Click here to check my General Boss Guide of Cenarius
As usually, these tactics are my own and does not mean they are the most optimal.
Pictures will come during this week.
This is what I think is the best way. Remember, it also comes down to what is best for you, what raid setup you have and what is needed during the fight.
The positioning depends on what add you want to cleanse when the boss does Forces of Nightmare
He does Forces of Nightmare almoust directly at pull.
The adds that start spawning when the boss casts Forces of Nightmare are spawned on specific locations.
Top left side (Green): Tormented Souls (a big tree) that turns into Corrupted Wisps or Cleansed Wisps
Top Right side (Blue): Corrupted Sapling (small tree) that turns into a Nightmare Ancient or Cleansed Ancient.
Bottom left side (purple): Corrupted Emerald Egg that turns into a Rotten Drake or Cleansed Emerald Drake
Bottom Right side (Red): Corrupted Nature (butterflies) that turns into a Twisted Sister or cleansed Sister.
At pull – First Forces of Nightmare
The first setup of adds are:
* Wisps
* Drake – will be cleansed
* Tree
Bring the boss to bottom left side (diamond), in order to cleanse the egg first.
When adds come, tank them in the middle because of the boss aura that reflects damage.
Ranged dps
* Stand close to boss at Forces of Nightmare. but beware so you don’t stand on top of the egg because when Malfurion cleanses, it a green pool will spawn and the more players are touching it, there more it shrinks. And you need it to be untouched at start.
* When adds come Stack on the tree to share the damage from stomp.
* Nuke the wisps fast and then attack the tree.
Stand close to boss at Forces of Nightmare. but beware so you don’t stand on top of the egg because when Malfurion cleanses it, a green pool will spawn and the more players are touching it, there more it shrinks. And you need it to be untouched at start.
* Stand next to boss but beware so you don’t stand on top of the egg because when Malfurion cleanses it, a green pool will spawn and the more players are touching it, there more it shrinks. And you need it to be untouched at start.
* When adds come Stack on the tree to share the damage from stomp.
* Nuke the wisps fast and then attack the tree.
Move away from raid with Brambles and do not run between boss and adds with it.
Have dedicated players to run on the Bramble pools to remove them (players that can take damage and immune to root, for example Divine Shield).
After 20-25 stacks of Creeping Nightmare debuff, run in and out from the green pool (cleansed ground).
Second Forces of Nightmare
The second setup of adds are:
* Wisps (optional)
* Drake
* Twisted Sister – Will be cleansed
Bring the boss to bottom right side (red), in order to cleanse the Butterflies first.
When adds come, tank them in the middle because of the boss aura that reflects damage.
When Drake comes from bottom right side (diamond), one tank picks it up and tanks it in the middle.
Stand close to boss when he casts Forces of Nightmare in order to cleanse that add on red.
When adds spawn
Stand in the middle in a circle around the drake.
Focus the wisps first then attack the drake.
Move away from raid with Brambles and do not run between boss and adds with it.
Have dedicated players to run on the Bramble pools to remove them.
Use the buff from cleansed sister (that gives immunity to Shadow damage) to remove the Bramble pools.
After 20-25 stacks of Creeping Nightmare debuff, run in and out from the green pool (cleansed ground).
Third forces of nightmare
This part doesn’t doesn’t always happen because the dps will maybe take down the boss to 30% which starts phase 2. But, if it happens:
The third setup of adds are:
* Sister
* Sister
* Tree – will be cleansed, in order to regen mana for healers.
Move the boss to Top right side (blue)
Other tank, move to red to pick up the 2 Sisters and tank them in the middle.
After 20-25 stacks of Creeping Nightmare debuff, run in and out from the green pool (cleansed ground).
Ranged dps
Stay spread around the 2 sisters.
Nuke them one by one.
Interrupt: Twisted Touch of Life (this heals adds and boss).
Make sure you are not close to anyone else if u get the debuff Scorned Touch or Javelin.
Stay spread around the 2 sisters.
Nuke them one by one.
Interrupt: Twisted Touch of Life (this heals adds and boss).
Move out and away from raid when you get the debuff Scorned Tourch.
Stand near the Tree so you get mana regen.
Dispell players with Nightmare Javelin.
Start tanking boss on an outer corner.
When he does spear, use mitigation to reduce damage from it.
Tank swap at each spear.
Move away from the pool that is created underneath you and tank boss just next to the pool.
Walk backwards and alongside the outer wall at each spear/pool.
Move away from raid with Brambles and do not run between boss and adds with it.
Have dedicated players to run on the Bramble pools to remove them.
After 20-25 stacks of Creeping Nightmare debuff, run in and out from the green pool (cleansed ground).
Stand in the middle.
Ranged dps nuke the roots on Malfurion when he gets it.
Stand next to boss, not behind. This way you can avoid the pools easier.
Dps the roots on Malfurion when he gets it.
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