There are four Dragonflying mounts in total so far:
- Renewed Proto-Drake
- Windborne Velocidrake
- Highland Drake
- Cliffside Wylderdrake
Your first Dragonflying mount
Once you have reached Dragon Isles, you will reach The Waking Shores first. The Dragon riding is part of the main storyline. It will take around 1 hour before you reach the quest called , “Dragonriding”, in The Waking Shores.
This quesline is a tutorial of how to fly a dragon in Dragon Isles and you also receive a mount called Renewed Proto-Drake which is a dragonriding mount.
Second Mount
The second mount is from the zone Ohnáhran Plains.
This mount is achieved by comleting the quest Shady Sanctuary, which is part of the Main Story line. Once you complete the thrid chapter, you will eventually travel to the western part of Ohnáhran Plains and get the quest “Bonds Renewed”. Once completed, you will be rewarded with a Windborne Velocidrake dragonflying mount.
You will also get an extra Dragonflying ability called Winds of the Isles: “You can now detect and utilize gale winds that redirect your flight and propel you onward, boosting your speed in the direction of the gale.”
Thrid Mount
You get the third Dragon riding mount when doing the main storyline in The Azure Span. Once you reach the quest “Calling the Blue Dragons” in chapter 3 and complete that quest.
You will also learn the DragonFlying ability “Whirling Surge” (Unlocks Barrel Roll, Spirals forward a great distance, increasing in speed).
The third DragonFlying mount is called Highland Drake.
Fourth Mount
The fourth mount is from the zone Thaldraszus.
This mount is achieved by comleting the quest Back to the Future, which is part of the Main Story line. Once you complete the second chapter, you will eventually travel to the east part of the zone and do the Chromie questline. Once completed, you will be rewarded with a Cliffside Wylderdrake dragonflying mount.
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