Click here to check my Mythic plus Guide
There are 10 dungeons in total.
Following are accessible from level 98-110:
Darkheart Thicket
Eye of Azsharah
Halls of Valor
Neltharion´s Lair
Following are accessible from level 105-110:
Assault on Violet Hold
Following are accessible from level 110:
Black Rook Hold
Maw of Souls
Vault of the Wardens
Then we have 2 more dungeons
The Arcway
Court of Stars
These two dungeons are only available in mythic difficulty and needs to be unlocked as well. These 2 dungeons unlock after you have completed the Chapter: Statecraft in Suramar. In order to get the starting quest for this storyline you need to:
* Hit 8000/12000 reputation with Nightfallen.
I´m not sure if you have to complete all the other storylines before that, but i guess so. I have listed where and how you get the other quests that start the previous storylines further up in this guide.
Once completed the Statecraft storyline, head to Shal´Aran and talk to First Arcanist Thalyssra (36:47). She will offer you one quest regarding the Arcway and one quest regarding the Court of Stars.
I have seen players that are for example lvl 100 and 110 in the same dungeon and doing more or less equal amount of damage on mobs and bosses.
And if I am level 100 I see mobs at level 100 and boss skull.
If I’m level 105, mobs are 105 for me and boss skull.
If I’m level 110, mobs are 110 for me and boss skull
Item levels from Dungeon rewards based on Character level
Character level Item loot ilvl
100 700 ilvl
101 710 ilvl
102 720 ilvl
103 730 ilvl
104 740 ilvl
105 750 ilvl
106 760 ilvl
107 770 ilvl
108 780 ilvl
109 790 ilvl
110 805 ilvl
You can enter/unlock Heroics as soon as you hit average item level of 810.
Mythic Dungeons are unlocked at 110 (except The Arcway and Court of Starts) but mobs will be too hard until you come up to higher ilvl. Looking at Heroic dungeon, Blizzard has a minimum ilvl of 810 to enter and loot ilvl is 825. If we would compare heroic to mythic which gives 840 loot, then 825 ilvl on your character seems to be a good start for doing mythic runs.
Click here to check my Mythic plus Guide
Can you get Warforged and Titanforged from Normal dungeons?
* Max level 110 can drop warforged and titanforged. First I thought titanforged only dropped at max level dungeons, but it dropped from Violet hold as well, which is a 105-110 dungeon.
Normal Rare Titanforged: awwn up to 825 (+20)
Normal Epic Titanforged: seen up to 840 (+35)

I´ve listed all the dungoens in Legion and will add the guides when the fights are more settled. For now you can Navigate through the dungeons and check out the videos and comments I have for each dungeon (stay tuned for video updates).
Darkheart Thicket Dungeon Guide
Neltharion´s Lair Dungeon Guide
Court of Stars
Loots from Dungeons in Normal mode (700-805 ilvl)
All Normal dungeons drop loots with an ilvl of 700-805 (scales to what character level you are).
At max character level, normal dungeon loot can be warforged.
Item levels from Dungeon rewards based on Character level
Character level Item loot ilvl
100 700 ilvl
101 710 ilvl
102 720 ilvl
103 730 ilvl
104 740 ilvl
105 750 ilvl
106 760 ilvl
107 770 ilvl
108 780 ilvl
109 790 ilvl
110 805 ilvl
Loots from Dungeons in Heroic mode (825 ilvl)
All Heroic dungeons drop loots with an ilvl of 825.
However, there is a chance that it can be Warforged/gem socket/Titanrofged as well.
Loots from Dungeons in Myhic mode (840 ilvl)
All Mythic dungeons drop loots with an ilvl of 840.
However, there is a chance that it can be Warforged/gem/Titanforged as well.
Loots from Dungeons in Mythic+ (plus) mode
Level 1 Regular Mythic 840 ilvl
Level 2 +1 Keystone ilvl
Level 3 +2 Keystone ilvl
Level 4 +3 Keystone ilvl
Level 5 +4 Keystone ilvl
Level 6 +5 Keystone ilvl
Level 7 +6 Keystone ilvl
Level 8 +7 Keystone ilvl
Level 9 +8 Keystone ilvl
Level 10 +9 Keystone 865 ilvl
Will add ilvl rewards when it is confirmed.