This is what we know so far when it comes to Jewelcrafting in Dragonflight. Some of these are placeholders.
The Jewelcrafting Skill Tree is not out yet.
- Jewelcrafting Crafting Station added. You will find many of them scattered throughout the regions of the Dragon Isles for your convenience during leveling. Once you reach the main city of Valdrakken, you will find a large profession hub which includes all the crafting stations
- The max skill on Dragon Isles Jewelcrafting is 100.
- You will be able to craft gems with two secondary stats on it and with one secondary stat or with stamina.
- Primalist Gems are added, which adds Primary Stat and Secondary Stat.
- Trinkets are added.
- Craft an item to add one socket to an end-game Dragonflight Necklace.
- Crafting necklace with up to 3 sockets.
- Transmogs are added.
- Statues are added. You can craft statues that will have either some player power, fishing increased or something fun.
- Pets are added.
- Toys are added
- Profession equipment added.
Most professions have three slots for equipment— one tool slot, and two accessory slots. These slots provide a dedicated place to put your profession equipment. You will no longer need to keep a hammer in your inventory if you are a Blacksmith or switch your weapon with your Fishing rod when you want to fish; these items will already be equipped!
New profession equipment in Dragon Isles will often provide profession bonuses, usually in the form of new crafting stats. In addition to the bonuses it provides, most pieces of equipment can show on your character, letting you look the part of your profession. When you perform a profession-related action, your character will visually swap into this profession equipment, then switch back again upon entering combat.
- The general layout on Dragon Isle Jewelcrafting is based on the 5 Dragon Aspects (Alexstrasza, Kalecgos, Nozdormu, Ysera and Neltharion (Deathwing)).
- Alexstrasza
Crafting reagent Alexstraszite
Tied to Critical Strike - Kalecgos
Crafting reagent Kalecite
Tied to Versatility
- Nozdormu
Crafting reagent Nozdorite
Tied to Stamina - Ysera
Crafting reagent Ysemerald
Tied to Haste - Neltharion
Crafting reagent Neltharite
Tied to Mastery - Prospecting will function like recipes, so they will appear in the list alongside your other Jewelcrafting recipes. You can either set a number of crafts or use up all your materials just like a normal crafting recipe. The higher your skill inJewelcrafting, the more likely you’ll be able to prospect higher quality gems.
Dragon Isles Prospecting
Search 5 Dragon Isles ore for precious gems. This will destroy the ore in the process.
Elemental Harmony
Crafting Reagent
Blotting Sand
Finishing Crafting Reagent
When crafting: Increases Resourcefulness by +3 and Inspiration by +3.
Finishing Crafting Reagent
When crafting: Increases Inspiration by +6 and Inspiration by +3
Draconic Vial
Crafting Reagent
Frameless Lens
Crafting Reagent
Polished Stone
Crafting Reagent
Shimmering Clasp
Crafting Reagent
Rudimentary Gems
Crafty Queen´s Ruby
Requires Item Level 200
+8 Critical Strike and +8 Haste
Energized Vibrant Emerald
Requires Item Level 200
+8 Haste and +8 Versatility
Sensei´s Sundered Onyx
Requires Item Level 200
+12 Mastery and +12 Critical Strike
Zen Mystic Sapphire
Requires Item Level 200
+8 Versatility and +8 Mastery
Solid Eternity Amber
Requires Item Level 200
+8 Stamina
Air Gems
Crafty Alexstraszite
Air Ruby
Requires Item Level 200
+16 Critical Strike and +8 Haste
Energized Kalecite
Air Sapphire
Requires Item Level 200
+22 Versatility and +14 Haste
Forceful Nozdorite
Air Amber
Requires Item Level 200
+16 Stamina and +8 Haste
Keen Neltharite
Air Onyx
Requires Item Level 200
+16 Mastery and +8 Haste
Quick Ysemerald
Air Emerald
Requires Item Level 200
+36 Haste
Earth Gems
Sensei´s Alexstraszite
Earth Ruby
Requires Item Level 200
+16 Critical Strike and +8 Mastery
Zen Kalecite
Earth Sapphire
Requires Item Level 200
+22 Versatility and +8 Mastery
Puissant Nozdorite
Earth Amber
Requires Item Level 200
+16 Stamina and +14 Mastery
Fractured Neltharite
Earth Onyx
Requires Item Level 200
+24 Mastery
Keen Ysemerald
Earth Emerald
Requires Item Level 200
