Hellfire Citadel Boss Guides WoD 6.2


Loot ilvl

You’ll need an item level of at least 650 to enter Raid Finder.

Raid Finder 675-685 ilvl Raid Finder Tier
Normal 690-705 ilvl Tier 18 695 ilvl
Heroic 705-720 ilvl Tier 18 710 ilvl
Mythic 720-735 ilvl Tier 18 725 ilvl


More specific boss loot ilvls

  Normal  Heroic Mythic
Hellfire Assault  690    705 720
Iron Reaver   690    705  720
Kormrok   690    705 720 
Hellfire High Council  690    705  720  
Kilrogg Deadeye   695 710 725
Gorefiend 695  710   725
Shadow-Lord Iskar 695   710 725 
Socrethar 695   710 725 
Fel Lord Zakuun 700 715 730
Xhul'horac  700  715 730 
Tyrant Velhari  700  715 730 
Mannoroth 700  715  730 
Archimonde 705  720 735

When to use the Legendary ring


Wing Bosses
HellBreach Hellfire Assault
Iron Reaver
Hall of Blood Hellfire High Council
Killrog Deadeye
Bastion of Shadows Shadow-Lord Iskar
Socrethar the Eternal
Tyrant Velhari
Destructor´s Rise Fel Lord Zakuun
The Black Gate Archimonde

Bosses and Boss Guides in order

Hellfire Assault Boss Guide 6.2 WoD


Iron Reaver Boss Guide 6.2 WoD


Kormrok Boss Guide 6.2 WoD


 Hellfire High Council Boss Guide 6.2 WoD


Kilrogg Dedeye Boss Guide 6.2 WoD

  GoreFiend Boss Guide 6.2 WoD


Shadow-Lord Iskar Boss Guide 6.2 WoD


Socrethat the Eternal Boss Guide 6.2 WoD

Fel Lord Zakuun Boss Guide 6.2 WoD

Xhul´horac Boss Guide 6.2 WoD

Tyrant Velhari Boss Guide 6.2 WoD

Mannoroth Boss Guide 6.2 WoD

Archimonde Boss Guide