As usually, these tactics are my own and does not mean they are the most optimal.
PHASE 1 – Might of the Valarjar
In this phase you will be attacked by
- Hymdall
- Hyrja
- Odyn
You can only attack Hymdall and Hyrja during entire phase 1.
Positioning Phase 1
Tank Hyndall on right side of the platform
Tank Hyrja on the left side of the platform
Melee on left side (attack Hyrja).
Ranged on right side (attack Hymdall)
Ranged stay spread from each other at least 8 yards.
Hymdall and Hyrja have 2 shared abilities and 2 personal abilities.
Shared abilities
Valarjar´s Bond
When Hymdall and Hyrja are within 35 yards of each other, their damage taken is reduced by 99%.
Tactic: Valarjar´s Bond
Split them up.
One tank on Hymdall on left side of the platform.
One tank on Hyrja on right side of the platform.
When reaching 25% health, it will become immune to all damage and starts to cast a healing spell.
The healing spell heals for 30% health.
The only way to stop this is that both Hymdall and Hyrja reach 25% health before one of them casts the heal.
Tactic: Revivify
Dps them down to 25% at the same time.
Hymdall Abilities
Dancing Blade
Throws a blade towards a random player that does physical dmg.
The blade begins to whirl and does high dmg every 2 sec to all nearby enemies.
Tactic: Dancing Blade
Stand Spread from each other
Avoid getting hit by the blade
Horn of Valor
Hymdall does very high dmg to all enemies within 15 yards (a whirlwind attack) and causes all players to do extra dmg on nearby players within 5 yards.
Tactic: Horn of Valor
Stand spread from each other
Do not attack this target, your target is Hyrja instead.
Only tank in melee range on this target.
If melee have to attack this target, move away from the circle around Hymdall just before he will do the whirlwind.
Run away from the circle around Hymdall just before he will do the whirlwind. Then run back in again.
Hyrja Abilities
Expel Light
Puts a debuff on a random player
After 3 sec that players burst out Holy dmg to all nearby players within 8 yards.
Tactic Expel Light
Ranged targeted
Stay spread from each other at least 8 yards.
Melee targeted
Move to the side fast, away from raid.
Shield of Light
Charges her shield and targets a random player.
Launches a burst of energy towards that player and does very high deadly dmg.
The damage is split between all players standing between the player and the energy burst.
Tactic: Shield of Light
Will always attack Hyrja.
An arrow under Hyrja will show the location of the energy burst.
Stand in front of that arrow and soak the dmg.
Stand near/in front of the energy burst when possible (backup).
Odyn Abilities
Odyn cannot be attacked during phase 1.
Draw Power
Odyn has an energy bar (0-100) in which it takes 30 sec to fill up to max.
When reaching 100 energy he will do a blast that does high dmg to every on the raid.
During this time, 5 runes on the ground will be activated.
Deactivating a rune will decrease the damage of Odyn´s blast.
Tactic: Deactivating the runes (Draw Power)
Odyn Summons 5 adds (Runebearer) that spawns from the sides of the platform.
Killing Runebearer on its specific rune will deactivate that rune.
Each Runebearer targets and chases a random player.
The targeted player gets a rune symbol on their head.
The targeted player runs to its corresponding rune on the ground.
Make sure that the Runebearer that is targeting you, is on your rune (they are immune to dmg when not on the rune).
All DPS, help killing the Runebearers when they are on the rune.
Phase 2 starts after taking the 2 adds/mini bosses Hymdall and Hyrja to 25%.
They fly away and now you will attack Odyn instead.
Odyn has 3 abilities in phase 2:
- Draw Power (same as phase 1)
- Odyn´s Test
- Spear of Light
Positioning Phase 2
Tank Odyn in the middle
Ranged stay spread around the boss
Melee around boss
Odyn Abilities
Draw Power
Odyn has an energy bar (0-100) in which it takes 30 sec to fill up to max.
When reaching 100 energy he will do a blast that does high dmg to every on the raid.
During this time, 5 runes on the ground will be activated.
Deactivating a rune will decrease the damage of Odyn´s blast.
Tactic: Deactivating the runes (Draw Power)
Odyn Summons 5 adds (Runebearer) that spawns from the sides of the platform.
Killing Runebearer on its specific rune will deactivate that rune.
Each Runebearer targets and chases a random player.
The targeted player gets a rune symbol on their head.
The targeted player runs to its corresponding rune on the ground.
Make sure that the Runebearer that is targeting you, is on your rune (they are immune to dmg when not on the rune).
All DPS, help killing the Runebearers when they are on the rune.
Odyn´s Test
Every time Odyn hits the same target, he gets a stacking buff on himself that increases hit attack speed by 8%.
When he attacks a new player the buff he has resets.
Tactic: Odyn´s Test
Tank swap when the boss has 5 stacks.
Spear of Light
The boss creates a big spear coming out from the ground.
The spear does very high dmg to any player standing within 8 yards when the spear comes out.
The spear also shoots out 5 small fragments in each direction that (if it touches a player) stuns for 3 sec and does Holy dmg.
The boss breaks the spears he created and each spear does damage to the entire raid.
Heroic/Mythic: If a player touches the spear it will also shatter.
Tactic: Spear of Light and Shatter
A circle will create under you before the spear is created. Move away fast.
The 5 small fragments from the spear are very small and can easily be missed, keep an eye out.
Any player close to a spear, break the spears one by one with intervals to have time to heal up the raid in between so it will only be 1-2 (or none) spears left when the boss casts Shatter.
Phase 3 starts when Odyn has 55% health and fight ends when Odyn has 10% health.
Bloodlust/Timewarp on this phase.
Odyn has 5 abilities in this phase
- Cleansing Flame
- Stormforged Spear
- Runic Brand
- Storm of Justice
- Arcing Storm
The boss does cleansing flame and leaves 1 out of 3 areas clear from flame (Cross, Square or Diamond side).
Everyone stack on the marker and tank boss on marker.
See images where to run with debuff (raid) or from spear (tank).
Cleansing Flame
Odyn creates flames from the ground on big portions of the platform.
Standing on the flame does high damage every 1 sec.
Tactic: Cleansing Flame
Stack on square, diamond or cross, depending on where the clean area is (see above)
Tank boss on marker (see above).
Stormforged Spear
Odyn puts a debuff on the one tanking.
After 5 seconds that debuff will explode and the tank takes insanely high physical damage.
The entire raid will also take Nature damage when the debuff explodes.
The damage on tank is decreased the further away the player is from Odyn.
Tactic: Stormforged Spear
Tank swap at each Spear.
The tank with the debuff runs far away as possible from the boss (you have 5 sec), see figure above.
Use defensive cooldown before the debuff explodes.
Healers help with defensive as well.
Storm of Justice
Odyn marks several players (a circle around you).
After 5 sec, they will be hit by a lightning bolt which does dmg to any player within 8 yards.
After the hit, a whirlwing will spawn (Raging Tempest).
Any player that touches a whirlewind will take high dmg and tossed up high into the air.
Tactic: Storm of Justice
Marked players run to the side/wall of the platform, see figure above.
Wait until you get hit, then run back again.
Arcing Storm
Odyn shoots random players from time to time with bolt of lightning.
The longer time this phase lasts, the higher dmg from those bolts.
Tactic: Arcing Storm
This is why you pop blood lust/time warp on this phase.
You need to kill boss before bolts kill you.
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