This is what we know so far when it comes to Inscription in Dragonflight. Some of these are placeholders. The Inscription Skill Tree is not out yet.
- Profession equipment added.
Most professions have three slots for equipment— one tool slot, and two accessory slots. These slots provide a dedicated place to put your profession equipment. You will no longer need to keep a hammer in your inventory if you are a Blacksmith or switch your weapon with your Fishing rod when you want to fish; these items will already be equipped!
New profession equipment in Dragon Isles will often provide profession bonuses, usually in the form of new crafting stats. In addition to the bonuses it provides, most pieces of equipment can show on your character, letting you look the part of your profession. When you perform a profession-related action, your character will visually swap into this profession equipment, then switch back again upon entering combat. - Milling will function like recipes, so they will appear in the list alongside your other Inscription recipes. You can either set a number of crafts or use up all your materials just like a normal crafting recipe. The higher your skill in Inscription, the more likely you’ll be able to prospect higher quality pigments.
- The max skill on Dragon Isles Inscription is 100.
- Darkmoon Trinkets added again.
- Missives now have two secondary stats instead of one.
- Profession Specialization added. You can increase knowledge of every Dragon Isles profession.
- Optional Reagent: Sigils can be added to Darkmoon Trinkets.
- Contracts are added again
- Dragon Riding manuscripts are added which seems to be more customizations of your dragon.
- Scrolls added in which one is to summon a vendor! The others seem to be new weapon illusions.
Dragon Isles Milling
Crush 5 Dragon Isles herbs to create pigments for making inks. This will destroy the herbs in the process.
Dragon Isles Inks
Burnished Ink
Cosmic Ink
Flaming Ink
Flourishing Ink
Serene Ink
Profession Equipment
Mixing Rod (WIP)
Item level 356
Binds when equipped
Alchemy Tool
Requires lvl 61
Mixing Rod 1 (WIP)
Item level 317
Binds when equipped
Alchemy Tool
Requires lvl 61
Scribe´s Guilded Quill
Binds when equipped
Inscription Accessory
Requires lvl 58
Dragon Isles Missives
Draconic Missive of the Aurora
Optional Crafting Reagent
+10 Recipe Difficulty
Guarantee Versatility and Haste
Draconic Missive of the Fireflash
Optional Crafting Reagent
+10 Recipe Difficulty
Guarantee Critical Strike and Haste
Draconic Missive of the Feverflare
Optional Crafting Reagent
+15 Recipe Difficulty
Guarantee Mastery and Haste
Draconic Missive of the Harmonious
Optional Crafting Reagent
+15 Recipe Difficulty
Guarantee Versatility and Mastery
Draconic Missive of the Peerless
Optional Crafting Reagent
+15 Recipe Difficulty
Guarantee Critical Strike and Mastery
Draconic Missive of the Quickblade
Optional Crafting Reagent
+15 Recipe Difficulty
Guarantee Versatility and Haste
Profession Specialization
Draconic Treatise on Alchemy
Slightly increase your knowledge of Dragon Isles Alchemy
Draconic Treatise on Blacksmithing
Slightly increase your knowledge of Dragon Isles Blacksmithing
Draconic Treatise on Enchanting
Slightly increase your knowledge of Dragon Isles Enchanting
Draconic Treatise on Engineering
Slightly increase your knowledge of Dragon Isles Engineering
Draconic Treatise on Herbalism
Slightly increase your knowledge of Dragon Isles Herbalism
Draconic Treatise on Inscription
Slightly increase your knowledge of Dragon Isles Inscription
Draconic Treatise on Jewelcrafting
Slightly increase your knowledge of Dragon Isles Jewelcrafting
Draconic Treatise on Leatherworking
Slightly increase your knowledge of Dragon Isles Leatherworking
Draconic Treatise on Mining
Slightly increase your knowledge of Dragon Isles Mining
Draconic Treatise on Tailoring
Slightly increase your knowledge of Dragon Isles Tailoring
Runes and Sigils
Azurescale Sigil
Optional Reagent
Provides the following property: Azurscale shuffling logic
Usable with: Darkmoon Decks (DNT)
Bronzescale Sigil
Optional Reagent
Provides the following property: Bronzescale shuffling logic
Usable with: Darkmoon Decks (DNT)
Emberscale Sigil
Optional Reagent
Provides the following property: Emberscale shuffling logic
Usable with: Darkmoon Decks (DNT)
Jetscale Sigil
Optional Reagent
Provides the following property: Jetscale shuffling logic
Usable with: Darkmoon Decks (DNT)
Sagescale Sigil
Optional Reagent
Provides the following property: Sagescale shuffling logic
Usable with: Darkmoon Decks (DNT)
Vantus Rune: Vault of the Incarnates
Use: Attune yourself to the energies of the targeted Vault of the Incarnates raid boss, increasing your Versatility by 100 when fighting that boss. This effect lasts for an entire week.
