I entered a character as an alt in to Zereth Mortis with ilvl below 200.
I completed only the first 3 chapters of the main story line.
In the first 6 days, I got to rank 3 on the Cypher Console and my average ilvl became 240 ilvl.
This was only gearing up in the new zone Zereth Mortis.
There are several paths you can take to gear up your character in patch 9.2. Here you will find all the different ways there are to gear up your character in 9.2. Some of these are better for your main character and some are better for your alts. No matter your progress and gear from last patch, there is a rope to climb up on for everyone.
Anima Vendor – ilvl 226
Once you reach the new Zone, Zereth Mortis in 9.2, you will enter a hub called Haven, very early in the questline. In Haven, there is a vendor that sells Broker´s Gear that is Bind on Account, meaning you can wear it or send it to your alts.
The ilvl on Broker´s Gear is 226 and you can buy every gear slot piece.
There are two different types of trinkets you can get as a caster, two for agility and two for strength users. You can also get this gear procced with a socket, and tertiary stats such as Leech, speed etc.
Every time you open a Broker´s gear, you will get a random stat on it. So basically, you can buy Broker´s gear so you will get a full set of the exact stats that you want on your character.
The costs to buy Broker´s Gear is anima. At the moment on the PTR, every gear slot costs 500 anima.
Conduits – ilvl 226 & 278
- You can buy an item called Font of Ephemeral Power
This item gives your character all the conduits there are for your character and also increases the ilvl on all your conduits to 226 ilvl.
Font of Ephemeral Power is sold by the new reputation vendor in Haven. The new reputation is called The Enlightened. You start with 0/3000 Neutral with them. Once you reach friendly, you can by this item. - Another item added in the new reputation vendor in Haven is called Vessel of Profound Possibilities.
This item gives your character all the conduits there are for your character and also increases the ilvl on all your conduits to 278 ilvl.
The requirements to get this item are:
- Honored with The Enlightened
- Any of the Keystone Hero achievements for Season 3:
Mythic: Sepulcher of the First Ones
Defeat all the raid bosses on Mythic Difficulty.
Gladiator: Shadowlands Season 3
Win 50 3v3 games while at Elite rank during Shadowlands Season 3.
Random Gear – ilvl 229
You will find gear that is part of a Zereth Mortis transmog set.
For Cloth it is called Staccato Gear Set.
For Leather it is called Choral Gear Set.
For Mail it is called Anthemic Gear set.
For Plate it is called Harmonium Gear Set.
You can find this gear randomly from different creatures, rares, treasures and more.
Sandworn Vendor – ilvl 246
There is a new Gear vendor in Zereth Mortis in which you can buy 246 ilvl gear. This gear vendor sells all gear slots except for necklace, rings and trinkets.
It is the same Zereth Mortis transmog set as the random gear.
The currency to buy this gear is called Sandworn Relic.
This vendor is located in Pilgrim´s Grace in Zereth Mortis and the NPC is called Elder Rafiq.
The costs to buy is a new currency called Sandworn Relics and you need a total of 2070, if you want to buy an entire set.
Gear |
Sandworn Relics |
Back |
160 |
Wrist |
160 |
Belt |
160 |
Feet |
230 |
Hands |
230 |
Shoulder |
230 |
Chest |
300 |
Head |
300 |
Legs |
300 |
You farm Sandworn Relics by opening special chests called Sandworn Chests, or by killing special rares on the top right side of the map. The areas are called Arrangement Index and Endless Sands. To be able to open the Sandworn Chests you need a key and to get the key you need to combine 5 Sandworn Chest Key Fragments that you get by killing Mawsworn mobs in that area.
Special Rares – ilvl 236
There are some rares that are different from the normal rares in Zereth Mortis. I call them special rares. Special rares have a star with a skull on it on the map and minimap. They have more abilities and also much more health compared to normal rares.
These special rares have a chance to drop 246 ilvl gear.
Special Treasures – ilvl 236
There are treasures that you can only loot once and some that you can only loot once a day. I call these special treasures. Because the normal treasures can be looted the entire day on different locations on the map. Also, normal treasures has less items in them compared to the special treasures.
These special treasures have a chance to drop 246 ilvl gear.
World Quests / Normal Treasures / Normal Rares / Weekly Quests ilvl 233-252
All gear you get from here has a chance to become bind on equipped, meaning you can wear it, or sell it or send it to alts or friends.
This gear is tied to the new system called Cyphers of the First ones. At the beginning of the main questline, you will be introduced to a console called Cypher console. This console is like talent tree, but in this case it is traits that
- makes you more powerful in different ways when in Zereth Mortis
- makes you be able to communicate with different NPCs in Zereth Mortis
- unlocks puzzles for reward
- unlocks so that you can craft pets
- unlocks so that you can craft mounts
- and more
The main part when it comes to gear is that this system has a Cypher Equipment level. The level starts at 1 and max level is 6. The more points you put into cypher console by unlocking and upgrading traits with a currency called Cyphers of the First Ones, the higher you will level.
Each level requires 750 Cyphers of the first Ones in total to reach the next level.
The higher Cypher Equipment level you have, the higher ilvl will the gear reward be (also more anima reward).
- Level 1
Rewards 233 ilvl from various sources. - Level 2
Rewards 239 ilvl from various sources. - Level 3
Rewards 242 ilvl from various sources. - Level 4
Rewards 246 ilvl from various sources. - Level 5
Rewards 249 ilvl from various sources. - Level 6
Rewards 252 ilvl from various sources.
You start at ilvl 233 and the highest ilvl you can reach is 252 ilvl.
Here are all the sources tied to the ilvl gear and the cypher system.