+16 Haste and +8 Mastery
Fire Gems
Deadly Alexstraszite
Fire Ruby
Requires Item Level 200
+24 Critical Strike
Radiant Kalecite
Fire Sapphire
Requires Item Level 200
+16 Versatility and +8 Crit
Jagged Nozdorite
Fire Amber
Requires Item Level 200
+16 Stamina and +8 Crit
Sensei´s Neltharite
Fire Onyx
Requires Item Level 200
+16 Mastery and +8 Critical Strike
Crafty Ysemerald
Fire Emerald
Requires Item Level 200
+16 Haste and +8 Critical Strike
Frost Gems
Radiant Alexstraszite
Frost Ruby
Requires Item Level 200
+16 Critical Strike +8 Versatility
Stormy Kalecite
Frost Sapphire
Requires Item Level 200
+24 Versatility
Steady Nozdorite
Frost Amber
Requires Item Level 200
+16 Stamina and +8 Versatility
Zen Neltharite
Frost Onyx
Requires Item Level 200
+16 Mastery and +8 Versatility
Energized Ysemerald
Frost Emerald
Requires Item Level 200
+22 Haste and +14 Versatility
Primalist Gems
Fierce Illimited Diamond
Unique-Equipped: Primalist Gem (1)
Requires Item Level 200
+14 Primary Stat and +10 Haste
Inscribed Illimited Diamond
Unique-Equipped: Primalist Gem (1)
Requires Item Level 200
+14 Primary Stat and +10 Critical Strike
Resplendent Illimited Diamond
Unique-Equipped: Primalist Gem (1)
Requires Item Level 200
+14 Primary Stat and +10 Versatility
Skillful Illimited Diamond
Unique-Equipped: Primalist Gem (1)
Requires Item Level 200
+14 Primary Stat and +10 Mastery
Straddling Illimited Diamond
Unique-Equipped: Primalist Gem (1)
Requires Item Level 200
Speed increased by 300
Tiered Medallion Setting
Use: Add one socket to an end-game Dragonflight Necklace. A necklace can have up to three sockets.
The quality of this item determines how many sockets it can add.
Elemental Soul Cage
Binds when used
Use: Drains the essence of a particularly powerful elemental. If your target dies while being drained, you will capture its soul. (30 Min Cooldown).
Idol of the Dreamer
[PH Radiant]
Item Level 393
Binds when picked up
Unique-Equipped: Primalist Gem (1)
+366 Intellect / Agility & Strength
Use: Spells and abilities have a chance to grant 17 Haste per Ysemerald you have equipped. Upon reaching 15 stacks, this effect becomes Titan´s Generosity which grants 64 to all secondary stats for 15 sec.
Optional Reagent Slot: Infuse with Power.
Idol of the Earth Warder
[PH Radiant]
Item Level 393
Binds when picked up
Unique-Equipped: Primalist Gem (1)
+366 Intellect / Agility & Strength
Use: Spells and abilities have a chance to grant 17 Mastery per Neltharite you have equipped. Upon reaching 15 stacks, this effect becomes Titan´s Generosity which grants 64 to all secondary stats for 15 sec.
Optional Reagent Slot: Infuse with Power.
Idol of the Lifebinder
[PH Radiant]
Item Level 393
Binds when picked up
Unique-Equipped: Primalist Gem (1)
+366 Intellect / Agility & Strength
Use: Spells and abilities have a chance to grant 17 Critical Strike per Alexstraszite you have equipped. Upon reaching 15 stacks, this effect becomes Titan´s Generosity which grants 64 to all secondary stats for 15 sec.
Optional Reagent Slot: Infuse with Power.
Idol of the Spell-Weaver
[PH Radiant]
Item Level 393
Binds when picked up
Unique-Equipped: Primalist Gem (1)
+366 Intellect / Agility & Strength
Use: Spells and abilities have a chance to grant 17 Versatility per Kalecite you have equipped. Upon reaching 15 stacks, this effect becomes Titan´s Generosity which grants 64 to all secondary stats for 15 sec.
Optional Reagent Slot: Infuse with Power.
Choker of Shielding
[PH Radiant]
Item Level 393
Binds when picked up
+341 Stamina
+498 Random Stat 1
+398 Random Stat 2
Prismatic Socket
Use: Drain the elemental energies from you and your gems, sacrificing 46 from each of their associated stats to shield you for 3,383 per gem socketed for 10 sec.
These stats are returned to you when the shield is broken or expires. (3 Min Cooldown).
Optional Reagent Slot: Customize Secondary Stats
Optional Reagent Slot: Infuse with Power.
Elemental Lariat
[PH Radiant]
Item Level 393
Binds when picked up
+341 Stamina
+498 Random Stat 1
+398 Random Stat 2
Prismatic Socket
Uquip: Spells and abilities have a chance to empower one of your socketed elemental gems, granting 182 of their associated stat for 12 sec.
