Check out my other post on Patch 9.1 Gear item levels (ilvl) in Shadowlands
Ilvl gear in Shadowlands compared to BFA
In Shadowlands, the character level with have a squish from 120 to 50 and the max level will be 60.
The ilvl will have a squish as well.
Here are some good numbers to look at and see how your character ilvl in BFA will look like in Shadowlands. Remember, this is the difference now in Shadowlands Beta
BFA (ilvl) |
Shadowlands (ilvl) |
370 |
60 |
385 |
66 |
400 |
72 |
415 |
78 |
430 |
85 |
445 |
100 |
455 |
110 |
460 |
115 |
470 |
125 |
475 |
130 |
485 |
140 |
Leveling Quest reward ilvls in Shadowlands
Level |
Common |
Rare |
50 |
51 |
84 |
92 (98) |
52 |
92 |
96 |
53 |
96 |
103 |
54 |
102 |
109 |
55 |
114 |
115 (122) |
56 |
120 |
121 (122) |
57 |
126 |
134 |
58 |
132 |
140 |
59 |
134 |
146 |
60 |
World quests ilvl rewards are based on your overwall ilvl and your Renown level. |
Normal Dungeon loot (158 ilvl)
There are 8 dungeons in Shadowlands at the moment. The loot is 158 ilvl on normal mode.
Heroic dungeon loot in Shadowlands (170 ilvl)
There are 8 dungeons in Shadowlands at the moment. The loot is 170 ilvl on heroic mode.
Mythic +0 dungeon loot in Shadowlands (184 ilvl)
There are 8 dungeons in Shadowlands at the moment. The loot is 183 ilvl on mythic 0 mode.
Mythic plus
In mythic plus, you get loot from the chest after killing last boss (you don´t get loot from every boss).
The weekly chest is now instead a "Great Vault" that lets you choose between several types of gear based on what weekly goals you have completed.
Keystone |
End of Dungeon loot ilvl |
The Great Vault |
+2 |
187 | 200 |
+3 |
190 | 203 |
+4 |
194 | 207 |
+5 |
194 | 210 |
+6 |
197 | 210 |
+7 |
200 | 213 |
+8 |
200 | 216 |
+9 |
200 | 216 |
+10 |
204 | 220 |
+11 |
204 | 220 |
+12 |
207 | 223 |
+13 |
207 | 223 |
+14 |
207 | 226 |
+15 |
210 | 226 |
The Great Vault - Weekly Reward
In Legion and BFA, we had one weekly mythic plus objective, which was a reward based on the highest key you have done during that week.
In Shadowlands, there are major changes in weekly objective rewards.
There are 3 main categories for getting a piece of gear each week.
- Raids
- Mythic plus
- PvP
Each main category has 3 objectives that you can complete during the week before next weekly reset.
That makes it up to 9 weekly objectives that you can do each week.
Completing all 9, well that will let you choose between loads of gear at the weekly reset.
But the reward is still only one item gear.
However, the more objectives you complete, the more choices of gear will be offered to choose from.
The objectives are said to change, but thats probably later in the expansion.
The objectives at the moment are:
Defeat 3 Castle Nathria Raid Bosses
Defeat 6 Castle Nathria Raid Bosses
Defeat 9 Castle Nathria Raid Bosses
Mythic dungeons
Complete 1 Mythic Dungeon
Complete 4 Mythic Dungeons
Complete 10 Mythic Dungeons
Earn 1250 Conquest Points
Earn 3500Conquest Points
Earn 8750 Conquest Points
Raid loot in Shadowlands (187-233 ilvl)
World Bosses
There are 4 world bosses in total.
One is active per week.
Each world boss is located on each of the 4 zones (Reverndreth, Maldraxxus, Bastion, Ardenweald).
Valinor, the Light of Eons |
ilvl: 207 |
Mortanis |
ilvl: 207 |
Oranomonos the Everbranching |
ilvl: 207 |
Nurgash Muckformed |
ilvl: 207 |
Castle Nathria Raid
Raid Finder (185 ilvl minimum to enter) |
187 ilvl |
Normal |
200 ilvl |
Heroic |
213 ilvl |
Mythic |
226 ilvl |
PvP Vendor 158-233ilvl
There are 2 pvp vendors that sells Honor and Conquest gear.
There is also a pvp gear upgrader that can upgrade the ilvl of the pvp gear.
Check out my full guide on pvp vendors
The ilvl of Honor armor and weapons is 158 ilvl.
The ilvl of the Conquest armor and weapon is 190 ilvl.
You can also upgrade the conquest and honor gear.
You upgrade Honor gear 6 times to a maximum of 190 ilvl.
You upgrade Conquest gear to a maximum of 226 ilvl and Conquest weapons to 233 ilvl.
Shadowlands Dungeon Event (213 ilvl)
The event quest giver is located next to the Great Vault in Oribos.
By completing the quest Emissary of War, completing 4 mythic dungeons, you will be rewarded with
- Cache of Nathrian Treasure
Rewards a 213 ilvl equipment. - Broker Anima Cage
Rewards a great amount of Anima to your covenant reservoir.
Profession Crafting (111-151 (168) ilvl)
Blacksmithing, Leatherworking, Tailoring, Engineering
Each crafted armor can be upgraded with slots (Optional reagents).
Higher ilvl crafted items can be upgraded with even several slots.
By adding special items to the slots, you can:
- Set change ilvl sof the crafter armor
There are different Crafter´s mark.
The higher gear crafted, the higher Crafter´s Mark can be added.
Crafter´s Mark enables specific character levels to be able to wear it and can change the ilvl of the gear.
- Novice Crater´s Mark
Sets the ilvl to 87 and the required level to 50. - Crafter´s Mark I
Sets the ilvl to 117 and requires minimum level 53 instead of level 60.Crafter´s Mark II
Sets the ilvl to 168 and required minimum level 57 instead of level 60. - Add a bonus effect
- Completing World Quest increase primary Stat
- Chance to get extra Skill up when crafting
- Reduce falling damage
- and more - Add Secondary Stat
Stats are not added from start after an armor is crafted.
You specify what stat you want to add.
Blacksmith, Tailoring, Leatherworking
- ilvl 111 + Novice Crafters Mark
- ilvl 151 + Crafters Mark I, II
- ilvl 151 + Crafters Mark I, II, III or IV ilvl
You can also craft a specialized armor/jewelry which is 1 out of 4 pieces needed for crafting a legendary.
Crafted Legendary (175-235 ilvl)
You can craft loads of different legendary gear but only be able to equip one at the time.
You will be able to upgrade your legendary as well
Check out my full guide on Crafting Legendary:
Other posts
- Guide: How to Obtain and Understand the Faceless Mask of Vengeance in Revisited Horrific Vision
- Step by step Guide: How to get the Reins of the Void-Scarred Windrider Mount
- Step by step Guide: How to get the Void-Scarred Wolf Mount
- Guide: How to Obtain and Understand the Faceless Mask of the Nemesis in Revisited Horrific Vision
- 11.1.5 - DO THIS in 11.1.5 to FARM LOADS of GOLD
- Guide: How to Obtain and Understand the Faceless Mask of Multitudes in Revisited Horrific Vision
- Beware of Collaborating with MrGM: A Disturbing Pattern of Unethical Behavior
- Guide to Obtaining the Nesting Swarmite Mount in 11.1.5
- The Void-Crystal Panther is Warbound
- 11.1.5 Gold Farm Guide - PREP to bathe in Gold