Full Guide Punchcards (8.2)

What are punchcards

These are similar to Jewelcrafting Gems. It gives you an extra benefit on a specific trinket.
You can basically custom make a specific punchcard trinket by using punchcards on the empty slots on that trinket.
And the cards have different cool stuff.

There are 3 different types of punchcards.


This gives secondary stats – Mastery, Versatility, Crit, Haste.
It gives 2 of them per card.


This card gives a cool ability.
For example, increase lung capacity by 1000, or Track nearby Mechanical Creatures.


This card gives an ability that you use on enemies.
For example. Channel a cyclotronic blast that does high dmg and dmg over time on your enemy. Or, a chance to get 10% haste when you do dmg or heal.

How do I get a Punchcard Trinket

The trinket you get is from a quest in Mechagon, Rustbolt.
This is a quest that pops up at the start of the questline.

The NPC is called Christy Punchcog.

Quest: Upgraded
This quest gives you a trinket as reward (Pocket-Sized Computation Device)

How do I get Punchcards

Yellow Punchcards

These yellow punchcards will always have

One high secondary stat
One low secondary stat

The higher secondary stat will always have one of the other secondary stats, meaning, you can find a higher stat with the lower stat you prefer.

  • Omnipurpose card
    Versatility is highest + one of the other secondary stats.
  • Optimized card
    Mastery is highest + one of the other secondary stats.
  • Performant card
    Haste is highest + one of the other secondary stats.
  • Forceful card
    Critical Strike is highest + one of the other secondary stats.

Rare Mobs

Some specific Rare Spawn mobs in Mechagon island will always drop a yellow Punchcard.
It is different punchcards, but it is always yellow.
Meaning the stats differ.

  • Uncle Trogg
    Inside the cave.
    Tip: You might need help from more players to kill it.

  • Malfunctioning Beastbot
    You must activate this mob to be able to attack it.
    1) Take the Blueprint: Beastbot Powerpack is just in front of the Malfunctioning Beastbot.
    2) Run back to Rustbolt and talk to the machine, Pascal to learn it.
    3) Make the item “Beastbot Powerpack”.
    4) Run back and click on the mob, now you can engage.
    Tip: You might need help from more players to kill it.

When I find more, I will add it here.

Mechagon Dungeon

Every boss will have a chance to drop different yellow punchcards.

These yellow punchcards will always have

One high secondary stat
One low secondary stat

The higher secondary stat will always have one of the other secondary stats, meaning, you can find a higher stat with the lower stat you prefer.

Omnipurpose card (From 1st and 7th boss)
Versatility is highest + one of the other secondary stats.

Optimized card (From 2nd and 6th boss)
Mastery is highest + one of the other secondary stats.

Performant card (From 3rd and last boss)
Haste is highest + one of the other secondary stats.

Forceful card (From 4th and 5th boss)
Critical Strike is highest + one of the other secondary stats.


Same NPC (Christy) that gave you the trinket, will also give you a quest later on. This is a simple quest that rewards you a yellow card.

Blue Punchcard

Reputation Rewards

At friendly reputation you can buy the blue Punchcard

  • Neural Autonomy
    Gain Neural Silencer, Making you immune to some annoyances

Mechagon Dungeon

It is only the last boss that have a chance to drop a blue Punchcard.

  • Electromagnetic Resistors
    “Increase resistance to movement forces”.

Construction Project – Reclamation Rig

  • A reward when completing a Reclamation Rig. Check my guides about construction projects here (coming soon, working on it).
  • After you complete the event by defending the rig, you will get a reward “Box of assorted Parts.
  • When I did it in a party of three, we all got blue Punchcard (Supplement Oxygenation Device) -> Increase your lung capacity by 1000%.

Red Punchcard

Reputation Rewards

At Revered reputation you can buy the red Punchcard

  • Cyclotronic Blast

“Channel a cyclotronic blast, dealing dmg every 0.5 sec for 2.5 sec.

Mechagon Dungeon

It is only the last boss that have a chance to drop a red Punchcard.

  • Subroutine: Overlock
    “Chance on damage or healing to gain 10% haste”.

When I find more ways, I will add it on this page. Feel free to comment below if you find some or if there is anything else you want to comment about. 

5 May 2019