The magnaron are mysterious in their ways, ancient and inscrutable. Miners excavating an expansion to the Foundry, in support of the Iron Horde’s massive production needs, were horrified to unearth a chamber containing a living magnaron. To their astonishment, Kromog began to assist in their endeavors, and now uses his massive stone fists to hammer out the gigantic plates needed for the Iron Horde’s dreadnaughts and siege machinery.
- Tanks stand on the right side. Stand clos (on top) of each other to share the Fist of Stone.
- Melees stand on the opposite side
- Ranged heal and Dps stack
Warped Armor
This ability decreases movement speed and increases dmg taken.
the boss Kromog Slams the current target (the one tanking) and causes AoE damage. But, the further away you are the less damage you take.
Rune of Crushing Earth
This ability allows Kromog to summon to hands from the ground on each side of a ranged player. After a while, these hands slams together. This damage huge amount of damage and stuns you for 5 seconds. 2 set of stone hands will appear after each other and slams at the same time more or less.
Rippling Smash
Kromog turns to a random direction (not player) and slams his fist on the ground. This causes a patch of stone eruptions to fly up from the ground from him and out. This is pretty wide.
Shattered Earth
This ability will occur AFTER EACH Rippling smash and Slam. 4 random players will get affected by Nature damage.
The Rippling Smash (stone eruption wave) causes a sound of Sonic Beams that will cross the room and does moderate damage. Easy to dodge
Stone Breath
The whole raid takes Nature damage from this, causing over 20k damage every second and won’t stop if no one is in melee range.
Runes of Grasping Earth and Thundering Blow
Very important to know about. Kromog places is fist on the ground. You will then see small platforms on the ground. You need to stand on one.
When you stand on one, a hand will dome up from the ground and grab you. Kromog will then smash his hands on the ground causing heavy dmg and knocking u high up in the air on anyone not inside a hand (Thundering Blows). The hand grabbing you deal massive Nature damage on you that ticks over time. These hands needs to be attacked and killed very fast. They have quite a lot of health so dps hard. Do not destroy any hand before the Thundering Blow is over, because the hand actually shields you from a massive damage at the same time giving you dmg tick.
Frenzy at 30%
The boss will deal 20% more dmg Attack speed is increased by 20% and Abilities are cast more frequesntly. . Save Bloodlust/Time Warp for this
- Taunt at 3 stacks of Warped armor.
- Move away from Kromog when he does Slam Then move fast back again.
- Make sure one of the tanks are freed first from the gripping hand (Runes of Grasping Earth) and close to boss after he is done with Thundering Blows. Because the boss will do ticking aoe dmg if no one is in melee (Stone Breath).
- When Rune of Crushing Earth Spawns on you. Move forward away from the stone hands that will hit. 2 set of stone hands will appear after each other and slams at the same time more or less. So move twice.
- After each Rippling smash be also aware of the sonic beams (Reverbarations) that crosses the room.
- Heal raid when they all take damage from Stone Breath.
- On Runes of Grasping Earth, take the mark in the middle so you are in range for the whole raid when they take damage from the hands.
- Make sure one of the tanks are freed first from the gripping hand (Runes of Grasping Earth) and close to boss after he is done with Thundering Blows. Because the boss will do ticking aoe dmg if no one is in melee (Stone Breath).
Ranged Dps
- When Rune of Crushing Earth Spawns on you. Move forward away from the stone hands that will hit. 2 set of stone hands will appear after each other and slams at the same time more or less. So move twice.
- When Kromog does Rippling smash, move to the side, avoid it and then back to your position.
- After each Rippling smash be also aware of the sonic beams (Reverbarations) that crosses the room.
- Make sure one of the tanks are freed first from the gripping hand (Runes of Grasping Earth) and close to boss after he is done with Thundering Blows. Because the boss will do ticking aoe dmg if no one is in melee (Stone Breath).
- On Runes of Grasping Earth, leave the marks in the middle for healers and take the ones on the side (right side prior to be in range of tanks). Make sure that healers are freed before you.
Melee Dps
- Stand on the opposite side of tanks and Dps boss.
- Avoid Rippling Smash
- Make sure one of the tanks are freed first from the gripping hand (Runes of Grasping Earth) and close to boss after he is done with Thundering Blows. Because the boss will do ticking aoe dmg if no one is in melee (Stone Breath).
- On Runes of Grasping Earth, leave the marks in the middle for healers and take the ones on the side (right side prior to be in range of tanks). Make sure that healers are freed before you.