- The Max skill on professions in Legion is 800.
- You will not get your all your recipes from trainer directly. Instead you will do a quest chain containing many quests that rewards recipes. Basically your trainer has ideas of how to make stuff and you try them out and if it works, you get a recipe.
- Profession quests takes you all over Broken Isles and also requires to do some dungeons as well.
- You need a certain level to get more quests from trainer, however, while doing the main legion questline you will bump in to profession specific quests.
- There are some lvl requirements needed to obtain a new profession quest.
lvl 100 - You start the first legion profession quests.
lvl 102 - Follow up on profession questline unlocks
lvl 104 - Follow up on profession questline unlocks
lvl 106 - Follow up on profession questline unlocks
lvl 108 - Follow up on profession questline unlocks
lvl 110 - Follow up on profession questline unlocks - You need to be max level to finish the profession quest line.
You can upgrade crafted gear from 815 to a maximum of 850. Check out my guide regarding this, here.
The working material is called Shal´dorei Silk.
Shal´dorei Silk can be found on humanoids within the Broken Isles. Check my guide: Best farming place for Shal´dorei Silk.
The gear you can craft as a tailor is divided in two subgroups
- Silkweave (ilvl 715-785)
- Imbued Silkweave (ilvl 815)
You can upgrade crafted gear from 815 to a maximum of 850. Check out my guide regarding this, here.
Silkweave gear
You will obtain the patterns for making Silkweave gear by completing the Tailoring quests.
The first quest is obtainable in Dalaran (Broken Isles), in Talismanic Textiles store.
You will learn Silkweave Epailets (shoulders) Silkweave Cinch (waist) very early in Dalaran then you will obtain the rest by following the questline.
Silkweave Bracers
Quest: So you think you can Sew
Zone: Azsuna
Silkweave Gloves
Quest: The Depraved Nightfallen
Zone: Azsuna
Silkweave Hood
Quest: The Final Lesson?
Zone: Azsuna
Silkweave Pantaloons
Quest: Taking Inspiration
Zone: Azsuna
Silkweave Robe
Quest: So you think you can Sew
Zone: Azsuna
Silkweave Slippers
Quest: The Right Color
Zone: Dalaran
Cloaks are obtained from trainer.
Imbued Silkweave crafting
All Imbued armor needs to be crafted on Queen´s Grace Loom. Location is in Suramar City (40:69), see map below.
Click on the pole furthest to the left, to teleport to the hidden room (only if you have come this far in the questline). This is Queen´s Grace Loom.
To be able to make Imbued armor you need to make Imbued Silkweave which costs 3 Arkhana and 10 Shal´doei Silk for one Imbued Silkweave.
At max character level you will do that last quests of your profession quest line in order to unlock the Imbued Silkweave crafting. For this part, you need to enter Suramar in a disguise and learn some crafting from the “evil” Leyweavers. To be able to talk the citizens of Suramar City, you need to do the first 5-6 quests of the Suramar questline. Once you hit 110 you will get a quest via your Adventure Guide which guides you through the questline in Suramar to aid the Nightborne.
Once you get the disguise, you get a new quest from the Tailor quest giver in Dalaran which tells you to go back to Suramar City and do some quests for them. Since you have to go back sometimes to the Leyweavers in Suramar City, I have put a map location where they are.
Pattern: Imbued Silkweave Bracers
This is the first Imbued pattern you learn early in Suramar City after completing some quests for the Leyweavers in Suramar City as a disguised Suramar Citizen.
You now unlocked the other Imbued patterns in which some are sold to you and others are achieved by completing a quest for the NPC holding the pattern.
Pattern: Imbued Silkweave Hood
Costs: 100 Shal´dorei Silk
Vendor: Leyweaver Jorjana
Location: Suramar
Coordinates. 49:76
Pattern: Imbued Silkweave Cinch
Costs: 100 Shal´dorei Silk
Vendor: Leyweaver Erenyl
Location: Val´sharah
Coordinates. 70:46
Pattern: Imbued Silkweave Shade/Flourish/Drape/Cover (back)
Costs: 100 Shal´dorei Silk each
Vendor: Leyweaver Inondra
Location: Suramar
Coordinates: 40:70
Pattern: Imbued Silkweave Slippers
Costs: 100 Shal´dorei Silk
Vendor: Leyweaver Yaphisteia
Location: Highmountain
Coordinates. 29:26
Pattern: Imbued Silkweave Epaulets
Costs: 100 Shal´dorei Silk
Vendor: Leyweaver Phaxondus
Location: Azsuna
Coordinates. 29:46
Pattern: Imbued Silkweave Gloves
Quest: Exotic Textiles
NPC: Leyweaver Athysto
Location: Suramar
Coordinates: 27:71
Pattern: Imbued Silkweave Pantaloons
Quest: The Right Question
NPC: Leyweaver Tellumi
Location: Stormheim
Coordinates: 66:51
Other Legion tailor crafting
Bag - Silkweave Satchel (24 Slots bag)
Clothes Chest (Set out a Clothes Chest for your raid or party to try on)
- Dalaran Citizens (Craft a Clothes chest containing costumes from Dalaran citizens)
- Karazhan Opera House (Craft a Clothes chest containing costumes from Karazhan Opera House)
- Molten Core (Craft a Clothes chest containing costumes from Molten Core)
What are the rank stars in Tailoring?
