By Blizzard
From September 20-October 6
“First celebrated by the dwarves, Brewfest now holds appeal among all the races of Azeroth!”
Do you love eating delicious faire food, drinking bountiful beverages, and riding rams around barrels of apples? Brewfest has arrived and you can do all that and more from September 20–October 6.
September 20–October 6
Ironforge Entrance (Alliance)
Orgrimmar Entrance (Horde)
Completing quests and activities on the Brewfest grounds will generally reward you with Brewfest Prize Tokens. These are used to purchase most of the items you will find on sale at Brewfest.
Activities (RetailShadowlands)
ACTIVITIES - Shadowlands
Brewfest Chowdown
Slurp and burp your way through this eating contest to be crowned the Chowdown Champion. Compete with three other players in front of a panel of spectators to prove your prowess but try not to choke (literally)! The first to finish 10 plates of sausages takes home the prize. Manners optional. Speak with Etga (Horde) or Britta Steinhart (Alliance) to participate. Prize: 1 Brewfest Chowdown Champion Token.
Timed Events
Every half hour a group of alementals or hozen will show up to destroy the Brewfest grounds. Put a stop to their shenanigans for a reward once a day.
Chug ‘n Chuck Alementals
Throw nearby taster mugs at these destructive alementals to put a cork in their plans.
Shoo Pesky Hozen
Unruly hozen want to monkey around—restore order by driving away these pests.
Tip: Some of these buggers are winged, so saddle up on a flying mount to reach them!
Ceremonial Keg Tapping
Join the Draenor-famous Frostwolf brewery Warband Ales for a special toast during Brewfest at 6 a.m. or 6 p.m. server time. Alliance players can do the same with the Thunderbrew and Barleybrew breweries.
Daily Quests
Complete special daily quests to obtain experience, gold, and Brewfest Prize Tokens to purchase holiday items.
Sample Fine Food and Brew
Stumble your way through the grounds while trying specialty food and brew from all over Azeroth and Draenor.
ACTIVITIES - Wrath of the Lich King
Note: This year, Brewfest overlaps with the release date of Wrath of the Lich King Classic. In order to provide the best experience, all loot from Coren Direbrew will be set at an appropriate item level for level 70 characters. All achievements from this event can still be obtained, and other activities can be completed as normal.
Seasonal Boss: Coren Direbrew
It's time to track down the source of the Dark Iron attacks and end them once and for all. Players will follow a trail of evidence that leads to Blackrock Depths, where they can do battle with the mastermind behind the attacks - Coren Direbrew. He drops special rewards including epic weapons, trinkets, and rare mounts.
Ceremonial Keg Tapping
Join the Draenor-famous Frostwolf brewery Warband Ales for a special toast during Brewfest at 6 a.m. or 6 p.m. server time. Alliance players can do the same with the Thunderbrew and Barleybrew breweries.
Daily Quests
Complete special daily quests to obtain experience, gold, and Brewfest Prize Tokens to purchase holiday items.
Sample Fine Food and Brew
Stumble your way through the grounds while trying specialty food and brew from all over Azeroth and Draenor.
Earn Brewfest souvenirs while gallivanting around Brewfest!
Garland of Grain*: A festive crown adorned with a golden pretzel that you can wear during Brewfest. |
Tabard of Brew*: Show off your love for Brewfest year-round with this tabard! |
Brewfest Chowdown Trophy*: Proudly display your Brewfest Chowdown Trophy! |
Bottomless Brewfest Stein*: Fill your Brewfest Stein at a Brewfest Festive Keg. |
Brewfest Reveler’s Hearthstone*: Return home in the most jubilant way possible! |
BREWMASTER: Completing the achievements The Brewfest Diet, Brew of the Month, Direbrewfest, Does Your Wolpertinger Linger?, and Have Keg, Will Travel will reward the meta-achievement Brewmaster. Awards the title Brewmaster.
THE BREWFEST DIET: Eat 8 of the following Brewfest foods—Dried Sausage, Pickled Sausage, Savory Sausage, Spiced Onion Cheese, Spicy Smoked Sausage, Succulent Sausage, The Essential Brewfest Pretzel, and The Golden Link.
BREW OF THE MONTH: Join the Brew of the Month club.
DIREBREWFEST: Kill Coren Direbrew.
DOES YOUR WOLPERTINGER LINGER?: Obtain a Wolpertinger pet from the Brewfest quest line.
HAVE KEG, WILL TRAVEL: Obtain a Brewfest mount, or transform yours into one using Brewfest Hops.
BREW OF THE YEAR: Sample 12 beers featured in the Brew of the Month club. Requires a “Brew of the Month” Club Membership Form.
STRANGE BREW: Acquire the Brewfest beers listed below. Don’t drink them all at once!
DISTURBING THE PEACE: While wearing 3 pieces of Brewfest clothing, get completely smashed and dance in Dalaran.
A BREW-FAST MOUNT: Obtain an epic Brewfest mount.
ALMOST BLIND LUCK: Fall 65 yards without dying while wearing Synthebrew Goggles during the Brewfest Holiday.
DRUNKEN STUPOR: Fall 65 yards without dying while completely smashed during the Brewfest Holiday.
DOWN WITH THE DARK IRON: Defend the Brewfest camp from the Dark Iron attack and complete the quest, "This one Time, WHen I was Drunk..."
Be sure to hop on over to the Brewfest staging areas at the gates of Orgrimmar and Ironforge September 20–October 6 to join the festivities.
*Not Available in WoW Classic Titles
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