Optional Reagent Slot: Customize Secondary Stats
Optional Reagent Slot: Infuse with Power.
Amulet of the Honorable Aspirant
Item Level 343
Binds when equipped
+244 Stamina
+263 Versatility
+263 Random Stat 1
Prismatic Socket
Optional Reagent Slot: Customize Secondary Stats
Optional Reagent Slot: Add Embellishment
Pendant of Impending Perils
Item Level 270
Binds when used
+142 Stamina
+143 Random Stat 1
+143 Random Stat 2
Optional Reagent Slot: Customize Secondary Stats
Optional Reagent Slot: Add Embellishment
Optional Reagent Slot: Empower with Training Matrix
Ring.Bound Hourglass
[PH Radiant]
Item Level 393
Binds when picked up
+341 Stamina
+498 Random Stat 1
+398 Random Stat 2
Prismatic Socket
Use: Take you to a place you may have long since forgotten. (20 Hr Cooldown).
Optional Reagent Slot: Customize Secondary Stats
Optional Reagent Slot: Infuse with Power.
Optional Reagent Slot: Add Embellishment
Signet of Titanic Insight
[PH Radiant]
Item Level 393
Binds when picked up
+341 Stamina
+498 Random Stat 1
+398 Random Stat 2
Prismatic Socket
Optional Reagent Slot: Customize Secondary Stats
Optional Reagent Slot: Infuse with Power.
Signet of the Honorable Aspirant
Item Level 343
Binds when equipped
+263 Versatility
+263 Random Stat 1
Prismatic Socket
Optional Reagent Slot: Customize Secondary Stats
Optional Reagent Slot: Add Embellishment
Band of New Beginnings
Item Level 270
Binds when used
+181 Stamina
+143 Random Stat 1
+143 Random Stat 2
Optional Reagent Slot: Customize Secondary Stats
Optional Reagent Slot: Add Embellishment
Optional Reagent Slot: Empower with Training Matrix
Statues & Carvings
Djaradin´s “Pinata”
Use: Place an intimidating statue of a decapitated dragon onto the battlefield nearby which can be attacked by players of either faction.
Once destroyed, it will drop a random battleground buff that anyone can claim.
Can only be used in War Mode on the Dragon Isles and in unrated battlegrounds. (15 Min Cooldown).
Narcissist´s Sculpture
Use: Place a luxurious statue of yourself nearby which increases your size and intellect while you admire your glorious self. Try not to go to your head.
Can only be used on the Dragon Isles, (3 Min Cooldown).
Statue of Tyr´s Herald
Use: Place a remarkable statue of a Titan Keeper nearby for 2 min.
Players who /kneel before the statue will have their worthiness judged.
A player´s worthiness can only be judged every 1 hour. Can only be used on the Dragon Isles. (3 Min Cooldown).
Kalu´ak Figurine
Use: Place a pristine figurine inspired by the tuskarr culture nearby which grants +15 Fishing skill to everyone who stands near it for 1.5 min. (3 Min Cooldown).
Revitalizinf Red Carving
Use: Place a glorious draconic statue on the ground nearby where it will heal you for a short time before its power fades.
Can only be used on the Dragon Isles. (3 min Cooldown).
Battle Pets
Jeweled Amber Whelpling
Binds when picked up
Use: teaches you how to summon and dismiss the companion.
Jeweled Emerald Whelpling
Binds when picked up
Use: teaches you how to summon and dismiss the companion.
Jeweled Onyx Whelpling
Binds when picked up
Use: teaches you how to summon and dismiss the companion.
Jeweled Ruby Whelpling
Binds when picked up
Use: teaches you how to summon and dismiss the companion.
Jeweled Sapphire Whelpling
Binds when picked up
Use: teaches you how to summon and dismiss the companion.
Convergent Prism
Use. Add this toy to your Toy Box.
Clutch the enchanted prism in your hand to guide a beam of light to very precise locations. The beam is only visible to members of your party or raid.
Jeweled Offering
Use. Add this toy to your Toy Box.
Humbly offer your most prized possession to whomever considers you worthy enough to accept it. (1 Day Cooldown).
Project Prism
Use: Copy the appearance of a targeted party member.
“Rhinestone” Sunglasses
Binds on picked up
“Always in style, guaranteed”
Split-Lens Specs
Binds on picked up
Ludicrously Luxurious Lucky Loop
Item level 1
Binds on Blizzard account
Luck +12
“An ostentatiously extravagant ring from which its value is derived purely from its absurdity. Worn only by the most superstitious among the wealthiest of nobles”.