The recipes you have obtained will have a star on it (rank 1). You can have totally 3 stars (rank 3).
The higher rank the less costly it will be to craft.
You get higher rank by finding the rank 2 (2 stars) and rank 3 (3 stars) recipes in the world.
For example
Imbued Silkweave Bracers, rank 1, costs
18 Imbued Silkweave
20 Stormscale
3 Blood of Sargeras
1 Runic Catgut
At rank 2 it will instead cost you
9 Imbued Silkweave
10 Stormscale
2 Blood of Sargeras
1 Runic Catgut
How to obtain rank 2 on Silkweave/Imbued Silkweave patterns
Rank 2 patterns can be bought from Lalla Brightweave located in Dalaran (Broken Shore) in Talismanic Textiles shop.
How to obtain rank 3 on Silkweave patterns
The rank 3 patterns can be achieved from reputation vendors in The Broken Isles. The Emissaries(reputation vendors) sells them. Se below for more specific details.
Rank 3 Pattern: Silkweave Pantaloons
Requires: Neutral Reputation with Court of Farondis
Seller: Veridis Fallon (Court of Farondis Emissary)
How to obtain rank 3 Imbued Silkweave patterns
Some rank 3 patterns can be achieved from reputation vendors in The Broken Isles. The Emissaries(reputation vendors) sells them. Se below for more specific details.
Rank 3 Pattern: Imbued Silkweave Hood
Requires: Neutral Reputation with Court of Farondis
Seller: Veridis Fallon (Court of Farondis Emissary)
Rank 3 Pattern: Imbued Silkweave Gloves
Requires: Neutral Reputation with Court of Farondis
Seller: Veridis Fallon (Court of Farondis Emissary)
Rank 3 Pattern: Imbued Silkweave Robe
Requires: Neutral Reputation with Court of Farondis
Seller: Veridis Fallon (Court of Farondis Emissary)
Others are achieved from dungeon boss loots.
How can I prepare for tailoring quests prelaunch?
There is a quest (Inspire Me!) at max level (110) in which a Leyweaver wants you to craft items in front of him. You will definitely save time if you gather the materials for this already now and save it in your bank/bags. Remember that you need to craft them in front of the NPC so just gather the materials for now.
- Brown Linen Robe
Materials: 3 Bolt of Linen Cloth, 1 Coarse Thread - White Woolen Dress
Materials: 3 Bolt of Woolen Cloth, 1 Bleach, 1 Fine Thread - Simple Black Dress
Materials: 3 Bolt of Mageweave, 1 Black Dye, 1 Heavy Silken Thread, 1 Bleach - Frostwoven Robe
Materials: 4 Bolt of Frostweave, 1 Eternium Thread - Spiritmend Robe
Materials: 6 Bolt of Embersilk Cloth, 2 Eternium Thread
Legion Tailors can now craft 30 slot bags
Patch 7.1 came out this week and I noticed one major upgrade. We can now craft 30 slots bag as well (Imbued Silkweave Bag). Before (7.0) we learned to craft a 24 slot bag, the Silkweave Satchel. The dev team said that they made this choice so layers can make cheap bags for alts/banks etc. Now, they gave us the opportunity to make 30 slot bags as well.
How do I get the pattern for 30 slot bag?
You get a quest from Leyweaver Tytallo located in The Grand Promenade (the same house you enter to craft Imbued Silkweave gear.
It seems that you need to unlock Imbued Silkweave crafting which you do at the end of the Tailoring quest line.
The quest is called “The Big Bag Theory”.
To complete this quest you need to enter Legion Karazhan and Recover a Bag of a Thousand Pockets and a Fel Sinew Bag.
I haven’t got the items yet but looking at the maps in Karazhan its seems that you obtain the items from following:
- Bag of Thousand Pockets: On map it shows that its in the Master´s Terrace area. But I belive its a loot from the boss Moroes.
- Fel Sinew Bag from Viz'aduum the Watcher boss platform and most likely a loot from that boss.
What are the materials from legion 30 slot bag (Imbued Silkweave Bag)
- 100 Imbued Slikweave
- 20 Runic Catgut
- 10 Blood of Sargeras
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