Today, we’re examining the DPS distribution in Nerub-ar Palace during the Heroic Week of The War Within Season 1. This analysis utilizes data from Warcraft Logs Raid statistics specific to this season.
Heroic Nerub-ar Palace Statistics Overview
Table of Contents
Disclaimers and Data Sources
DPS Rankings
Queen Ansurek Spec Performance
Class Guides for The War Within Season 1
Disclaimers and Data Sources
The information presented in this article is derived from the Raid Statistics Page on Warcraft Logs for Heroic difficulty during the week of September 10th. We will focus on the 95th percentile to provide a clearer understanding of the overall performance.This article aims to offer insight into the current state of class balance for The War Within Season 1, though it represents only a partial view of the overall balance.It’s important to note that there are biases in interpreting this data:
Specs perceived as underperforming are often played less frequently, which can skew their representation.
Players focused on performance typically gravitate towards the strongest specs, widening the gap between the top and bottom performers.
The rankings for the 95th percentile may be influenced by alternative strategies and parse funneling. We will include charts showing results across all percentiles for a more comprehensive view.
The acquisition of gear will also affect balance perceptions in the early weeks of Season 4.
We will continue to analyze Heroic data as the Mythic player base grows.
The War Within Season 1 DPS Rankings - Heroic Nerub-ar Palace (Week of September 10th)
Fury Warrior takes the top spot with an impressive damage output of 67,249.
Fury Warrior takes the top spot with an impressive damage output of 67,249.
Enhancement Shaman follows closely behind, now at 24,969, moving up one position.
Arcane Mage also climbs one rank, reaching 74,534 in damage.
Outlaw Rogue has dropped two spots, now sitting at 13,800.
Retribution Paladin has made a gain, now at 60,323, moving up one position.
Arms Warrior has slipped down one rank to 10,123.
Subtlety Rogue has seen a nice boost, rising four spots to 7,508.
Windwalker Monk remains steady with 32,784.
Beast Mastery Hunter has improved, moving up three ranks to 36,548.
Frost Death Knight has fallen three spots, now at 51,890.
Elemental Shaman has dropped two ranks to 34,140.
Affliction Warlock has gained one position, reaching 55,133.
Unholy Death Knight has moved up three spots to 16,513.
Survival Hunter remains unchanged at 13,076.
Marksmanship Hunter has seen a decline, dropping five ranks to 27,000.
Havoc Demon Hunter has gained one position, now at 46,063.
Assassination Rogue has dropped two spots to 31,353.
Devastation Evoker remains steady with 11,469.
Frost Mage holds its ground at 23,546.
Feral Druid stays the same with 12,020.
Demonology Warlock has gained one rank, now at 14,969.
Shadow Priest has also moved up one position to 28,659.
Destruction Warlock has dropped two spots to 6,614.
Balance Druid has gained one rank, reaching 23,133.
Augmentation Evoker has also moved up one position to 29,675.
Fire Mage has fallen two ranks, now at 2,013.
This week’s rankings show some interesting shifts, with melee classes generally performing strongly. It will be exciting to see how these dynamics evolve in the coming weeks!
Queen Ansurek Spec Performance
As we conclude the first week, we gain a clearer view of spec performance against Queen Ansurek, the final boss in Nerub-ar Palace.
Overall Damage
Damage to Queen Ansurek
Melee classes appear to dominate in Nerub-ar Palace, particularly against Queen Ansurek. The top DPS for this encounter are Retribution Paladins, Enhancement Shamans, and notably, Fury Warriors, who are performing 25% better than the current fourth-best spec, Havoc.
However, much of this damage is directed at adds rather than Ansurek herself, highlighting Fury's strength in quickly dispatching additional enemies. In terms of pure single-target damage against Ansurek, Subtlety Rogues and Arcane Mages are rising to prominence, alongside Enhancement Shamans, forming the top three. Similar to Fury's overall damage, Subtlety leads by approximately 23% over A-Tier specs like both Death Knight specs, Arms Warrior, and Affliction Warlock.
Overall, the DPS balance in Nerub-ar Palace seems heavily skewed towards melee classes during the Heroic Week, with only Arcane Mage and Affliction Warlock appearing among the top specs in both the raid and against Ansurek. Will the upcoming tuning changes and Mythic mechanics alter this trend? We’ll find out next week!
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