Reputation with Honorbound / 7th Legion is tied to 3 main parts in BFA:
- The War Campaign - Here is a full detailed guide about the War Campaign.
- Allied race - unlock on Kul Tiran and Zandalari trolls.
- Unlock Flying. It´s part of the Pathfinder Achievement: Azerothian Diplomat.
How to gain/farm reputation with Honorbound / 7th Legion
- The first way of gaining reputation with Honorbound / 7th Legion
You gain reputation when completing quests from the War Campaign.
Open your quest log and you will find a title on the right side. Quests tied to war campaign is inside that box.
Here is a full detailed guide about the War Campaign.
- The second way of gaining reputation with Honorbound / 7th Legion is
World Quests, when you are max leveled (120). When you hit max level you will find World Quests when opening your map. I have only see WQ inside the main city. There might be more outside the cities. Mouseover on a world quest will give you information on what faction that quest is tied to. Completing that quest will reward you extra reputation.
There are loads of Honorbound/ 7th legion rep quests in the opposite faction zone. - The third way gaining reputation with Honorbound / 7th Legion is
Emissary world quest - Completing 4 quests for Honorbound / 7th Legion when the Emissary World quest is up will reward you reputation.
The Emissary quest is called Horde War effort / Alliance War effort
You turn in the quest at the Honorbound / 7th Legion Emissary vendor (outside the order hall ship). - The fourth way of gaining reputation with Honorbound / 7th Legion is
From the Mission table. In BFA, instead of an Order Hall mission table, there is a faction-based mission table. You gain access to it when starting the War campaign. It is very similar to Legion mission table. You can send champions and troops on missions that rewards you reputation with Honorbound / 7th Legion and an extra bonus rep as well. But this quest is not available all the time, so keep your eyes out for it. - The fifth and MAIN WAY of gaining reputation with Honorbound / 7th Legion is
From the contribution to warfront.
When your faction do not have warfront, you will contribute supplies to get ready for war.
When a faction has warfronts, they will have it for approx. 2 days. During these 2 days. You can contribute various profession items that you craft, contribute war resources and also gold.
Each quest is daily and you get 500 reputaion per quest.
Either you craft the item needed, or buy it from action house.
You do not need have the reputation in order to contribute.
The contribution quests are located near the war table where you que up for warfront.
In the trade area on the harbor for alliance.
In the harbor area for horde. - The sixth way of gaining reputation with Honorbound / 7th Legion is
The quests you get from Arathi Highland after you win Warfront. When the timer of warfront has expired, you can take a portal to arathi (Argorok for horde and Stromgarde for alliance). THe portal is next to the Warfront war table.
You will get several quests and each quest rewards reputation. - The seventh way of gaining reputation with Honorbound / 7th Legion is
Completing the main Island Expedition (40 000 Azerite gathered) will reward you 1500 reputation and you can do it over and over.
A normal run of Island exp. gives 6000 Azerite when you win.
A heroic run of Island exp. gives 9000 Azerite when you win.
A heroic run of Island exp. gives 12000? Azerite when you win.Meaning, if you win around 4-5 Island exp. you get loads of Azerite AND 1500 reputation.
You can also get Insignias in Island expedition that rewards 250 rep when you turn it in.
- The eight way of gaining reputation with Honorbound / 7th Legion is
In the 3 zones on the opposite faction were you have taken a foothold there are quests.
These quests rewards 250 reputation each.
Where is the Honorbound / 7th Legion vendor located
The reputation vendor for Honorbound is called Ransa Greyfeather (Honorbound Emissary). Ransa is located in Zuldazar, Dazaralor harbor, next to the order hall ship. See map.
The reputation vendor for 7th Legion is called Vindicator Jaelaana (7th Legion Emissary). Jaelaana is located in Tiragarde Sound, Boralus harbor, next to the order hall ship. See map.
Honorbound Reputation Rewards
Name |
ILvl |
Standing |
Slot |
Type |
325 |
Honored |
Back |
Rank 2 |
120 |
Honored |
1 |
Honored |
1 |
Honored |
340 |
Revered |
Legs |
340 |
Revered |
Feet |
340 |
Revered |
Waist |
340 |
Revered |
Wrist |
1 |
Revered |
Rank 3 |
120 |
Revered |
Rank 3 |
120 |
Revered |
Rank 3 |
120 |
Revered |
Rank 3 |
120 |
Revered |
Rank 3 |
120 |
Revered |
Rank 3 |
120 |
Revered |
Rank 3 |
120 |
Revered |
Rank 3 |
120 |
Revered |
Rank 3 |
120 |
Revered |
Rank 3 |
120 |
Revered |
Rank 3 |
120 |
Revered |
Rank 3 |
120 |
Revered |
Rank 3 |
120 |
Revered |
Rank 3 |
120 |
Revered |
Rank 3 |
120 |
Revered |
Rank 3 |
120 |
Revered |
1 |
Revered |
1 |
Revered |
1 |
Revered |
1 |
Revered |
1 |
Revered |
355 |
Exalted |
Wrist |
355 |
Exalted |
Legs |
355 |
Exalted |
Hands |
355 |
Exalted |
Feet |
120 |
Exalted |
Tabard |
7th Legion Reputation Rewards
Name |
ILvl |
Standing |
Slot |
Type |
Rank 2 |
120 |
Honored |
1 |
Honored |
1 |
Honored |
325 |
Honored |
Back |
340 |
Revered |
Waist |
340 |
Revered |
Legs |
340 |
Revered |
Feet |
340 |
Revered |
Wrist |
1 |
Revered |
Rank 3 |
120 |
Revered |
Rank 3 |
120 |
Revered |
Rank 3 |
120 |
Revered |
Rank 3 |
120 |
Revered |
Rank 3 |
120 |
Revered |
Rank 3 |
120 |
Revered |
Rank 3 |
120 |
Revered |
Rank 3 |
120 |
Revered |
Rank 3 |
120 |
Revered |
Rank 3 |
120 |
Revered |
Rank 3 |
120 |
Revered |
Rank 3 |
120 |
Revered |
Rank 3 |
120 |
Revered |
Rank 3 |
120 |
Revered |
Rank 3 |
120 |
Revered |
Rank 3 |
120 |
Revered |
1 |
Revered |
1 |
Revered |
1 |
Revered |
1 |
Revered |
355 |
Exalted |
Wrist |
355 |
Exalted |
Legs |
355 |
Exalted |
Hands |
355 |
Exalted |
Feet |
120 |
Exalted |
Tabard |
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