If you want to know what Heart of Azeroth is, you can check it here.
This is during alpha testing and we only got a chest piece to look at and "test". We do not know how it will work yet because it is way to early in the testing stage. However, this is how I think about it:
The ilvl affects only the power of the trait
The ilvl of the same type of gear (same type of head or chest or shoulder) will not affect the type of traits but affects the power of it.
Traits should also differ depending on where it is from
The traits you get are based on were it is from.
- Out door Azerite Armor
Getting a world quest/world drop gear, will give traits that fits for leveling up and doing world quests later on at max level.
- Dungeon Azerite Armor
Getting a dungeon gear will have traits that fits for when the you do dungeons.
- Raid Azerite Armor
Getting a raid gear will have traits that fits for when the you do raiding.
In this way, you can also swap between azerite gear depedning on what type of gameplay it is.
How it should work in dungoen and raids
The Traits in Raid gear from different type of Raids should be the same but the power of the traits should increase when doing higher "tier" raids. Otherwise we will have the same problem as legion (lower raid tiers are better then higher raid tiers).
This also goes for dungeons. Mythic dungeons should have the same traits as heroic and normal, but the power of the traits are increased between difficulties.
Crafting Azerite armor
We should be able to craft one of the three Azerite armors (head, shoulder, chest).
The type of traits should be based on how easy/hard it is to gather the materials.
Materials needed to craft out door Azerite armor, can be gathered from BFA out door content.
Materials needed to craft Dungeon Azerite armor, can be gathered from BFA out door content but also materials that are from dungeons.
Materials needed to craft Raid Azerite armor, can be gathered from BFA out door content and materials that are from dungeons but also materials that are from raids.
This should also be able to upgrade ilvl wise with the different source of material (out door, dungeon, raid) so it will not be worhtless later on in the expansion.
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