Profession Equipment
Jeweler´s Specs T2 (DNT)
Item level 356
Binds when picked up
Jewel Crafting Accessory
Enchanting Focus T2 (DNT)
Enchanting Accessory
Fine-Print Trifocals
Unique-Equipped: Inscription Head
Inscription Accessory
Scribe´s Magnifying Glass T2 (DNT)
Inscription Accessory
Bold-Print Bifocals
Unique-Equipped: Inscription Head
Inscription Accessory
Enchanting Focus T1 (DNT)
Enchanting Accessory
Scribe´s Magnifying Glass T1 (DNT)
Inscription Accessory
Jeweler´s Specs T1 (DNT)
Binds when picked up
Jewel Crafting Accessory
Extravagant Glasswares
Dreamer´s Vision
“A marvelous although fragile gemstone, it can be cracked to reveal a small hoard of ysemeralds”.
Earthwarden´s Prize
“A marvelous although fragile gemstone, it can be cracked to reveal a small hoard of neltharite”.
Keeper´s Glory
“A marvelous although fragile gemstone, it can be cracked to reveal a small hoard of kalecite”.
Queen´s Gift
“A marvelous although fragile gemstone, it can be cracked to reveal a small hoard of alexstaszite”.
Timewatcher´s Patiance
“A marvelous although fragile gemstone, it can be cracked to reveal a small hoard of nozdorite”.
Jeweled Dragon´s Heart
“A marvelous although fragile gemstone, it can be cracked to reveal a small hoard of gems found across the Dragon Isles”.
- Alexstraszite
- Kalecite
- Ysemerald
- Neltharite
- Nozdorite
- Rousing Fire
Turn ten Rousing fire into Awakened Fire - Rousing Earth
Turn ten Rousing earth into Awakened Earth - Rousing Air
Turn ten Rousing air into Awakened Air - Rousing Frost
Turn ten Rousing frost into Awakened Frost - Rousing Blood
Turn ten Rousing frost into Awakened Blood - Awakened Fire
- Awakened Air
- Awakened Earth
- Awakened Frost
- Awakened Order
- Finely Ground Gemstones
Acquired by Jewelcrafters that use the Prospecting skill on gems from the Dragon Isles. - Illimited Diamond
This highly desirable diamond is acquired by Jewlwecrafters when Prospecting ore from Dragon Island - Fractured Glass
Acquired by Jewelcrafters that use the Prospecting skill on ore from the Dragon Isles. - Crumbled Stone
Acquired by Jewelcrafters that use the Prospecting skill on ore from the Dragon Isles. - Eternity Amber
Acquired by Jewelcrafters that use the Prospecting skill on ore from the Dragon Isles. - Eternity Ember
Acquired by Jewelcrafters that use the Prospecting skill on ore from the Dragon Isles. - Sundered Onyx
Acquired by Jewelcrafters that use the Prospecting skill on ore from the Dragon Isles. - Queen´s Ruby
Acquired by Jewelcrafters that use the Prospecting skill on ore from the Dragon Isles. - Vibrant Emerald
Acquired by Jewelcrafters that use the Prospecting skill on ore from the Dragon Isles. - Shimmering Clasp
A basic reagent that Jewelcrafters make. - Frameless Lens
A basic reagent that Jewelcrafters make. - Polished Sone
A basic reagent that Jewelcrafters make. - Misshapen Filigree
Purchased from Jewelcrafting vendors in Dragon Isles - Mystic Sapphire
- Vibrant Shard
- Projection Prism
Crafted by Jewelcrafting. - Elemental Harmony
A harmonious union between the gems of the Dragon Isles with Awakened Elements, crafted by jewelcrafters with the assistance of alchemist. - Primal Convergent
- Artisan´s Mettle
An invaluable reagent with myriad uses, including for recrafting Dragon Isles crafted equipment. - Luxurious Loop
Binds to Blizzard account
One word of Draconic origin is elegantly carved into this ring. World renowned translators claim it to read “Prosperity”. Dragons often disagree with a hearty chortle, but choose not to elaborate. - Spark of Ingenuity
Binds when picked up
DNT - TEMP= Required reagent for crafting higher level crafting gear. - Primal Chaos
Use: COllapse 100 Primal Chaos into a Primal Infusion.
Resonating with the untamed elements of the Dragon Isles, it is an essential reagent for crafting Draconic equipment. (DNT) - Jeweled Dragon´s Heart
A marvelous although fragile gemstone, it can be cracked to reveal a small hard of gems found across the Dragon Isles. - Tattered Wildercloth
The new Dragon Isles Cloth - Dragon Isles Duck Feather
- Scalebelly Mackeral
A common fish native to the Dragon Isles.
Use: Throw the fish back into the water to gain 5 fishing for 30 sec.
Throwing multiple fish can extend this buff up to 5 min.
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