Buzzing Rune
Crafting Reagent
Chirping Rune
Crafting Reagent
Nourishing Rune
Crafting Reagent
Runed Writhebark
Crafting Reagent
Warm Rune
Crafting Reagent
Contract: Centaur
Use: Enter a contract with the Centaur that allows you to gain reputation with them every time you complete a world quest in the Dragon Isles.
Contract: Consortium
Use: Enter a contract with the Consortium that allows you to gain reputation with them every time you complete a world quest in the Dragon Isles.
Contract: Dragonscale Expedition
Use: Enter a contract with the Dragonscale Expedition that allows you to gain reputation with them every time you complete a world quest in the Dragon Isles.
Contract: Tuskarr
Use: Enter a contract with the Tuskarr that allows you to gain reputation with them every time you complete a world quest in the Dragon Isles.
Contract: Valdrakken
Use: Enter a contract with the Valdrakken that allows you to gain reputation with them every time you complete a world quest in the Dragon Isles.
Dragon Riding
Explorer´s Barding Manuscript
Regal Barding Manuscript
Cliffside Wylderdrake Manuscript: Conical Head
Cliffside Wylderdrake Manuscript: Red Mane
Cliffside Wylderdrake Manuscript: Triple Head Horns
Highland Drake Manuscript: Spined Crest
Highland Drake Manuscript: Spined Throat
Renewed Proto Drake Manuscript: Predator Pattern
Renewed Proto Drake Manuscript: Red Hair
Renewed Proto Drake Manuscript: Spined Crest
Windborne Velocidrake Manuscript: Black Fur
Windborne Velocidrake Manuscript: Spined Crest
Windborne Velocidrake Manuscript: Windswept
Darkmoon Deck Box: Awakened Chill
(PH) Radiant
Item level 393
Binds when equipped
Unique Equipped: Darkmoon Deck (1)
Requires level 70.
Optional Reagent Slot: Infuse with Power.
Optional Reagent Slot: Darkmoon Sigil
Darkmoon Deck Box: Inferno
(PH) Radiant
Item level 393
Binds when equipped
Unique Equipped: Darkmoon Deck (1)
Requires level 70.
Optional Reagent Slot: Infuse with Power.
Optional Reagent Slot: Darkmoon Sigil
Darkmoon Deck Box: Refreshing Dance
(PH) Radiant
Item level 393
Binds when equipped
Unique Equipped: Darkmoon Deck (1)
Requires level 70.
Optional Reagent Slot: Infuse with Power.
Optional Reagent Slot: Darkmoon Sigil
Darkmoon Deck Box: Watcher
(PH) Radiant
Item level 393
Binds when equipped
Unique Equipped: Darkmoon Deck (1)
Use: Grants the Watcher´s Blessing for 8-12s and an absorb shield for 2,761 damage. If the shield depletes while Watcher´s Blessing is active, gain 213 versatility for the same duration. Duration is determined by the top-most card of the deck.
Equip: Periodically shuffle the deck in combat.
Requires level 70.
Optional Reagent Slot: Infuse with Power.
Optional Reagent Slot: Darkmoon Sigil
Cracking Codex of the Isles
Item level 393
Binds when picked up
Held In Off-Hand
+193 Intellect
+303 Stamina
+183 Random Stat 1
+183 Random Stat 2
Kinetic Pillar of the Isles
Item level 393
+193 Agility
+303 Stamina
+183 Random Stat 1
+183 Random Stat 2
Weathered Explorer´s Stave
(PH) Radiant
Item level 393
Binds when picked up
Overseer´s Writhebark Stave
Item level 343
Binds when equipped
+121 Intellect
+217 Stamina
+101 Random Stat 1
+101 Random Stat 2
Pioneer´s Writhebark Stave
Item level 343
+121 Agility
+217 Stamina
+101 Random Stat 1
+101 Random Stat 2
Core Explorer´s Compendium
Item level 343
Binds when picked up
Held In Off-Hand
+121 Intellect
+217 Stamina
+101 Random Stat 1
+101 Random Stat 2
Scrolls of Sales
Use: Summon a vendor of general goods. (1 Day Cooldown).
Illusiory Parchment: Aqua Torrent
Illusiory Parchment: Arcane Burst
Illusiory Parchment: Chilling Wind
Illusiory Parchment: Magma Missle
Illusiory Parchment: Shadow Orb
Illusiory Parchment: Spell Shield
Illusiory Parchment: Whirling Breeze
Darkmoon Isles Mysteries
Darkmoon Booster Pack
Use: Tear open for some Darkmoon Cards! Contains cards only native to Darkmoon Isles.
Draconic Fortune Card
Coming Soon
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