilvl of that crafted gear.
There are 5 parts of Relic of the Past.
- Relic of the Past I
ilvl 23 and required character level 15 - Relic of the Past II
ilvl 33 and required character level 25 - Relic of the Past III
ilvl 43 and required character level 35 - Relic of the Past IV
ilvl 56 and required character level 45 - Relic of the Past V
ilvl 100 and required character level 50
Combat and health Potions
Combat and health potions have a 5 minute cooldown. You could only use it once per encounter before.
Class Changes
Mythic plus affixes – changes
Mythic Keystone Dungeon Affixes
- Bursting is now a dispellable Magic debuff.
- Bursting deals a flat amount of damage instead of a percentage based off of max HP.
- Players are now knocked in the air when hit by Volcanic.
- Volcanic now deals damage equal to 15% of the player’s health (was 40%).
- Sanguine's duration reduced to 20 seconds (was 60 seconds).
- Non-periodic heals now removes 1 stack of Grievous.
- Grievous now deals a flat amount of damage instead of a percentage based off of max HP.
- Explosive Orbs now spawn 4 to 8 yards from the unit that summoned them (was 3 yards).
- Explosive Orb health has been reduced and no longer scales with keystone level.
- Explosive Orbs now have a sound effect when defeated.
Heart of Azeroth
Will still work in pre-patch.
- Rank 4 Essences are no longer obtainable.
- Heart of Darkness (Azerite Trait) no longer requires 25 Corruption Level to be active.
- Memory of Lucid Dreams (Azerite Essence) now affects Holy Power instead of Shield of the Righteous for Protection Paladins.
- Memory of Lucid Dreams (Azerite Essence) now affects Mana for Enhancement Shaman.
- The PvP Talent granted with Conflict and Strife (Azerite Essence) Major Power has been changed for the following classes:
- Mistweaver Monks now learn Chrysalis (was Way of the Crane).
- Affliction Warlocks now learn Rot and Decay (was Endless Affliction).
- Restoration Druids now learn Reactive Resin (was Overgrowth).
- Discipline Priests now learn Purification (was Premonition).
- Mages now learn Netherwind Armor (was Temporal Shield).
Heirlooms no longer have experience bonuses and now have a set bonus.
The new set bonus can be obtained from all Heirloom pieces except weapons and trinkets.
- (2) Set: Rested experience consumed is reduced by 30%.
- (3) Set: Increases your out-of-combat regeneration in the outdoors, normal dungeons and battlegrounds.
- (4) Set: Gaining a level triggers Burst of Knowledge, dealing Holy damage to nearby enemies and granting you 40% primary stat for 2 minutes. Defeating additional enemies extends this effect, up to 2 additional minutes.
- (6) Set: Rested experience consumed is reduced by an additional 30%.
Other stuff
- All Legion Legendary items' bonuses no longer activate.
- Leatherworking drums now provide 15% Haste (was 25%).
- War-Scrolls of Battle Shout, Intellect and Fortitude can no longer be used by characters above level 50.
- Many consumables now have a 5 minute cooldown.
- Water now regenerates mana slower in the first seconds you begin drinking, increasing to a rapid return as you drink continuously.
- Reduced the amount of value that Critical Strike, Haste, Mastery, and Versatility secondary stats provide when reaching high thresholds.
Other posts
- Guide: How to Obtain and Understand the Faceless Mask of Vengeance in Revisited Horrific Vision
- Step by step Guide: How to get the Reins of the Void-Scarred Windrider Mount
- Step by step Guide: How to get the Void-Scarred Wolf Mount
- Guide: How to Obtain and Understand the Faceless Mask of the Nemesis in Revisited Horrific Vision
- 11.1.5 - DO THIS in 11.1.5 to FARM LOADS of GOLD
- Guide: How to Obtain and Understand the Faceless Mask of Multitudes in Revisited Horrific Vision
- Beware of Collaborating with MrGM: A Disturbing Pattern of Unethical Behavior
- Guide to Obtaining the Nesting Swarmite Mount in 11.1.5
- The Void-Crystal Panther is Warbound
- 11.1.5 Gold Farm Guide - PREP to bathe in Gold