Guide to Medium Garrison Buildings

Gladiator's Sanctum

Focuses on PvP. There are many titles and achievements you can earn with this building!

Level 1
Increases your out-of-combat regeneration in outdoor Draenor zones and allows the collection of broken bones from defeated enemy players (used for Conqueror's Tribute).
Level 2
Enables safe fall in outdoor Draenor zones. Also enables the Nemesis quest series for defeating enemy players of specific races.
Level 3
While below 35% life, all damage taken is reduced by 50% in outdoor Draenor zones. Grants access to the Highmaul Coliseum gladiator tournament.

Lunarfall Inn

Level 1
Each day, a visitor offering a dungeon quest will spend the day at your inn.
Level 2
Recruits random followers each week. You can specify traits and abilities you're especially interested in.
Level 3
Unlocks the particularly lucrative treasure hunter missions.

Lumber Mill

Allows you to mark small trees in Draenor for harvest. Harvested Timber can be converted to work orders for Garrison supplies.

Level 1
Allows you to mark medium trees for additional Timber.
Generates a daily shipment of Material, but the Mill can store at most one shipment at a time. New shipments are only produced if free storage space is available.

Level 2
Allows you to mark large trees for even more Timber.
Now stores up to two shipments of Material.

Level 3
Unlocks Specializations, and Material capacity increases to a maximum of four daily shipments.

Trees show up on your mini map as yellow dots and are highlighted from far away in the world.

Trading Post

The Trading Post is the Garrison's center of commerce with the natives of Draenor.

Level 1
Allows the trade of crafting reagents for garrison resources and vice versa, for a profit!
Opens a new trading route and grants access to new trading missions.

Level 2
Enables access to the auction house. Also grants access to the Shattari Defense or Laughing Skull factions
Opens an additional trade route.

Level 3
Increases reputation gain in Draenor by 20% (account-wide).
Unlocks Specializations.


The Barn houses captured creatures that provide the garrison with leather, meat, and fur.

Level 1
Allows you to capture clefthoof, elekk, wolves, and talbuk for leather and fur. Used for leatherworking and tailoring recipes.

Level 2
Allows you to capture boars and riverbeasts for rare meats used to create the most powerful food.

Level 3
Allows you to capture elite beasts to harvest for savage blood, used in all epic crafted armor and weapons.

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