When it comes to World Quests, there are 3 World Quests up per day. The reward can either be gold, gear, anima or reputation.
When it comes to Daily Quests, there are 2 daily quests at start. Once you have unlocked the trait , you will activate one more daily quest. So in total you will have 3 daily quests per day. The reward are:
- Cyphers (the currency to upgrade traits in the Cyphers console)
- Cosmic Flux (used to upgrade legendaries and craft tier set pieces)
- Reputation
- Anima
When it comes to Normal Treasures, there are scattered all around Zereth Mortis. They don’t have as good items as special treasures, but you might be lucky and get gear from it. Otherwise, you get
- Cyphers
- Anima
- Cosmic Flux
When it comes to Weekly Quests, there is a quest called Patterns to Pattern in which you have to raise a percentage bar up, based on your activities in Zereth Mortis. For example, completing world quests, dailies, looting treasures, killing rares etc.
This quest is available every 3rd day.
You will always get one piece of gear and Cosmic Flux.
Dungeons & Raids ilvl 210-285
On the First week after 9.2 comes out, you will have access to
- Normal Mode Dungoens
Loot is 210 ilvl - Heroic Mode Dungoens
Loot is 223 ilvl - Mythic 0
You can only do the same dungeon once per week for reward.
Loot is 236 ilvl.
On the Second week after 9.2 comes out, you will have access to
- Normal Mode Dungoens
Loot is 210 ilvl - Heroic Mode Dungoens
Loot is 223 ilvl - Mythic 0
You can only do the same dungeon once per week for reward.
Loot is 236 ilvl. - Mythic plus
Probably all the way up to +10 then you don’t get more reward when doing higher dungeons.
BUT, you still get the Weekly Vault reward all the way up to +15.
The ilvl ranges from 236 – 255 ilvl. - Normal Mode RAID – Sepulcher of the first Ones
You have access to first 8 bosses.
The loot is 252 ilvl. - Heroic Mode RAID – Sepulcher of the first Ones
You have access to first 8 bosses.
The loot is 265 ilvl.
On the Third week after 9.2 comes out, you will have access to
- Normal Mode Dungoens
Loot is 210 ilvl - Heroic Mode Dungoens
Loot is 223 ilvl - Mythic 0
You can only do the same dungeon once per week for reward.
Loot is 236 ilvl. - Mythic plus
All the way to +15 difficulty and the Weekly Vault.
+15 in dungeon gives 262 ilvl.
+15 in the great Vault gives 278 ilvl. - Normal Mode RAID – Sepulcher of the first Ones
You have access to all 11 bosses.
The loot is 252 ilvl on the first 8 bosses.
The loot is 259 ilvl on the last 3 bosses. - Heroic Mode RAID – Sepulcher of the first Ones
You have access to all 11 bosses.
The loot is 265 ilvl on the first 8 bosses.
The loot is 272 ilvl on the last 3 bosses. - Mythic Mode RAID – Sepulcher of the first Ones
You have access to all 11 bosses.
The loot is 278 ilvl on the first 8 bosses.
The loot is 285 ilvl on the last 3 bosses.
When reaching the fifth week after 9.2 comes out, you will have access to
- Unlocking double legendaries.
Legendaries – ilvl 291
In patch 9.2 you can upgrade legendary gear all the way to ilvl 291 ilvl. And once you reach chapter 7 on the new story line, you will have access to double legendaries. Chapter 7 will come out 5 weeks after 9.2 comes out.
Buy Legendary Power Alts
Learn Legendary you don´t have
Before 9.2, we can buy an item called Chronicle of Lost Memories. This item gives you a random legendary power item in your bag that you you can learn at the Runecarver. You buy this from different vendors with either Cataloged Research or Greatful Offering.
In patch 9.2, you can buy the same item (Chronicle of Lost Memories) from Bonesmith Heirmir in Korthia. This NPC sells this item for 600 Soul Cinders.
Remember, that in patch 9.2 you can send Soul Cinders to alts. So this is a way to help your alt getting legendary power. Check out here on how to send soul cinders to alts.
CRAFTING – ilvl 233 and 262
First of all, don´t forget that you can craft or buy a 230 ilvl gear that came out in patch 9.1.5. Remember that you can only wear one piece of gear.
In 9.2 there is a new slot added in the UI when crafting shadowlands gear. This lot is called “Add a progenitor Enhancement”. that will add sort of power on your crafted gear. There are 8 different progenitor enhancements that is active when outdoor in shadowlands.
Two new Crafters Marks are added (item to increase ilvl when crafting gear).
- Crafters Mark 4
Set ilvl to 233, req char level 60.
You can craft a full set of it and wear it. - Crafters Mark of the First Ones
Set ilvl to 262, req char level 60.
This one is unique-equipped, meaning that you can only wear one of them.
PvP – ilvl 203 - 285
The change they have done in 9.1 is adding a bonus ilvl on your gear when doing that specific content the gear came from.
PvP gear has a +13 ilvl of the gear when doing PvP content.
These numbers are not the finale numbers.
Unrated Gear (Honor Gear)
Rank |
PvE |
PvP |
1 |
203 |
216 |
2 |
210 |
223 |
3 |
216 |
229 |
4 |
223 |
263 |
5 |
229 |
242 |
6 |
236 |
249 |
7 |
242 |
255 |
Rated Gear (Conquest gear)
Rating |
PvE |
PvP |
Unranked |
249 |
262 |
Combatant (1400-1599) |
255 |
268 |
Challenger (1600-1799) |
268 |
275 |
Rival (1800-2099) |
272 |
285 |
Duelist (2100) |
275 |
285 |
Thank you Lazey (patf0rd) for helping me with many parts of guide.
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